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White House secrets

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posted on Feb, 23 2007 @ 09:20 PM
I have been looking and can't seem to find anything...any one know any secrets about the white house? secret passages? presidential safe? self destruct button? what route the secret service would use to evac the first family?

posted on Feb, 23 2007 @ 09:44 PM

Originally posted by wdwdash
I have been looking and can't seem to find anything...any one know any secrets about the white house? secret passages? presidential safe? self destruct button? what route the secret service would use to evac the first family?

Before someone else tries to put you right....
Do you think that if these things were secret that we (normal folk)
would know such details?

We can speculate sure, but I wouldn't be hopeful of much more than that.

[edit on 23-2-2007 by pmexplorer]

posted on Feb, 24 2007 @ 09:00 AM
Originally posted by wdwdash

I have been looking and can't seem to find anything...

Imagine that...


posted on Feb, 24 2007 @ 09:27 AM
Why do you need to know?

Shouldn't some things be kept secret?

posted on Feb, 24 2007 @ 09:34 AM
Well obviously there is a very very deep bunker underneath the white house... some speculate that this can lead to a tunnel system that conects all the undergorund bases in the US... the technology was certainly there in the late 70's a good source for you to start would be the following

Richard Saunder Ph.d he has done much work on this and has a great book "secret underground tunnells and bases"

the rest as said is best to be a secret if you want to stay alive in the US

(ps one top secret their is no swimming pool in the whiote house why?>)


posted on Feb, 24 2007 @ 03:49 PM
i'm not asking for fact, i'm asking for speculation, like any other question posed on this board...

posted on Feb, 24 2007 @ 09:57 PM
I would guess that they have a facility in or below the white house that would protect them from a biological attack. Washington DC has a tunnel system below it and it wouldnt be impossible to conclude that they have an exit to this system or even maybe a limo on standby in the tunnels to whisk away the first family, but its just a guess, never heard anything concrete on the subject.

posted on Feb, 24 2007 @ 11:48 PM
Well this bird ain't talking... (chief usher)

Aaron, from Vermont writes:
As Chief Usher, in your travels throughtout the White House have you found any secret passageways? Have you heard of any stories of secret underground tunnels that were once used by the President in case of an emergency? Have ever witnessed any paranormal activity while working at the White House? Thank you for your time.

Gary Walters
There are no secret passageways at the White House. Many families have lived here and if they were secret , someone would have talked about them by now. Reference once again my story on the web site for my encounter with paranormal activity.

Although they did build a tunnel under the Russian Embassy. (I wonder if it had a periscope as in Ian Fleming’s From Russia with Love… lol. The funniest bit in that movie.)

Tunnels from Murder at 1600.

[edit on 25/2/07 by ConspiracyNut23]

posted on Feb, 25 2007 @ 07:32 AM
The swimming pool that DID exist at the White House was long ago turned into the press room.

posted on Feb, 25 2007 @ 02:21 PM

Originally posted by wdwdash
I have been looking and can't seem to find anything...any one know any secrets about the white house? secret passages? presidential safe? self destruct button? what route the secret service would use to evac the first family?

To answer your question of does anyone know these things...YES, but you dont need to know them.

Passages-IF there were any those would be for safty

Presidential safe-No, there is no safe in the white house, all the presidents stuff is kept in a warehouse (location: Unknown)

self destruct button-NO sorry nothing like that

a safter route for an evac- YES of course there is. but again that's none of your buisness, it's for the safty of the president and his family.

The only people who are going to tell you anything on this subject are people who know no more about this then you do yourself. All secret service agents and officers have top secret clearances for a reason. telling you would get us fired. Sorry but i gotta make rent as do all the other officers i work with and agents.

So the point is all your going to get is speculation man, sorry.

If you have any other questions i can do my best to answer them. but relaize there are secrets we're sworn to protect and for good reason.

posted on Feb, 25 2007 @ 08:31 PM

Originally posted by umwolves123

Originally posted by wdwdash
I have been looking and can't seem to find anything...any one know any secrets about the white house? secret passages? presidential safe? self destruct button? what route the secret service would use to evac the first family?

To answer your question of does anyone know these things...YES, but you dont need to know them.

Passages-IF there were any those would be for safty

Presidential safe-No, there is no safe in the white house, all the presidents stuff is kept in a warehouse (location: Unknown)

self destruct button-NO sorry nothing like that

a safter route for an evac- YES of course there is. but again that's none of your buisness, it's for the safty of the president and his family.

