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Police Protect Girls Forced to Convert to Islam

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posted on Feb, 23 2007 @ 12:44 PM

Police Protect Girls Forced to Convert to Islam

Source Link:

Extremist Muslims who force vulnerable teenage girls to convert to Islam are being targeted by police, Met chief Sir Ian Blair has revealed.

Police are working with universities to clamp down on "aggressive conversions" during which girls are beaten up and forced to abandon university courses.

The Hindu Forum of Britain claims hundreds of mostly Sikh and Hindu girls have been intimidated by Muslim men who take them out on dates before terrorising them until they convert.

(visit the link for the full news article)

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[edit on 2/23/2007 by shots]

posted on Feb, 23 2007 @ 03:35 PM
Just another example of how Islam hasn't changed much at all since its inception and certainly is no religion of peace. Virtually all the current Muslim areas were forceably converted years ago by Muslim armies, and it looks like they're trying to do the same to Europe now.

posted on Feb, 23 2007 @ 03:51 PM

Originally posted by djohnsto77
Just another example of how Islam hasn't changed much at all since its inception and certainly is no religion of peace. Virtually all the current Muslim areas were forceably converted years ago by Muslim armies, and it looks like they're trying to do the same to Europe now.

Do not worry about us, Dj. As stated, we outnumber them heavily and whilst our Governments are too pussy to do anything, it won't be long before a much larger backlash starts. Pressure is rising, let me tell you...

posted on Feb, 23 2007 @ 03:56 PM

Originally posted by stumason

Do not worry about us, Dj.

I am not DJ but can assure yes we are concerned; very concerned. If they get away with in the UK it is only a matter of time until they force it upon us.

posted on Feb, 23 2007 @ 04:02 PM

Originally posted by shots

Originally posted by stumason

Do not worry about us, Dj.

I am not DJ but can assure yes we are concerned; very concerned. If they get away with in the UK it is only a matter of time until they force it upon us.

There is only so much abuse and Englishman will take before the politeness is worn out.

Trust me when I say that, whilst on the face of it people appear apathetic, this is only because they don't want to appear to be the only one who cares. If you approach someone and start up the conversation about Islam in the UK, you quickly find out that your not alone in the frustration and anger....

posted on Feb, 23 2007 @ 04:19 PM
The civilian Christian has yet to take up the fight. The latest in the clash between Islam and Christianity has, and remains up to now, basically one sided.....Muslim running to and fro spreading the cancer through fear and intimidation. The tinder box will ignite, and the Muslim will feel the rage of the Christian....'tis a matter of time. The anger wells up inside many, Christian and Non Christian alike, unseen. The Muslim is quick to act, however, the Chrisitian is biding his time. Those in power know the clash will come. Here in America, as in Britain, in the hearts of many is a growing anger with islam. In due time it will explode.

posted on Feb, 23 2007 @ 04:32 PM

Let you Muslims & Christians have your religious war, hopefully wiping each other off the face of the planet, and leave the rest of us alone in peace

posted on Feb, 23 2007 @ 04:44 PM
Just to discount myself from the "religious war" propopent, I am not a Christian. i don't subscribe to millenia old folk tales or tribal Gods. Religion is bunk.

Anyhoo, what I was talking about was not a religious war, but rather some form of action against the creeping PC/Pro-Muslim sod anything else lobby. It sickens me. Why, when Muslims are arrested the Police "consult the community"? They bloody well don't "consult the community" when they arrest a white man. There is the MCB with their plans for British schools. There are the Wahabbi nutter's preaching hate, there are the "I must dress like a tent" crowd who appear to know less about Islam than I do.

Either they learn to live hear and live the way we live, or fudge off.

Alot of people are getting very angry. I said in an earlier post that many are upset, but feel they are alone. As a result of over-indulged PCness, they are afraid to be the first to say anything. Whenever the converstaion DOES crop up though, you can't shut people up! Everyone I know is royally pissed off and it's getting worse...

posted on Feb, 23 2007 @ 05:31 PM
Well at least

Police are working with universities to clamp down on "aggressive conversions" during which girls are beaten up and forced to abandon university courses.

So, is something done to take care of the problem.

