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Is ATS a Cult?

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posted on Feb, 21 2007 @ 12:06 PM
Aren't words interesting?

Some words are like ships, meant to carry a whole host of images.
I would count words like paradise, universe, microcosm, etc in this group.

Other words are rarely used, and even feared, though perhaps not forbidden. I'd count words like cant, pussy and vagina in there. ...Funny how there's no words for the one thing we all came out of, and which we can all relate to in some way. English sure is a stupid language. I threw cant in there because I always know I can.

Oh wait now I don't want you to misunderstand my post above, so let me post here the particulat Term and Condition I am possibly skating next to:

1b.) Profanity: You will not use profanity in our forums, and will neither post with language or content that is obscene, sexually oriented, or sexually suggestive nor link to sites that contain such content.

...Now it is my contention that ATS will never really truely be ABOVE Top Secret because humans are sexual creatures, and failure to acknowledge that means true revelation will be deliviered elsewhere. All these domains and not one where I can talk about my pussy? Oh wait, I guess BTS has a cat discussion forum.

Then there are words which are meant to cause divisions, and are meant to separate the crowd into two, then four, then eight groups, and so on. I would include words like unclean, them, us and maybe even colors could be considered in this group. Weird huh? We can say one thing for certain, and that is that ATS will not be participating in any Above Top Secret discussion that is ADULT in content. Does this mean that ATS will always remain in the realm of children?

ANYWAY this post is about one word, which is very important for you to understand, and it is the word cult.

People will tell you what they think a cult is. When I was inside a cult (raised inside and home schooled also) for my childhood and young adulthood, the cult I was in had their own definition for "Cult". Their definition of this word went like this: "A group who has a charasmatic leader at it's front." ...This group would then use their own definition to point out (to their own members) on a monthly basis, that they were not a cult "So ignore that, friends, when people call us a cult" See they did not mention the MANY OTHER ways in which they clearly were a cult. I would list these definitions here, based on my personal experiences.

1: Keeping members busy with meaningless crap. [Keeping them working and working at some future goal. Regimenting every day and hour of a member's life.]

2: Constant Guilt Trip. [Member must know that their true effectiveness eludes them. Must always go to sleep knowing they didn't do enough that day. Forever.]

3: Constant "Us-and-Them" Broadcast. [Members must always know that they are different from the rest of the world. They are the special few. Only them.]

and most importantly:

4: They OWN Your Crotch. [Members are controlled by sexual ignorance. Sexual freedom and awareness is only available at higher levels.]

...I could go on, but the whole definition of the word cult which I agree with can be found in Steven Hassan's book "Combatting Cult Mind Control" which has these and other great definitions in it. The author was a moonie and he is now probably on their #-list just like every cult has a # list of those who've left and talked #e.

There are also cult attributes which are used by all types of groups. There is a very important one which I want to mention here. It is called shunning. This has been done for as long as humans have always wanted to ditch some loser. But in social settings of today it has been taken to a whole new horrible level, where children are mentally crushed by being rejected from their own parents.

It sucks to be raised in a social world and then to have it rrrripped away from you overnight. You gots no friends, no family and no knowledge of the outside world, which you must now survivein. This scenario happens all the time in the USA.

Now there might be some who say that this is like what ATS does when someone is "banned", but I have seen that people can get re-born from being banned here if they apologize.

IMO this ATS banning is different. But still, I imagine that Moderators at ATS would certainly feel an emotional sting if for some reason their views caused them to be booted from the board. But what sort of event could cause that? I can think of a few events which might seriously test the Mod body's alignments in regards to what "truth" is.

So my personal answer to the question of is ATS a cult is no. Although the Terms of use are sexually restrictive and so any real truths which can affect humans overnight (Ha! Overnight!) will never be read here. They will always be hidden.

Anyway, KNOW THIS: Cults will kill humanity. Do not follow any man, but follow your hearts and minds FOREMOST! Never stop questioning everything! Do not allow anyone in the same room as you to weild the micraphone if they are saying things not true. Always question everything, that's what I learned and it has never failed me.

posted on Feb, 21 2007 @ 12:48 PM
I can't believe I am even responding to this thread, but I did want to point out a couple things.

1: Keeping members busy with meaningless crap. [Keeping them working and working at some future goal. Regimenting every day and hour of a member's life.]

In this case, the United States of America is a cult. Every American is kept busy with work, entertainment, etc...
How many times have you heard "What is your goals in life?" "You gotta have a goal" So in this theory we are all in a cult.

