posted on Feb, 13 2007 @ 12:22 AM
I need help with this. When I was 13 or 14, I lived in Seneca, Il. I always looked out my window at night. One summer night, looking out past vast
cornfields, I saw something that still gives me chills on my arms to this day, I am 35 years old.
What I say was this, A extremely large red rectagular object hovering in the sky, 3 diamond shaped objects came out of this object and circled
all around the sky relatively close to the "mothership". They circled around in all directions, and changing directions at will, only to go back
into the "mothership". Then very slowly, the "mothership" started moving upwards at a 45 degree angle, with a wisk it was gone. Leaving a bright
red streaming trail behind it. In the middle of the sighting, I yelled to my sister who was in the next room to come and look. she came in at the
end of the sighting saw it take off. So that is my only witness, at least one witness so I know that I am not crazy.
Did anyone else that grew up in that part of Illinois and witness this?