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Gene manipulation?

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posted on Dec, 19 2003 @ 11:15 PM
With the current advances in the field of genetic research, it would not surprise me if we eventually stumble upon the technology to manipulate genes. When i say manipulation i mean that scientists would be able to change the genitic structure of things. Just think of all the posibilities there would be. There would be good and bad results of this. Some of the good would be that we could virtually wipe out all genetic diseases and defects. We could also alter genes to our advantage such as increasing our life spans and what not.
The downside to such technology, would be that if it got in the hands of a person with evil intentions. It could be used somehow similar to some kind of wide spread weapon that would damage healthy genes and create defects and eventually death. So as you can see this is a two sided issue.
What are your thoughts/views on this issue. What good/harm can come out of this. I would like to hear your ideas on this issue and if the time comes when we discover this, whether it should be used or not, and whether it has the potential to do more good than it has to do more harm?

posted on Dec, 19 2003 @ 11:29 PM
There is probably experiments of that nature currently happening secretly. Today, in the news, we always hear of cloning animals. I don't see cloning as being to far away from altering our genetic structure. I know that genetic alterations happen naturally, to produce certain defects. To alter human genes to our liking is akin to being a "god" of our own species.

It is scary to have people do this if it is in the wrong people's hands. But, with our technology, I don't doubt there are tests like these already happening.

Every avenue of scientifical experimentation possible is going to be pursued.

posted on Dec, 20 2003 @ 10:56 PM
I honestly do not think that it should be used if we ever become that technologically advanced. we should not mess around with nature. it will only lead us into trouble, in my opinion.

posted on Dec, 21 2003 @ 04:53 AM
experiments in wich we change the genetic structure of living species [cells, animals] are aleady going on for a long time. Its possible to transfect genes in cells so those gens get expressed, its also possible to knock-out genes in the genome so that those genes are silenced..Those are actually often used methods to investigate gene-expression and the pathways involved.
pz, joz

posted on Dec, 21 2003 @ 06:59 AM
People have probably already been manipulated thru all those 'shots' they make you have from birth up to the day you die. Who know's what it's done to our genetics.

posted on Dec, 23 2003 @ 08:17 AM
We already DO manipulate genes, and have been doing this for years. Remember the flap over GM (genetically modified) crops? Or the fish that will be sold commercially next year that glow flourescent refzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz/

You can only do GM on one-celled embryos. There's no way to spread the gene change throughout an organism once it's beyond the single cell stage.


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