People remember just because in modern times is Islam the one pushing and using terror to control people . . . it was not long time ago that another very well known religion use the same nefarious practices . . .

Today that other religion call itself a religion of benevolence occurs we all know how all works.

Perhaps a few hundred years from now Islam will become also a religion of benevolence so don't worry is just a few hundred years . . .

posted on Feb, 23 2007 @ 06:23 PM

Originally posted by djohnsto77
Just another example of how Islam hasn't changed much at all since its inception and certainly is no religion of peace. Virtually all the current Muslim areas were forceably converted years ago by Muslim armies, and it looks like they're trying to do the same to Europe now.

Face it, christianity was more violent and ruthless in its forced conversions, and AT LEAST islam, which is certainly guilty of it, has rules that say its not permited. Look at europe, look at the middle east, and compare how many native religions are there. In europe, a 'religiously diverse' city of the pre-global era had catholics, protestants, some greek orthodox, and maybe a couple of jews. In the middle east, there are dozens of different religions, not just different sects of one religion, and there is a wider diversity of christian practice there than in europe.

Thats because the european christians exterminated the non-christians through forced conversions and murder.

The fact that some lunatics in britain are intimidating people to convert hardly means anything about Islam in general, other than that its no better than every other propagandizing religion out there.
One girl was beaten up on the street and others have been forced to leave university."


The Hindu Forum of Britain claims hundreds of mostly Sikh and Hindu girls have been intimidated by Muslim men who take them out on dates before terrorising them until they convert.

And how much of this is hindu and sikh radicals who'd only beleive a person could convert out of their faith if they were forced?

How exactly does a 'forced conversion' work in this modern world anyway eh? In the past, christians or muslims would come into a town and start killling everyone, and force mass conversions in the entire town. How are independant students, at University, or living with their families, being forced to convert to islam?

posted on Feb, 23 2007 @ 07:25 PM
Nygdan, what have Christian actions from hundreds of years ago got to do with the current situation now? Surely one situation doesn't excuse another, especially when seperated by the centuries....

Most of the UK isn't even religious, so Christianity is not an issue here.

[edit on 23/2/07 by stumason]

posted on Feb, 23 2007 @ 07:58 PM

Originally posted by stumason
Nygdan, what have Christian actions from hundreds of years ago got to do with the current situation now?

Peoplenoted that the muslim religion was spread by force. So was christianity, and christianity by greater and far more destructive force. So how can it invalidate islam, if it doesn't invalidate christianity, especially when christianity is a pacifistic religion?

Surely one situation doesn't excuse another,

Clearly not.

Just like the actions of some muslim extremists hardly informs us about all of islam, or marks all of islam as a 'problmeatic' religion.

posted on Feb, 23 2007 @ 08:05 PM

Originally posted by stumason
Nygdan, what have Christian actions from hundreds of years ago got to do with the current situation now? .

I can answer that one, it has to do with the way in which religion becomes violent when a society is rule by theocracy, like in the times of the middle ages. . .control of the population cause so much devastation.

Now in the middle east is happening with the people that do no want to get away from the old ways and cling to ancient believes and a society control by a theocracy.

It happens with Christianity hundreds of years ago . . . and we mostly grew out of it. . .

In the middle east is happening and eventually people will grow out of it to become a more tolerant society.

But when we have governments that wants to accelerate that change with wars and foreign policies we have the problems of people fighting back with what now is call terror.

Back when it was Christianity doing the terror nobody told them what to do, time made the difference.

posted on Feb, 23 2007 @ 08:11 PM
That is not correct Nygdan. The Christian religion spread quite organically throughout Europe following the death of Christ, at first under persecution of the Roman Empire, than as the religion of the Roman Empire, then about the only stable thing left after the fall of the Roman Empire.

Of course there were scattered cases of Inquision and forced conversions within Europe, these were more the exception than the rule.

But Islam was definitely spread by the sword from its hearth in Saudi Arabia. Modern landscapes of religious distributions still reflect this reality in some areas. Whereas areas easily conquered by Muslim armies are now almost exculsively Muslim, more remote areas such as in mountains are Christian and/or animist. Note that in predominitely Christian areas in Africa, the Christians still to this day live in peace and harmony with the followers of native animist religions, while these native religions have been almost completely exterminated from majority Muslim areas.

