posted on Feb, 21 2007 @ 11:11 PM
It was 1977, give or take a year, but I'm sure it was '77. Aurora, Illinois.
I was 9 years old. My best friend was spending the night with me. We were wound up and couldn't sleep. It was approximatly 3:00-3:30 am. We went
downstairs and eventually looked thru our big picture window.
We saw a big, luminescent, orange ball. It was actually pretty close to us. It was less than half a block away. I remember it as not being very
high off of the ground. Maybe at roof top level or just a little above that. It was perfectly still.
My friend and I actually thought it was the sun rise. But the object was west of us instead of east. It was still dark out except for the big orange
ball. I remember my mom was in bed awake and we were telling her about the sun rise. She didn't get up to see it but she still remembers having
that conversation with us.
Anyway, that's my best UFO story. Completely abnormal occurance but in the eyes of two 9 year olds it was a "normal" thing. (The sun rise.)
I wish that the fact that I was looking at a UFO had occured to me when I was looking at it. Only time I've ever saw it.
As for the UFO itself, it doesn't seem that those types of UFOs are the norm. (Big, luminescent, orange ball)
Not saying that it was an alien craft but I have no idea what it was.