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Why Americans are Skeptical of Their Role in Global Warming

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posted on Feb, 20 2007 @ 10:04 AM
Here is an article that that discusses our level of ignorance as a nation when it comes to global warming. It doesn't help when your president doens't want to be bothered with little things like global warming! He's a War president anyway

Global warming is here and denying it will not make it go away.

posted on Feb, 20 2007 @ 10:13 AM
Perhaps the powers that be realize that economic redirection from doing anything to curb Global warming takes money fron their banks and redirects that too.


posted on Feb, 20 2007 @ 10:56 AM
This BBC Story is a perfect example of why Americans think they should not be unfairly punished when it comes to addressing global climate issues. Everyone has a stake in the furure, everyone should sacrifice. China should not get a pass because they are developing.

Here's another that shows how the UK under estimates its greenhouse gas emissions.

I don't think its reasonable to single out Americans on this issue.

But, if you want to attack Americans, try attacking those who demand clean energy but resist nuclear power, those who demand clean energy but don't want wind farms spoiling their views, those who criticize our "carbon footprint" but emit more greenhouse gasses during a single coast to coast flight on a chartered or prvate G5, than someone driving an SUV emits in a year. Try attacking those fools, not all of us.

posted on Feb, 20 2007 @ 11:10 AM

Originally posted by darkbluesky
This BBC Story is a perfect example of why Americans think they should not be unfairly punished when it comes to addressing global climate issues. Everyone has a stake in the furure, everyone should sacrifice. China should not get a pass because they are developing.

Here's another that shows how the UK under estimates its greenhouse gas emissions.

I don't think its reasonable to single out Americans on this issue.

But, if you want to attack Americans, try attacking those who demand clean energy but resist nuclear power, those who demand clean energy but don't want wind farms spoiling their views, those who criticize our "carbon footprint" but emit more greenhouse gasses during a single coast to coast flight on a chartered or prvate G5, than someone driving an SUV emits in a year. Try attacking those fools, not all of us.

I thinks its perfectly reasonable to Single out Americans, if your American. Like I am and like you are. Have you ever heard of the old addage "clean up the trash out of your own backyard before you go worrying about your neighbors yard", this certainly applies here. I don't think that shifting the blame is helping the problem. Why don't we as a country lead by example instead of finger pointing? Is that helping solve the problem?

posted on Feb, 20 2007 @ 11:11 AM
If you need something to blame for the coming ice age blame the sun. In cycles dependent on the earth's position relative to the sun. the earth heats and cools cyclically. Greenhouse gases do have a small mitigating effect. However, you should be aware that Mt St Helen, spewed more greenhouse gases into the atmosphere than mankind has generated since the beginning of the industrial revolution. Those with a political agenda designed to upset the applecart should be aware that without the technology that they so despise the population of our planet would be measured in the millions not the billions. So all you humanitarians out there, I ask you which billions of us do you consider expendable?

posted on Feb, 20 2007 @ 11:20 AM

Originally posted by kleverone
Have you ever heard of the old addage "clean up the trash out of your own backyard before you go worrying about your neighbors yard", this certainly applies here. I don't think that shifting the blame is helping the problem. Why don't we as a country lead by example instead of finger pointing? Is that helping solve the problem?

What is your proposal for cleaning up our back yard? I'm just curious since your first post was nothing more than "finger pointing" at Americans....but only certain Americans apparently.

posted on Feb, 20 2007 @ 11:26 AM
Kyoto Protocol: That sums it up! The US didn't sign the agreement

The Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change is an amendment to the international treaty on climate change, assigning mandatory targets for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions to signatory nations.

Kyoto Protocol per Wikopedia

posted on Feb, 20 2007 @ 11:27 AM
Humans don't want to take responsibility for anything.. It's really that simple.

posted on Feb, 20 2007 @ 11:29 AM
The US government has bread an entire country full of egotistical, violent, selfish, undeserving, and ignorant human beings. All comercials are for SUV's and Trucks! It's the US government's fault for most of the problems. When George W Bush entered as President, he relieved Big Business of their environmental restirctions!

posted on Feb, 20 2007 @ 11:32 AM

Originally posted by AlphaAnuOmega
Kyoto Protocol: That sums it up! The US didn't sign the agreement

The Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change is an amendment to the international treaty on climate change, assigning mandatory targets for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions to signatory nations.

Kyoto Protocol per Wikopedia

Neither did Australia and the European countries that did sign did it only after changes were made. The others jumped to sign it because they had absolutely nothing to change to stay within the restrictions set forth and some would actually make money off of the global taxation it imposes or by selling their countries surplus emission credits to other nations.

Though I could be mistaken.

Its just fun to blame America for everything. Like its fun to blame white people or rich people or the Jews or whatever the flavor of the day happens to be.

posted on Feb, 20 2007 @ 11:34 AM

Originally posted by merllyynn
However, you should be aware that Mt St Helen, spewed more greenhouse gases into the atmosphere than mankind has generated since the beginning of the industrial revolution.

You should also be aware that:
A) Volcanos emit almost mroe materials that block solar energy and heat as they do materials that trap heat. This is something that the we do not do.
B) Volcanos + Industrial output > Volcano output.
C) Source for that claim?
D) If you're using the volcano angle, you should do some more reading into the effects of volcanos on the environment.

On the Big Island, we have a significant natural source of greenhouse gas. Kilauea volcano emits more than 700,000 tons of CO2 each year, less than 0.01% of the yearly global contribution by human sources. For some local perspective, this is about the same amount of CO2 as is emitted by 132,000 sport utility vehicles (there are 118,000 registered vehicles on the island).