2: Constant Guilt Trip. [Member must know that their true effectiveness eludes them. Must always go to sleep knowing they didn't do enough that day

I don't know the exact statistics (I'm certain the numbers are high with all the new sleep drugs) but plenty of Americans have insomnia. I myself have suffered from it for a long time (before I had children). Plenty of people lay awake for hours at the end of each day thinking what they should've done, or could've done. Nothing is ever enough.

3: Constant "Us-and-Them" Broadcast. [Members must always know that they are different from the rest of the world. They are the special few. Only them.]

People reiterate to children all the time, you are unique, you are special. There is no one else who is exactly like you. Love who you are for there is only one you.

4: They OWN Your Crotch. [Members are controlled by sexual ignorance. Sexual freedom and awareness is only available at higher levels.]

As for this...
...what??? How would this even pertain to ATS? I for one am glad for those rules on ATS. I can (for the most part) feel safe and confident about anything I read and view here. This isn't an Adult Only 18 and over site, this is a conspiracy forum. I'm sure ATS wouldn't mind if you left them for a few moments to head over to a more sexually charged site for a few moments and "look" around. You'll be back for the conspiracy news eventually. Afterall it is a cult and you can never leave a cult!

If anything it is an addiction. I know I find myself spending far too much time here and having to force myself away. But this is far from a cult.

posted on Feb, 21 2007 @ 01:01 PM
Is a the difference between a cult and a Church not merely demographics? At their heart, a Church and Cult are essentially the same thing.

If Catholicism or Islam dwindled to the point of only having a handful of members, society would call them a Cult. With thousands or millions of members, they would call it a Church.

If ATS is a cult, with so many members, could it not actually be considered a Church?

Now there's a thought....

posted on Feb, 21 2007 @ 01:05 PM
Excuse me while I search for the right words here.
After re-reading your post, I can only assume that you've come to the
conclusion that ATS is not a cult. At least I hope so.
I'd like to think of ATS as more of a club. A club for people to join and
learn with. No requirements except a longing for plausible answers.

We are all together here, yet we are all different individuals with different
experiences. But it's so damn exciting to read a post that interests you
here, isn't it? And then actually put your two cents worth in a response?

I don't feel that ATS fears certain words or their uses. But remember, this
is not a porno site, nor a shrink's couch to vent from. It's a fun escape
to be with like-minded people that stimulate you. An anti-cult if you will !

posted on Feb, 21 2007 @ 01:08 PM

Originally posted by stumason

If ATS is a cult, with so many members, could it not actually be considered a Church?

All hail, to the mighty Forum Gods!!

I don't know the original posters intent, though. Seems rather cryptic. And I'd rather not speculate about the finer points in it.

posted on Feb, 21 2007 @ 01:17 PM

You have voted smallpeeps for the Way Above Top Secret award. You have two more votes this month.

Excellent post smallpeeps, I also spent many years in what a lot of people would consider a cult. Your observations are fairly accurate in how an organization tries to control it's members, and no, ATS isn't a cult.
Though I have seen some members refer to Admin. like they were Gods, I don't think they want us to worship them in any way.

I've seen many topics on these boards that deal with sexuality, and for a while there you would have thought the most important topic in the world was homosexuality because of all the threads that popped up.

I see no reason you can't discuss your vagina on the boards. You would just need to do it in a way that didn't include crass humour and the use of slang terms for the body parts.

Now go flagellate yourself for thinking the way you do.

posted on Feb, 21 2007 @ 03:07 PM
Ah yes Chit Chat of below top secret. ... the destination for all real conspiracy. Now seriously, if you reread my post over and over, you might see that this belongs in a much better forum.

Originally posted by anxietydisorder
Excellent post smallpeeps, I also spent many years in what a lot of people would consider a cult. Your observations are fairly accurate in how an organization tries to control it's members, and no, ATS isn't a cult.
Though I have seen some members refer to Admin. like they were Gods, I don't think they want us to worship them in any way.

AD, I have so much respect for you, that you can see this. Moving this thread to chit-chat shows me the forum gods have much to learn.

Admins are not worshipped, but political power is gained incrementally, and then used suddenly, as in the case of NetChicken or whomever that guy was who screwed ATS with his actions on Serpro. It's silly to think that people won't react when issues come up and a Mod gets deleted. It's not anything I know about, being just a user but I am amazed that this goes to Chit Chat. Less discussion is better, I guess. But there are cultists who are VERY VERY VERY subtle and who will organize a whole forum with astoundingly open ideas, and yet that forum will always avoid a few key ideas. From the outside it looks normal, entirely.

I've seen many topics on these boards that deal with sexuality, and for a while there you would have thought the most important topic in the world was homosexuality because of all the threads that popped up.

