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How has family/friends response to you been?

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posted on Feb, 14 2007 @ 01:18 AM
From my personal experience, discussing the 9/11 truth issue with family and friends has not been a problem, but i can imagine that it would be for a lot of others.

My father was in the military for many years, and served in Vietnam. Even before i began to doubt the official story he was saying to me 'i bet it was the CIA, so Bush could do what he wanted'.

My Mother is a member of Mensa, with some stupidly high IQ. She has watched every documentary i have on the issue to make up her own mind, and she also now believes it was an inside job.

My Grandparents didn't even know there was doubt in the official story, they just accepted it as fact because it was shown on TV. This is what most 'normal' people do i guess. I explained the demolition / insurance policy / building 7 etc to them and they've become very interested in the issue.

My friends think i'm a bit nutty to believe Bush caused it, but we have good tongue-in-cheek debates about it anyway. They are still open minded enough to let me believe it without trying to change my mind.

How is it for the rest of you? Do the people you know hold it against you that you believe the official story is a lie? Do you agree with you? Or are they simply on the fence and interested in both sides of the story?

This may seem a little pointless, but i do have a point. It is just a way to gauge the opinions of people. I am convinced in my own mind that more and more people are waking up to the truth in the issue, and i think that by discussing it with people we know and having a debate about the facts and flaws in both arguments all of us can do our little bit to help things along.

posted on Feb, 14 2007 @ 01:38 AM
Tell people? What is this madness you speak of.
For the most part, that's a bad idea. I know a few people that don't buy the official story, and their reasons range from open mindedness, to pure cynicism, to high IQ.
However, most of the people I know, even the bright ones, refuse to even entertain the idea. I usually casually bring up the subject by saying, "imagine if the government did this and is blaming Muslims for their own gain?" And let me tell you, the response is an almost angry one. The concept of a selfish, ruthless, and uber-elitist government (or private cabal "assisting the government) is so alien to them that the mere thought elicits harsh resistance bordering on anger. These people wouldn't sit through a documentary or hear any evidence. They simply refuse to consider the idea with every fiber of their being.

That's all I've got for now, I'll sleep on it and see what else I've got tomorrow.

posted on Feb, 14 2007 @ 01:49 AM

Originally posted by Sunsetspawn
Tell people? What is this madness you speak of.
For the most part, that's a bad idea. I know a few people that don't buy the official story, and their reasons range from open mindedness, to pure cynicism, to high IQ.
However, most of the people I know, even the bright ones, refuse to even entertain the idea. I usually casually bring up the subject by saying, "imagine if the government did this and is blaming Muslims for their own gain?" And let me tell you, the response is an almost angry one. The concept of a selfish, ruthless, and uber-elitist government (or private cabal "assisting the government) is so alien to them that the mere thought elicits harsh resistance bordering on anger. These people wouldn't sit through a documentary or hear any evidence. They simply refuse to consider the idea with every fiber of their being.

That's all I've got for now, I'll sleep on it and see what else I've got tomorrow.

Thanks for the response, it is kind of what i expected.

See, i'm in Australia, so i guess the issue isn't on our minds as much as it is for everybody in the US, but we are involved enough to care. The majority of Australians, according to every poll that comes out, thinks we should have never gone to Iraq. The average bloke is starting to ask questions about the government's motives and driving force, which leads them right back to Bush.

It seems a lot easier over here to talk to people on the issue then it is in the US, which i find sad.

posted on Feb, 14 2007 @ 05:03 AM
I spent a good 2 months researching before I said a single thing to anyone. I wanted to make sure I covered every single area of what might be asked or what I was asking. I first got into 9-11 truth like probably countless others. I was set out to disprove it. Fortunately, I did my own research before I saw any of the "debunking." Anyone that has done their own 9-11 research see's the flaws in those debunking articles really fast. I might have been lazy and relied on those if I saw them first.

Then I told every single person that would give me the time.
And still do. Still relentlessly researching, not even sure why anymore. I've already convinced myself and know enough to debate anyone. I guess it became a bit of a hobby, it's just so deep and corrupt.

I hit my poor mother with physics of the twin towers. Then Building 7 which she never even saw. She's either convinced or humoring me while secretly working to institutionalize me. But the crazy old bird is still convinced that the WMD's in Iraq must have been moved into Syria or Iran
I'll have to set her straight on that one day. When that UK Airline plot happened and I predicted it would turn out to be nonsense the day of, that kind of locked it up as I revealed more and more details that proved it was. Or that cell phone buying nonsense.

I sent my father email about it, doesn't respond to it.
Still sends birthday cards so he hasn't disowned me. Possible I am on a spam filter.....

My stepdad who is a total flake and hippy, Doesn't even believe we landed on the moon. He's like your typical poster here, aliens, x-files, mainstream moonbat nonsense. So when I showed him something with tangible evidence it kind of rattled him.

My sister is too stupid to even care. I doubt she could even name 3 current politicians. Or even knows what state New York City is in ^_-

The rest of my family. They are either ardent leftist gatekeeper unionist liberals, or koolaid drinking neo-con pro war hawk lapdogs. If I could get them all in the same room, I would be the person that everyone disagreed with half of everything I had to say. Which is the whole point of the left/right paradigm isn't it?

My friends, again, like my sister. Too damn stupid. I tell them things things all the time and they don't have the mental retention to remember , let alone believe it. All they care about is booze and babes. Which I find enjoyable as well, but not the all consuming point of life , as they do.

Agree with me or Not,
at least I have a huge story to tell.

posted on Feb, 14 2007 @ 06:10 AM
I try to make sure that I tell people when they're in front of a computer so they can see the videos of WTC7.

First, nobody I've told so far even knew there WAS a WTC7. Most people's first reaction is that they can't believe that WTC7 even existed, and then they say that they must have taken down WTC7 as a safety precaution since it was damaged. When they find out that WTC7 went down at 5:00 pm on 9/11, a bit of cognitive dissonance hits them.

They know what they saw looks like a CD, and they know that they never saw it before. They then question why the news media has kept the WTC7 video under wraps. Then they either go back into the Matrix and forget what they saw, or else they believe 100% that there's more to the story than the government is telling them.

After that, I usually point them to the photo of the hole in the ground where Flight 93 was supposed to have hit. The empty hole in the ground, along with the videos of WTC7, is pretty convincing that something is weird about this story.

I then ask them if they know how a plane made it all the way to the Pentagon without being taken out by the Air Force fighters, and they admit they have no idea. A couple of people said it was because the plane took off from the D.C. airport and went straight to the Pentagon before the fighters had a chance to stop it. When I tell them that Flight 77 went from Kentucky to D.C., and the government claims that nobody saw it on radar, they usually don't believe me.

All in all, most people are simply content to go back into their trance and be pissed off at the arabs for doing this to us. Nobody has thought any less of me for bringing this up.

posted on Feb, 14 2007 @ 06:28 AM
I've had pretty similar experiences as the others have mentioned.

Initially people think i'm a nutter but after i present the info that i have spent a long time researching they become a little more open minded. I agree that most people will just accept the "official" news story but i have stunned a few friends by mentioning some of the well know grey areas.

I try to look at all the info with an open mind an advise my friends etc to do the same. If you take that approach, people can't help but notice that things just dont add up.


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