The only people who are going to tell you anything on this subject are people who know no more about this then you do yourself. All secret service agents and officers have top secret clearances for a reason. telling you would get us fired. Sorry but i gotta make rent as do all the other officers i work with and agents.

So the point is all your going to get is speculation man, sorry.

If you have any other questions i can do my best to answer them. but relaize there are secrets we're sworn to protect and for good reason.

Anyway That was a really lame/condescending response.

Look up info reguarding the DC subway system about tunnels

I'm sure they have safes at the whitehouse to hold crypto and what not.

Self destruct button....well if the nuke codes were sent lol.

posted on Feb, 26 2007 @ 01:24 PM
My post won't really help you find any secret passages. I just wanted to throw this bit of info in there, the game America's Army designed a 3D replica of the White House to help the Secret Service for simulated training on computer. Needless to say they don't let non-authorized personel to play that map obviously, this is super secret stuff.

posted on Feb, 27 2007 @ 10:27 PM
Like someone mentioned, it came out a few years ago, there is a secret subway system for use by VIPs.

There's got to be all types of fallout shelters, anti-aircraft batteries, escape routes, etc...connecting various important areas of DC and probably the Pentagon. I'm sure anyone with first hand knowledge is bound by national security not to disclose what they know.

This website has some interesting info:

posted on Feb, 28 2007 @ 12:28 AM
I guarantee you there is, and there's more than likely something of the same accord being constructed now, check out cryptome's info on the us navy facility being constructed in potomac park, one of the contractors on the sign is a well known tunnel constructing contractor.

posted on Feb, 28 2007 @ 09:50 AM

well done man! yep from swimming in water to swimming in BS and hot air eh!

There is a underground nuclear shelter at the white house though obviously its size depth and connectivity is known only to a few. It also houses a power and water generation and air conditioning plant.

Really as said if anyone is interested in this look at my previous post, get the book from the library if you cant afford it, full of lots of interesting info.



another cryptic question, in the oval office there is an unmarked hiden door by books library shelves that opens into a cupboard like small room, whats its purpose? Also wahy wqas the oval office originally made with no angles? was it a purely architectural thing or done on request by others?

posted on Feb, 28 2007 @ 10:59 AM
Here's a little information for you.

The Presidential Emergency Operations Center (PEOC) is a tube-like bunker structure that lies beneath the East Wing of the White House. Originally constructed for President Franklin D. Roosevelt during World War II, it is presumed to be designed to withstand a nuclear blast, although in the event of an incoming ICBM, the President is more likely to be evacuated to safety by Marine One. It is not the same room as the White House Situation Room, which is under the West Wing. However, it does possess several televisions, telephones and a communications system to coordinate with other government entities during an emergency. As the name implies, the area is not normally in use.

During the September 11, 2001 attacks, the center was occupied by Dick Cheney, Lynne Cheney, Condoleezza Rice, Mary Matalin, Lewis "Scooter" Libby, Joshua Bolten, Karen Hughes, Stephen Hadley, David Addington, and Secret Service agents.

And there is an electric subway system for the Capitol that connects to other buildings.

And some pictures grabbed from Google Images, they have some pretty impressive security up on the roof of the place.

[edit on 28/2/2007 by anxietydisorder]

posted on Mar, 1 2007 @ 01:28 AM
okay, i understand that the topic of the whitehouse and its occupants is a matter of national security. i'm not asking for cold hard fact here, none of you can give that. i'm actually more interested in, like, cold war contingency plans. fallout shelters. white house conspiracies.

posted on Mar, 1 2007 @ 03:30 PM
look up stuff under JEEP-1 and COG.

posted on Mar, 6 2007 @ 07:37 PM

Originally posted by satcom
look up stuff under JEEP-1 and COG.

I've read about the JEEP before but what's COG an acronym for ?

So you've got a JEEP card huh ? Your work must entail Presidential communications or something ?

edit: Ok I checked out your avatar. Air Force National Security Emergency Preparedness (AFNSEP)

[edit on 6-3-2007 by Schaden]

posted on Mar, 20 2007 @ 11:43 AM

Originally posted by Schaden

Originally posted by satcom
look up stuff under JEEP-1 and COG.

I've read about the JEEP before but what's COG an acronym for ?

So you've got a JEEP card huh ? Your work must entail Presidential communications or something ?

edit: Ok I checked out your avatar. Air Force National Security Emergency Preparedness (AFNSEP)

[edit on 6-3-2007 by Schaden]

I don't have a jeep card

COG stands for Continuity of Government...I think I spelled that right

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