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Conspiracy Test

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posted on Feb, 15 2007 @ 03:04 PM
This test is so retarded, the questions imo are far too simple for such a complex supposed test.

Do you trust everything you are told or do you think there is usually truth in conspiracies?

Psychologist Dr Patrick Leman, of the Royal Holloway University of London, has devised a test to see how conspiratorial you are.

Once you have answered all 15 questions press submit and we will calculate your score. You will then be able to read Dr Leman's analysis.

Who is this Dr Leman to say? A sponsored crony?

Man this test is outright a lie!


Your responses suggest you have a high level of belief in conspiracy theories. You might have reason not to trust others, even people close to you. You may also feel that you are an outsider in terms of society and the political and business decisions that large organisations make."

YET I answer

7) My closest friends are very unpredictable. I never know how they are going to act from one day to the next: Strongly Disagree

8) When I am with my closest friends, I feel secure in facing unknown new situations.:Strongly Agree

Forgive me if this has already been posted, nothing came up on the search when I typed "Conspiracy Test"

Also I'm interested to see what result y'all get, please feel free to post 'em.

[edit on 15-2-2007 by Lysergic]

posted on Feb, 15 2007 @ 03:24 PM

Your responses indicate that you have a medium level of belief in conspiracy theories. You may well be quite trusting of your close friends, partners, those you work with and others but sometimes cannot be sure of all of them all of the time. You may also feel that your voice in terms of wider political decisions is rarely heard or acted upon, perhaps because government and big business is more concerned with their own interests than with those of the average person.

I'd say that the test is pretty weak. If you beleive that 911 was done by bush, and/or that the moon landings were fake, you're pretty securely in teh conspiracy world.

I retook the test and got the same results, but i tweaked it to be more 'satisfactory' with the world (officials are generally good, the world is rational, etc), BUT 'strongly agreed' that 911 was done by bush and the moon landings were fake. I strongly agreed that diana's death was an accident, and strongly disagreed that there was suppression of alien evidence.

So basically I made myself more like a regular person, but added in that I beleived that 911 and the moon landings were a conspiracy, and still got a 'medium level of conspiracy acceptance'.

I really think that anyone that thinks 911 was a government ocnpsiracy and that the moon landings were fake is, regardless of what else they think, deep into the conspiracy world.

The test, at best, is just measuring how many conspiracies you beleive in, and then making some statements about how you feel about your friends and the government.

As a double check, I retook it with the most conspiractorial answers (trust no one, government evil, world screwed, etc), and got the same level as Lysergic:

Your responses suggest you have a high level of belief in conspiracy theories. You might have reason not to trust others, even people close to you. You may also feel that you are an outsider in terms of society and the political and business decisions that large organisations make.

How can the test be at all accurate if it can't distinguish between people that don't trust, like, or understand their own friends, and people that absolutely do?

Its a very poor test that entirely misses the mark, imo.

[edit on 15-2-2007 by Nygdan]

posted on Feb, 15 2007 @ 03:49 PM

Originally posted by Nygdan
Its a very poor test that entirely misses the mark, imo.

Most definitely, but since it's made by a Doctor, a lot of people would assume that Psychologist Dr Patrick Leman is the undeniable expert, since he's got a title he must be all knowing.

If it's in the news it's gotta be true. right?

[edit on 15-2-2007 by Lysergic]

posted on Feb, 15 2007 @ 05:19 PM
This test seems to promote that your not that nutty if you think 9/11 was a government action because you don't score higher than 51-75. I think MI5 might have got it a bit mixed up.

posted on Feb, 15 2007 @ 07:50 PM


Your responses indicate that you have a medium level of belief in conspiracy theories. You may well be quite trusting of your close friends, partners, those you work with and others but sometimes cannot be sure of all of them all of the time. You may also feel that your voice in terms of wider political decisions is rarely heard or acted upon, perhaps because government and big business is more concerned with their own interests than with those of the average person.


posted on Feb, 15 2007 @ 08:07 PM

Your responses indicate that you have a medium level of belief in conspiracy theories. You may well be quite trusting of your close friends, partners, those you work with and others but sometimes cannot be sure of all of them all of the time. You may also feel that your voice in terms of wider political decisions is rarely heard or acted upon, perhaps because government and big business is more concerned with their own interests than with those of the average person.

I'd say that is an accurate result for me.

That's an odd test though, I don't se why they ask so many
questions about ones friends.

posted on Feb, 15 2007 @ 08:12 PM
I got the mid level belief in conspiracy's. Which means to me that I believe in some but not all which is true. I have to be show quality proof for my opinion to change. Like I believe someone else is responsible for the TTowers, but I believe that we did go to the Moon.

Lysergic, your avatar looks better every time you change it.

[edit on 15-2-2007 by Royal76]

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