posted on Feb, 18 2007 @ 04:22 PM
Alright....I'm going to catch some sh** from the debunkment/cynical crew here, but here goes:
I have been doing this for several years now, and I HAVE had results. Now when I say results, I'm not going to sit here and say I've had direct
contact with some ET or close flyovers from saucers.
But what I HAVE experienced is objects at a very far distance flashing at me, as well as having objects move directly over my position by asking them
to in my thoughts.
These objects are quite a ways up in the sky-if I had to estimate they are well beyond 50,000 feet, perhaps double that. I have seen them do things
that are not conventional like stop in one spot, back up,move in an "S" pattern, or simply vanish/dematerialize.
All right-Snipe away and tell me how full of it I am or how I'm merely delusional. Heh-heh