I see no reason you can't discuss your vagina on the boards. You would just need to do it in a way that didn't include crass humour and the use of slang terms for the body parts.

What I have said in my post is that humans are not ready for disclosure because they are so damn stupid and ignorant about SEX. ATS participates in that coverup. Believe me when I say that sexual freedom is the last great conspiracy and anybody living in their mom's basement who thinks that humanity can evolve without an understanding --I mean a societal understanding of obsceneity and sex-- it STUPID.

Sex is the big conspiracy, and you see how easily people say "Oh the web is getting oversexed!" SHUT THE HELL UP please because your friggin president got a blow job in the oval office. Am I allowed to say blow job?

I CANNOT DESCRIBE the loathing I have for people who raise their kids to be sexually ignorant and then whine about how society is getting oversexed. You need to FIX SOCIETY so that it conforms to what human behavior is NOT the other way around.

I really couldn't give two squirts from my vagina for the quality of minds here at ATS if nobody on the Mod list has got the balls to post in my thread here.

God damn the hypocracy I see here flabbergasts me. If you all were in slavery, how many would know it.

Anyway, as I said, ATS is NOT a cult, but they do not help people in cults either (not that this is the goal of ATS).

Truly denying ignorance includes ignorance about when people become sexual creatures. Just because the majority of ATS people exist in a totally screwed up country in regards to human sexuality (ATSers are mostly Americans), doesn't mean this policy is right. In FACT I know for real that behind this policy and the perpetuation of it is the control of humans.

If there were real truth to be given to humans, it would not be in the form of alien technology, it would be in the form of lovemaking technology. I am talking about free and open discussion of human sexuality which is IMPOSSIBLE in this forum.

Scientologists are dangerous. Does anybody wish to discuss this with me? If not, then ask yourself why. In time, you will learn why you should fear cults. They are so much more effective than what we now call a "normal human family". They have plans to enslave you all, and it's already being rolled out.

posted on Feb, 21 2007 @ 03:24 PM
True. ATS isn't a cult but it has surpassed a club and forum.

I am glad it is cyber bound. In RL it could get ugly.

posted on Feb, 21 2007 @ 03:31 PM
for 278 euros i can reveal to you the next level of truth

plz send monies orders to LYS c/o BTS.

posted on Feb, 21 2007 @ 04:15 PM
Scientology was the group I spent many years with spallpeeps, and I'm always open for a discussion about them.
I was a Sea Org. member in LA and worked at CC on Franklin Ave., but I spent time at many Orgs. all over North America while a member of the Religious Freedom Crusade.

Who knows, we may have crossed paths before.

posted on Feb, 21 2007 @ 04:47 PM

Originally posted by anxietydisorder
Scientology was the group I spent many years with spallpeeps, and I'm always open for a discussion about them.
I was a Sea Org. member in LA and worked at CC on Franklin Ave., but I spent time at many Orgs. all over North America while a member of the Religious Freedom Crusade.

Who knows, we may have crossed paths before.

Cool, I respect you for this. You must also know that Scientologists have their own Cult Escape Groups which are designed to funnel those helped right into the Scieno church.

Do you believe they are or would secretly perform human sacrifice? I believe it is so, at the highest levels. I trust them about as far as they let people see into their church.

Please note that right now, ATS member Hank McCoy is allowed to pester ATS member sleeper about sexual issues which are revealed in his blog. His questions go nowhere, and yet it is allowed because his post is not obscene.

Isn't it funny how so many alien experiences are personal, and yes may even be sexual in nature? Do you all think alien disclosure will happen through some alien landing, and not through some alien #ing?

Sex cannot be discussed if it is erotic, that is the key. Protection of children is the lowest and stupidest reason for censorship. ATS could modify its demographic and would in so doing, become a better channel for actual, useful, truth.

posted on Feb, 22 2007 @ 10:50 AM
As a former deacon in the Church of Monday Night Football, I can tell you
that it was not uncommon to see weekly human sacrifices where they
actually ate the unlucky son-of-a-gun. Yes, some were Scientologists too,
but it didn't make a difference, they washed down with beer just like the
others. Quite filling !
After the game or services ended, alien sex games were played until late
in the morning. I do believe that some of the worshippers actually
experienced erotic levitation with some of the guests.
After awhile, we had to disband because we realized we couldn't
comprehend the difference between multiple personalities and multiple

posted on Feb, 22 2007 @ 02:35 PM

Originally posted by smallpeeps

Do you believe they are or would secretly perform human sacrifice? I believe it is so, at the highest levels. I trust them about as far as they let people see into their church.