Christianity was spread forceably in the Americas by Spain yes, but that's long after Christianity had well established itself in Europe and is again more of an exception.

posted on Feb, 23 2007 @ 08:12 PM
I just like to say although I can make an opinion out of this news I will not. The situation is the same the answere will be repetative and nothing is that suprising. I won't mention the 'I' or 'M' word incase I am seen unreasonable about the subject. The same problem politicians have admitting there are problems but it's 'peaceful' excuse.

posted on Feb, 23 2007 @ 08:28 PM

Originally posted by djohnsto77
That is not correct Nygdan. The Christian religion spread quite organically throughout Europe following the death of Christ,

No really, I am Spanish I grew up with the roots of Christianity embedded into the history of our Spanish heritage and the spread of religion, brought terror and forced religion into the new world tha spread all over the central and south America and it was not peaceful.

Even California during the Spanish control was not very peaceful it was a lot of blood and death against the natives of the new world.

Remember that the rest of north America was just getting the first pilgrims escaping religious persecutions when already the Caribbean, California, and central and south America were cleansed by Spanish Christians.

[edit on 23-2-2007 by marg6043]

posted on Feb, 23 2007 @ 08:33 PM
Yes, marg, I do agree on that point, and did in my above post. But I said that was more the exception than the rule.

posted on Feb, 23 2007 @ 08:37 PM

Originally posted by djohnsto77
That is not correct Nygdan. The Christian religion spread quite organically throughout Europe following the death of Christ

If shoving adders down the throats of pagan is organic, then I suppose so.

Of course there were scattered cases of Inquision and forced conversions within Europe, these were more the exception than the rule.

The inquisition was used to prevent laxity in their christian worship, and force medeval jews to become christian. What I am talking about is the period before that.
Christianity spread through violence, and utterly wiped out the native religions of the area. Islam also spread through violence, but at least it didn't exterminate the other religions.

Christianity was spread forceably in the Americas by Spain yes, but that's long after Christianity had well established itself in Europe and is again more of an exception.

How is it an exception? Thats like arguing that the spread of islam into persia and africa were the exceptions, or that the fanaticism of the berbers was an exception.

All the propagandistic religions spread in the company of violence. And christianity was the most violent of them all, it completely destroyed the old religions.

posted on Feb, 23 2007 @ 08:43 PM

Originally posted by Nygdan
Christianity spread through violence, and utterly wiped out the native religions of the area. Islam also spread through violence, but at least it didn't exterminate the other religions.

Well, I am not certain about the whole of Europe, but Christianity spread to Britian very peacefully, except for the odd Monk who was killed by the Pagans, rather than he doing the killing.

I am puzzled as to why you believe Chritianity spread violently througout Europe? It was first spread by the Romans, side by side with their old Pantheon until that fizzled out, then with the fall of the Western Empire, Roman Catholic monks went out to peacefully convert anyone who wasn't, such as in Ireland or England.

It wasn't until the 14th-16th centuries that Christianity took a zealous turn and the Spanish imposed the Inquisition, but that was to fight the rise of Protestantism which was seen as a challenge to the Catholic Church. So, rather than actually being religiously motivated, it was rather politically motivated in order to maintain power, with a religious spin as a reason for the masses.

posted on Feb, 23 2007 @ 08:54 PM
Don't forget even the Christians were made saints by the Chatholic inquisition. Was it not more a royal Christian campaign?
Just looked it up. Sounds to me that a Babylon society of too many mixed peoples and seperated faiths turned ugly. It's good to mix in a multicultural society untill populations and people can not live in the same house only for it to divide. To me it seems like we could be heading that way again in Europe at some point. It sounds like they copied a Muslim technique in gaining power because the Bible does not really speak of making war againsts the unbeliever unless they read historical stories of the Old Testament as an excuse for the now.
But even so the victims were also largely Christain as well. Remember it was Europeans that defeated it and like Germany of 1945 it was European power and revolts that put an order to it again not another faith or other races. We make the mess then we sort it out again these people learned and we still learn untill history repeats it self.

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