This is a far cry from what you're suggesting with Mt. St. Helens single eruption vs. a volcano that is constantly erupting. Volcanos contribute approxomately 110 million tons of CO2 each year, vs 10 billion tons by humans.

^--- Sources at the end of artice.

posted on Feb, 20 2007 @ 11:38 AM
A country with a massive output of CO2 And CO should do something to restrict it. We were given the option to have a joint venture with Toyota and their hybrids. The US said no. The US produces more CO2 than any country! It's not just blame, it's a fact. I just wish that the US government was such a corporate government. All they are interested in is Oil. Korea has nuclear technology, ie) a-bomb, Iraq has, oil. Let's invade Iraq and make that a big spectical to make everyone forget about A-Bombs, and then lets say that it's because of WMD, and then change it and say it's for Iraqi Freedom, and then change it and say, they aren't doing it the way we want it...and then extend the tours of troops in Iraq, then extend the stays of troops in other middle eastern countries, then let's send more troops in...the government could have easily saved $12 trillion and invested that in alternative fuels... that's the point I want to make...

posted on Feb, 20 2007 @ 11:41 AM

Originally posted by darkbluesky

Originally posted by kleverone
Have you ever heard of the old addage "clean up the trash out of your own backyard before you go worrying about your neighbors yard", this certainly applies here. I don't think that shifting the blame is helping the problem. Why don't we as a country lead by example instead of finger pointing? Is that helping solve the problem?

What is your proposal for cleaning up our back yard? I'm just curious since your first post was nothing more than "finger pointing" at Americans....but only certain Americans apparently.

How about more research into hydrogen fuel? Also please show me where I finger pointed? I was simply posting an article that showcased the idea that Americans refuse to take responsibility for our actions. I also stated that Bush is not intersested in hearing about global warming and doesn't see it as a problem. Which is a fact. Please show me how I pointed fingers????????????????????????

posted on Feb, 20 2007 @ 11:47 AM
I know of a way to make an abundance of Hydrogen fuel, so does the government. The last inventor who had this technology was not approved by the US government. They said he was a fraud. When the European governments approved his work, he unexpectedly died.

Stan Meyer, look up Hydrogen booster. The physics we learn in the US is slightly different than that in European countries. I work with someone from Russia and they know that the US is teaching Pro US and Pro Oil science.

posted on Feb, 20 2007 @ 12:03 PM

Originally posted by AlphaAnuOmega
A country with a massive output of CO2 And CO should do something to restrict it. We were given the option to have a joint venture with Toyota and their hybrids. The US said no.

Uhh... when was this? When Toyota was developing the Prius, GM owned 25% of them.

Also, GM had an electric car well before anyone else, but no one would buy it. In addition, diesels have been getting the same mileage as hybrid all along, you'll notice the recent quiet drop in the mpg of the Prius. Toyota's hybrids look good on paper, but they don't translate as well as teh average consumer things. Also, check the amount of energy required to make the components, batteries, and so on, for a hybrid, and you quickly start to realize that's it's not as good as you thought. Not that it isn't better, but it's still not as good.

Home/Industrial power needs to be switched first, that would make several of the procceses to make hybrids, ethanol, etc, etc, etc... cleaner to start. You don't care if you're home energy comes from a tree-hugging hippie plant, but it does affect your car purchasing opinions.

Hydrogen... is difficult... both in terms of application, infrastructure, and repair situations.

However, when it comes to American autos, there are a few things they have to compete with vs. Japan, unions are a big one. Right now, they don't have the funds to be pouring into crazy tech moves. They have to get righted first and then away we go.

Also, lets be honest... I'm not seeing the Hybrids outselling Tahoes, so there's an economic incentive the be presented still, that hasn't shown up yet.

As far as Americans, well... we're new here... we didn't completely clear cut our lands yet. As has happened in some countries LONG ago. In fact, once we decimate the lands here as much 1/2 the rest of the world did by the 1700's, maybe we'll have the same opinion. I do, but not everyone here does.

[edit on 20-2-2007 by sp00ner]

posted on Feb, 20 2007 @ 12:06 PM
GM sold their stock with Toyota

posted on Feb, 20 2007 @ 12:09 PM

Originally posted by SpeakerofTruth
Humans don't want to take responsibility for anything.. It's really that simple.

So we hand it over to our governments who make decisions and conclusions on our behalf without our consent..

Global warming is a scam. Its been turned into a political issue.

posted on Feb, 20 2007 @ 12:15 PM
Did you look at the propoganda from the new Ford Commercial. It has the Presidential Theme, with extremely Patirotic images with these gas guzzling machines being advertised. GM's Electric car didn't sell well because it was overpriced, GM knew that. It was a test towards the oil companies. Hybrids do look good on paper and on the road. Their gas mileage is well above a Tahoe.

Chevrolet Tahoe 1500 2WD
8 cyl, 4.8 L, Automatic (4 speed), Regular 16/19 $1976

posted on Feb, 20 2007 @ 12:18 PM
Global Warming isn't a scam. It's been around since the 70' when the CO2 levels started to rise drastically. The scam has been the government telling us that there is no problem with polluting and that Global Warming is a Hoax. It is now a political issue because the US government was caught in a lie. A CEO would be forced to resign and pay a hefty fine. The US president is allowed to sit back and keep lying to us. Thanks to ignorant Americans we passed the Patriot Act and now have absolutely no rights!

posted on Feb, 20 2007 @ 12:30 PM
A moot point I know, but Earths wobble is really never discussed relative to; the sun, atmospheric gas and soforth.

Earth wobbling can cause more of the global warming than it has been given credit for it think....

Another point: We Americans should do our part to slow down global warming in all capacities possible. But so should China, and India, because not having these behemoths on board, it is pointless.

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