posted on Feb, 21 2007 @ 07:25 AM
Have you wanted to go to Israel but money or schedules prevented you from making the trip? Don't worry, the problem is solved!!!
Now you can bring the holy land to you!! That's Right!! For only $20 (plus s&h), you can own your own bag of this fertile holy land soil!!
It has many uses, sprinkle on burial plots, plant that tree in your front yard and watch it grow!!!
That's not all, this soil packaged in a resealable package is USDA approved!!
New Product Brings the Holy Land of Israel to the United States -- Literally
All over the United States, persons of faith dream of visiting the Holy Land of Israel. Others may even wish to be laid to rest in the Holy Land upon
their deaths. And although these notions are shared by many; simple logistics, family considerations, and costs prevent most from ever realizing these
I thought I had heard of everything, Brainstorm!! Have any of you wanted to come to the Shenendoah Valley but just couldn't get around to it? I got
you covered, for $20 I'll put a heaping shovelful into a gallon, That's Right, a full Gallon Ziploc and ship it to your door.
Any takers?
(disclaimer: j/k, I'm keepin my dirt)