posted on Nov, 18 2008 @ 04:06 PM
If you are encountering 11:11 then you are already moving 'in tune' with yourself, no one but no one can tell you this as you have to do it so
please do not pay money to be guided.
Sit or lie in a comfortable place with dimmed lights and be warm and just float inside your head concentrating on the middle area between your eyes
and you will 'get things' from within. Feelings, thoughts, songs, smells, daydreams - you will even begin to see pictures. If you believe
spirit to be real and I can't tell you categorically they are or are not - you will find your truth - no one can tell you this or show you this as it
is yours alone.
Trust 11:11 to be your sign with whomever you feel is guarding/guiding you and when you see it - watch and listen and follow synchronicity.
Please don't be fooled into paying anyone anything I cannot stress that enough to you.
Love & Light
Hey and most of all have fun, enjoy the journey - when you don't nothing is worth it!
[edit on 18-11-2008 by Gwendoline]