posted on Feb, 15 2007 @ 12:47 AM
My best advice is "do not seek the mentor, but let him come to you." This is honestly my best advice, don't make the same mistake I did. When the
time come you will find a mentor, but do don't waste all of your energy finding one or worst of all WAIT for one. If you want to find answers, find
it from within, all the answer you need is right infront of you, and like I said, when the time is right, your mentor will come.
I also suggest you 1) keep a positive outlook 2) be confident 3) keep a spiritual life (mediate and pray) 4) build awareness, just take the time to
appreciate your surrounding 5) don't give in to worldly matter. I'm telling you these things because reflecting back, I realize that these were the
main factors why I was able to eventually AP, well sorta.
I didn't really get any further than my attic, but I will tell you one thing, before you actually astral project, you might experience this splitting
process. For me I first hear a humming sound, then I began feeling an electrical sensation running throughout the course of my body, then i felt
surreal and lightheaded, then you felt like you are splitting, kinda like when you get up really really slowly, but if feels like something is
propelling you to do so...maybe this would help you relate.