posted on Feb, 17 2007 @ 04:32 PM
lazuruswolf, you've found yourself a great site.
Before you post use the search facility at the top of the page, using keywords to narrow down your results.
A common mistake made by newbies is the posting of topics which have already been discussed.
If a you have a question that you can't find an answer for regarding a specific subject, then initiate a thread, try to choose the correct forum, I
still get this wrong on occasions, but the mods will soon put you on the right track by placing the thread in the correct forum.
There are some incredible people here ATS and as long as you show respect, you shall receive respect.
A large amount of handy information can be found here:
ATS Handbook
If you have any specific questions you have problems with don't hesitate to U2U me using the link below this post.
Good Luck....
p.s. I hail from NW London.