posted on Dec, 29 2003 @ 12:40 PM
AHAH that sounded like a wicked dream.
Quacking ducks...ROFLMFAO!!!!!
that's hilarious
btw..Bandit..if you can say "AWARE" an dit will mae you should also try spinningaround (you wont get dizzy), and rubbing ur hands. Also
looking at teh digital time, a few times to get different times as teh numbers change all the time..usually..makes u certain ur in a dream.
I've been having these lucid dreams now for about a week or so.
Last night was alright.
Has a huge army over one side of the river with guns, and my army guys on our side, nad we had to sneak covertly around then we started getting under
attack, and i was firing back but i kept missing the people..just...
Then anotehr one was i went outside to havea ciggie with my sisters friend and jsut chatting, then my sister came home, and started organising the
beds, and my sisters friend was sleeping in my bed while i was sleeping in the lounge room on a matress >