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The mind is not in control.

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posted on Dec, 20 2003 @ 05:43 AM
I may be jumping out on a limb to say this but to my understanding the comon beleif is that the mind is in total control... im not sure how to explain this fully... but upon studying on my self.... i beleive our 'sub-conscious' is in full control, our consciousness just keeps it in check so to speak.

i have done slight testing on a amatuer level...such as staying up for 19 hrs.... then being totally exausted laying down, and carefully reduce the oxygen i inhale.....

my sub-conscious state becomes in control... to a certain extent, while in the middle of conscious and sub-conscious, i consciously wanted to get up, but i didnt, and in my sub-conscious level i did, i came to the computer, replied to a instant message, and then i remember looking down at my keyboard and noticing my keys were all twisted around... meaning a was where r was, the aero keys were where yiuk were.... everything was seriously screw up and i consciously said 'wtf' cause i knew it was wrong... and i consciously came back out of the sub-conscious level...what did i find? i was still laying down, so i got up and went to the computer.... and noticed i replied to my friend..... heres the thing, because ive been studying this and testing it... when i layed down i purposely wrote things related to what i didnt have up on the computer...and what wasnt going on.... so i would know if i was sleep walking.... on my peice of paper i have writen 'nothing is on screen'... i did this cause i knew i would come back to the computer first then when i woke up. always do always have.

now i dont beleive i was 'sleep walking' or anything of that someone try and explain that to me...

i think the best way to explain it would be thinking of it as a mathmatical equation... lets say the sub-conscious says 1+4=2.... our conscious mind would say '1+1=2' the conscious mind corrects the anomally the sub-conscious creates... keeping it in check... but the subconscious drives the concious mind.

if it still doesnt make much sense...sorry :-P

this may more or less be a means of telekenises or something along them lines.

i also propose this as a means to long duration intersteller flight.....

put someone in a chamber and seal it. put some sleeping gas in there... not alot, but enough to get them between the 2 states..being aware and conscious..while the sub-conscious is also there.... then slowly reduce the oxygen inside the chamber... not to the extent where they will die...but just enough...

possible effects of long duration sleep that way would probably drive a person crazy, i am not sure...

Of course i could just be nutty, i may have to go to the phychiatrist or something

[Edited on 20-12-2003 by eXtenz]

posted on Dec, 20 2003 @ 05:48 AM
You are simply starving the brain of oxygen so that it can't function properly.

Although this doesn't explain all of your question, I believe that it might help to clarify one or two things for you.

posted on Dec, 20 2003 @ 05:55 AM
i noticed i cant explain it as well as i had hoped...because i still dont understand it fully... but i clerified a few things that i wrote... such as befor i layed down i wrote down on paper 'nothing is on screen'

and when i got back up i had a msg and had replied..

and yes, i was depriving my brain of oxygen.... allowing the subconscious to act in full IMO...but i didnt do it so much as to go completely sub-conscious.. so i would notice 'anomallys' my sub-conscious throws at the keyboard being all jarbled up

also reading that ten percent, i havnt read all the way thru it yet, but i have beleived that since i first heard it...up till a few days ago when i read somewhere that the correct statement was 'we only use 10 percent at a time'

is that correct? 10 percent at a time, not 10 percent EVER...

[Edited on 20-12-2003 by eXtenz]

posted on Dec, 20 2003 @ 06:26 AM
The "ten procent" thing isn't really true. They look at the conscienceness when saying that. The other percentages are also used however, but for the regulation of the bloodstream, growth, breathing and so on. Next to this don't forget telepathic things and stuff, all the things which our unconscience sees is stored, (deja vu feeling), so you don't even know why you have the feeling with your conscienceness, because your unconscience has got the information.

It is more like 10% isn't used, instead of 10% being used, in fact.

posted on Dec, 20 2003 @ 06:55 AM
One thing is for sure. The subconscious mind controls a lot more than you think. I'm in constant battle with my subconscious mind. Here's an example.


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