posted on Feb, 15 2007 @ 11:19 PM
Forgive me for making another thread contributing to the all of the other "2012" posts, you can't go a scroll without seeing two or three, but I
just personally think its crap.
I'm not trying to offend the Mayan Elders, since this is where it supposedly originates from if I'm correct, but from past expierences I just can't
see it happening. I've read other posts, and I agree, I can't wait until January 1st 2013.
So I can remember Y2K..ahem..if you still want to call it that, you know I wasnt on forums but I dont doubt there were tons of "Y2K IS HERE!1 GET
REDY!" Threads on numerous and dozens of forums across the world. In the "end", turns out it was overhyped and we all kept on existing.
Oh, 666, lol, that has to be the most ridiculous one. I admit maybe a day or week before I was little anxious, but June 6th, 2006...I woke up in bed.
I went to school. I came home. I ate. I watched TV. I went on the computer. I slept. I woke up. So far two instances didnt occur. I was expecting to
wake up to brimstone and hellfire outside my window but Instead I laughed at all of the threads on the forums about it.
Now I might a day before get anxious, as anyone might be, but I dont expect anything to happen.
Nothing will happen. According to God, we won't predict the end of the world. Of course this or any other post wont matter after December 2012,
because we'll prolly be seeing something similar to ...
"2020 - Twenty Twenty, The real Armageddon"