No smallpeeps, I don't think they perform human sacrifice.
I've worked with Heber Jentzsch while organizing events in the early 80's, and I think I got to know him fairly well. He always seemed to have the best interest of Scientology in his heart, and he came across as an honest and caring man that wanted to better the human condition. He seemed to fully believe that everyone on the planet could be Cleared, and he worked towards that goal.

On the few occasions I was with David Miscavige I always had a creepy feeling about him. He struck me as a man that would do anything for power and he really looked down on anyone that was subordinate to him. But still, I don't think he was eating children for his evening meal, and when we dined together it was something I prepared, or from a restaurant.

I never did get to meet LRH, but it always bothered me that the members thought of him as some sort of omnipotent being that could do no wrong.
We all know that just wasn't the case.

Please note that right now, ATS member Hank McCoy is allowed to pester ATS member sleeper about sexual issues which are revealed in his blog.

I'll have to check out sleeper's blog before I can give any opinion about Hank McCoy's replies. I'll get back too you on that.

Isn't it funny how so many alien experiences are personal, and yes may even be sexual in nature? Do you all think alien disclosure will happen through some alien landing, and not through some alien #ing?

I think a lot of alien experiences are figments of people's imaginations that only serve to cloud an already controversial subject. I just hope that these delusions don't take too much away from a serious study of the field.
It's a shame that a few crack-pots destroy any credibility that serious researchers have in a field I think is very important to our species.

Protection of children is the lowest and stupidest reason for censorship.

Our children are our future, and the protection of our children is one of the most important things we can do to ensure the future of humanity. We live in an age that allows our young to be exposed to all the evils of the world while you think they are safe at home. It's quite frightening when you think about it, and I can only hope that my generation can keep up with the technological advances in a way that preserves the innocence of the next until they're ready to be exposed to the horrors of reality.

ATS could modify its demographic and would in so doing, become a better channel for actual, useful, truth.

Let's hope that ATS will always be an open source of information for anyone, and of any age.
The only thing I could suggest is an adult forum within the boards that members only had access to after proof of age and putting up a chunk of point. Even with so many other forums on the web for adult discussion, I think ATS could create an area for adults to have a bit more freedom to converse about topics that shouldn't concern the kids.

posted on Feb, 23 2007 @ 10:06 AM
I did a paper in college about CULTS.

ATS is not a cult. It does not fit any of the warning signs. However, you may have an internet addiction. Seriously. Try to walk away from the internet for 4 or 5 days and see what happens.

posted on Feb, 23 2007 @ 08:55 PM
What an incredibly thought provoking post! Good work.

Words do hold incredible power. It is well that we remember that when we communicate in our everyday lives, and here at ATS.

When we communicate in written form, we lose voice inflection and body language - 2 key components of communication. In written form, we have only our word choice with which to express ourselves.

That makes those word choices very important ones.

posted on Feb, 24 2007 @ 02:06 PM
i doubt we are a cult,
would be cool if we were or had a mini secret group...but its a good thing we don't have cult like thinking. it can be very dangerous.

posted on Feb, 24 2007 @ 05:10 PM
And drink the cool-aid, or we will be forced to make you...The comet is almost here....hurry....

posted on Feb, 25 2007 @ 03:26 AM
Wow some very deep thoughts here.

Why is ATS not a cult?

a) It does not keep you from leaving it anytime you want, not like some governments /religions / cults / groups. No penality for leaving either.

b) The posting / moderators / members may try to convince you, but you are not forced to believe. I personally believe in the Easter Bunny and no one can force me not to!!!!
:w: ( the power of denial at work here.....) (Safety blanket... I sleep better knowing that the Easter bunny is real.)

Views / Ideas / Postings are easily read and discused without unruly and disruptive comments / members that would otherwise spoil /sidetrack /end, any interesting threads/ postings / information.

As for more adult discusions, maybe ATS could make a section where kids cannot go in and adults can describe any part of their anthomy in much more details..... just a thought. (adults must have outlets too....)

posted on Feb, 25 2007 @ 03:34 AM

Originally posted by Royal76
And drink the cool-aid, or we will be forced to make you...The comet is almost here....hurry....

Umm yeah, I'd like to have a grape or cherry kool aid, on the rocks, and hold the cyanide please!:w:

posted on Feb, 25 2007 @ 08:44 PM
Well, no matter what beliefs anyone subscribes to, they feel "bad" in one way or another for the people who don't "see things the right way". I'm guilty of it, and most people who read this are guilty of it. That is in essence what ATS is, people trying to bring people around to the "right way of thinking". There are however a few exceptions to the rule. And those people make ATS what it is.

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