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Wanna know what happened?

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posted on Feb, 20 2007 @ 01:10 PM
!2000 years ago or so, a very large comet came throughour system. OThe inhabbitants of mars, who where far mor advanced than we, knew that this comet would hit their home, so they evacuated everyone they could to the closest inhabited planet, earth. this comet when it came, hit mars and bounced off, so to speak. In hitting mars, it punctured a huge hole in mar's atmosphere, causing a huge vaccume to take away everything that made it life sustainable. the comet kept on going and came a little to close to earth, causing some huge magnetic dissruptions (quakes, floods, huuricanes, ect). Also the comet, being in space for some time, had become very magnitized in parts. Now the north and south pole as we all know, are the two biggest magnets on the planet. The ice on the comet flew off and raced towards the poles. trillions of peices of ice from microscopic in size to glacier sized chunks smashed into the earth, dropping temperatures in the imediate area exponentialy.(thus freezing mammoths and such instantly). after this point most of history is there for all to find, in the bible, regardless of points of view.
Black man and chinese man have been here fo alot longer (over 100 k years)
any other questions?

posted on Feb, 20 2007 @ 01:12 PM
Where did you come up with this Theory of yours? Any reading material you could provide?

posted on Feb, 20 2007 @ 01:12 PM
"12000 years" not !2000 sorry

posted on Feb, 20 2007 @ 01:15 PM
lol yeah cause "they" let all that kind of info out for everyone. no i took all the evidence in, and took away the bs . some parts are a little fuzzy, but most of this can be proved.

posted on Feb, 20 2007 @ 01:17 PM
im a psychic, ok, i see things the way they are....(not read mids, i can sense positives and negative energies, and also I can influence what happens around me)'s my gift, or curse to see things before they happen, and to tell when a person is bs'ing.

posted on Feb, 20 2007 @ 01:18 PM

Originally posted by PerfectDNA
lol yeah cause "they" let all that kind of info out for everyone. no i took all the evidence in, and took away the bs . some parts are a little fuzzy, but most of this can be proved.

Please do! From reading your opening, I can see where some / most of your theory has germinated from. There are some parts though that are a new twist on things. So I am interested in how and where you garnered your facts to support your beleif.

posted on Feb, 20 2007 @ 01:22 PM

Originally posted by PerfectDNA
im a psychic, ok, i see things the way they are....(not read mids, i can sense positives and negative energies, and also I can influence what happens around me)'s my gift, or curse to see things before they happen, and to tell when a person is bs'ing.

Ok so you're a psychic, then provide a more detailed account as to how you came to this conclussion. I really want to know the details.

posted on Feb, 20 2007 @ 01:23 PM
thats one thing, im putting this for your benifits, not my own. I am one of those people who thinks he is more than human (or at least more of what humans should be) im stronger faster and smarter than alsmost everyone ive me....there are a few that are better in certain categories, but none so well at all three. I welcome the idea of aliens in this wolrd, positive or negative, at least the monsters of the earth will no longer be all us..

So if you need to read more, then do so, but im no ones teacher, nor anyones lackey. i am one who does not suite this world as it is...

posted on Feb, 20 2007 @ 01:25 PM
My [email protected] give me a write... if you want to know where i got it all, i gonna need years to talk.

posted on Feb, 20 2007 @ 01:28 PM
All these laws rights and ect are all a form of control But heres the real question.....if people could did know what was going on, would they want to, or would they rather live their lives as a lie? I think the majority would are ahappy thinking they are the center of the world and no one else will bother them. I for one am in the state of mind that this world iis to osmall, i wanna battle mosters and demons, Thats what I was made for.

posted on Feb, 20 2007 @ 01:31 PM
oh, and if anyone had any actual fact on anything, they would be in a world of trouble, my info though is just as good as anyone else's.
Oh and im just a young man too

If i seem like im not making sense at any point in time, let me know....i miss spots in my thoughts all the time when presenting them to everyone else.

posted on Feb, 20 2007 @ 07:52 PM
you're stronger, faster, and smarter than everyone you've met? and you have psychic powers? you want to battle monsters and demons?

please, go on.

posted on Mar, 4 2007 @ 04:47 AM
Albert Einsteign was a member of the same societies you guys so badly talk.

posted on Mar, 4 2007 @ 03:40 PM

Originally posted by PerfectDNAany other questions?

What grade are you in? Have you taken Earth Science yet?

posted on Mar, 4 2007 @ 03:47 PM
schizophrenia sounds fun.

posted on Mar, 5 2007 @ 04:07 AM
I know a crapload about "earth" science. Yes, I think Its Lol Id say my knowledge
All this "earth science" actualy corrisponds with my statement. Adn before 10000 yrs ago we reall yknow nothing ...all theories, and these peole are famous for them....not for proof, for nothing but someones opinion.

posted on Mar, 5 2007 @ 09:46 PM

Originally posted by PerfectDNA
I know a crapload about "earth" science. Yes, I think Its Lol Id say my knowledge
All this "earth science" actualy corrisponds with my statement. Adn before 10000 yrs ago we reall yknow nothing ...all theories, and these peole are famous for them....not for proof, for nothing but someones opinion.

You might want to do more reading on the subject. Your "vibes" have given you a lot of wrong information. For one thing, you haven't a clue about the size of comets.

posted on Mar, 6 2007 @ 08:45 AM

Originally posted by PerfectDNA
thats one thing, im putting this for your benifits, not my own. I am one of those people who thinks he is more than human (or at least more of what humans should be) im stronger faster and smarter than alsmost everyone ive me....there are a few that are better in certain categories, but none so well at all three. I welcome the idea of aliens in this wolrd, positive or negative, at least the monsters of the earth will no longer be all us..

So if you need to read more, then do so, but im no ones teacher, nor anyones lackey. i am one who does not suite this world as it is...

You sound like a cyborg or something. Well, from your typo's I would have to say that you are not that perfect... just to give you a little bit of insight to your flaws the following are either misspelled or typed incorrectly:
i'm (3 times with out an apostrophe)
benefits (you spelled it benifits)
almost (you typed it alsmost)
i've (again with the apostrophe)
world (you typed it wolrd)

Is this nit-picking to the utmost degree? No, because your claims of being smarter the normal have flaws - not only are there obvious typo's there are obvious misspelled words.
So as for being faster and smarter - I don't know about that (insert serious doubt). I feel that I am more intelligent then most people, and I don't want to put myself on a pedestal either - but at least I can prove it to some relative means/degree. Your claims are scientifically nullified and disrupted by your typing abilities... sorry.

posted on Mar, 6 2007 @ 08:56 AM
I have to agree with the Mod on this one. This is a little too far fetched with too much speculation. You would have to ask yourself why the DNA that is in all human beings far more similar than any other DNA on the planet. By DNA, I mean the structure containg the cromsome pairs and basic biological makeup. I understand your theory about an ancient astronaut, but you are telling me that "white" people are an alien race. Well, if there was enough technology in the past, where did all of our knowledge disappear and where are the crafts that brought us here. Also, you might want to ask yourself why we didn't prevent such a disaster. Another aspect you might want to look into is the fact that the Ice Age was not instantaneous, but more or less gradual. In parts of earth at this moment are slipping into an ice age to due massive amounts of CO2 in the atmosphere. Global Warming is actually a human assisted Global Climate shift.

posted on Mar, 6 2007 @ 08:58 AM
This thread has turned into an insult fest rather than a discussion..
:shk: Maybe someone should just close the thread.

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