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"Conspiracy Files 9/11" BBC2 18/02/2007

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posted on Feb, 18 2007 @ 04:02 PM
I just watched it and while it appears to be an even handed account of both sides of the argument, I still found myself being gently pushed towards the official version.

Some major facts have been left out, for instance:

The remenants of the WTC's were shown, however they failed to mention that the majority had been buried before analysis could be undertaken.

Silversteins interview in 2002 was unmentioned (where he claims "we decided to pull it")

The 5TH plane (that was supposedly heading toward England) the BBC claimed previously, was unmentioned and has been hidden by the BBC since they announced it on 911 (two of my friends and myself, watching it unfold on live TV remember them saying this) Don't believe me? Try to get the whole version of the BBC's coverage....

Thermite (traces of which were found on some of the steel) was unmentioned.

No mention of the CIA's meeting with Osama Bin Laden two days before 911 in Abu Dabi

"The conspiracy theorys are just that: conspiracy therories" The "impartial" commentator says this.

I think this is the biggest attempt in the UK yet, to undermine anyone who doubts the original version of events.

Sorry guys, i just saw ther other post on this subject. didn't mean to repeat it. (edit to write this)

Mods, I don't mind if u wanna delete this cos theres a couple more more popular threads on this. (edit to write this)
[edit on 18-2-2007 by IntoTheVoid]

[edit on 18-2-2007 by IntoTheVoid]

posted on Feb, 18 2007 @ 04:09 PM

its already been discussed here, can mods make sure we only have one thread on this.

posted on Feb, 18 2007 @ 04:11 PM
I found it shocking, a complete and utter white wash. They chose the most loose conspiracy theory's there are, making out that the truth seekers are "not right". I can't believe they did the 4000 jews one, and have a sister of a victim say there all wrong and they shouldn't believe in this. Alex Jones comments were taken out and edited, making him just seem like a ranting loon, when its further from the truth. Im just so annoyed at what the BBC have put out, the last word "Conpiracy Theories are just that, theories, with no evidance to support them". They left out so many important facts its crazy and filled it up with people saying "there wrong", what the hell does the director of x-files know? all he did was make people who want to know the truth feel like there worthless and thick. Grrrr im angry because this was just a complete and utter white wash.

posted on Feb, 18 2007 @ 04:13 PM

Originally posted by estar
They left out so many important facts its crazy and filled it up with people saying "there wrong", what the hell does the director of x-files know? all he did was make people who want to know the truth feel like there worthless and thick. Grrrr im angry because this was just a complete and utter white wash.

IMO Xfiles a big disinfo/misdirection op.

I'm angry about it, but what do we expect from the British Brainwashing Corp?

posted on Feb, 18 2007 @ 04:16 PM
Well that had one objective only. To make all the conspiracy people look wierd, granted some of them are, but it didn't prove or disprove anything at all.

Playing the race card and showing a relative was to make people feel guilty and unsure to bring up 9/11 conspiracies in conversation.

posted on Feb, 18 2007 @ 04:34 PM
I agree, having watched Loose Change 2nd Edition I think that the BBC2 documentary overlooked a lot of facts and swept many of the unanswerable theories under the carpet. Instead they decided to make the show seem impartial by saying that the US government should have known about the two terrorists training to fly 2 seater planes before the whole WTC event occured. They didn't address the fact that compared to basic flying lessons in a 2 seater, to fly a passenger jet plane into the pentagon/WTC at 500 mph would be a very large step up in piloting skills for these guys. They basically pooh poohed a small handful of theories and by editing it the way they did they almost made the people who believe the theories look like they were crazy. This was not an impartial show - they must think we're all retards. Ade

posted on Feb, 18 2007 @ 04:40 PM

Originally posted by ATSade
They didn't address the fact that compared to basic flying lessons in a 2 seater, to fly a passenger jet plane into the pentagon/WTC at 500 mph would be a very large step up in piloting skills for these guys. They basically pooh poohed a small handful of theories and by editing it the way they did they almost made the people who believe the theories look like they were crazy. This was not an impartial show - they must think we're all retards. Ade

Good point, they didn't mention that the Al Queida pilot was refused hire of a CESSNA!

posted on Feb, 18 2007 @ 04:41 PM
They also forgot to mention that the "terrorists" were coke snorting, strip club attending, employees of a known CIA agent.
How odd.

posted on Feb, 18 2007 @ 04:43 PM
As has already been mentioned in this thread, this topic was already being covered:

BBC explores 9/11 conspiracy

[edit on 18-2-2007 by Koka]

posted on Feb, 18 2007 @ 04:43 PM

Originally posted by shindigger
They also forgot to mention that the "terrorists" were coke snorting, strip club attending, employees of a known CIA agent.
How odd.

No I remember reading that in the Koran, "thou shalt do coke and put twenties in panties"

posted on Feb, 18 2007 @ 04:56 PM
At the minute, the British media think that if they put something on the news, or make an hour long documentary about something, the simple British public will all believe it and be pacified until the next thing comes along that they can blow out of all proportion and get us all "panicking" about. Bird flu/Worst floods for x years/petrol prices/global warming/dangerous dogs.... what about "US Government screws over own country for world domination, then half arsedly tries to cover it up"?


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