Originally posted by tezzajw
Southpaw do you believe that man walked with Dinosaurs? If so, why and what is your evidence?
What evidence do you have that aliens are beings sent by Satan?
Interesting Question. I DO... but have NO evidence to this extent. THIS is one of the things in my mind... just like YOU ALL HAVE... that
"flashes" before me... just a glimpse of something ... before... after... whatever...
Everybody sees stuff like this. I've asked all my life. Just think to yourself about it. Those little thoughts that you write off... you simply
try to make them disappear... the "whatevers"... that is what I call them.
For me?
Thermonuclear detonation.
The surface of the moon. Structures there... FUNCTIONING. What moon? NO IDEA.
Shadow People/Watchers
Missing Time
Programmed Deviation from responsibilities and obiligations.
Endtimes Visions... BAD. (common abductee trait)
Here's a gross one... any of you used to pick your nose like you were diggin' for gold when you were a kid? Theres a reason for that.
Grays. Grays. and more Grays. Only.. they are a light brown. they've got these little moles all over them. They STINK. SULFUR. BURNT
Again, I'm not standing alone on this.
The "aliens" by Satan thing... Best be is to consult the EXPERT. He's reasonable, and if you've got questions about the possiblity of abduction
the guy can help you out as well.
CALL DERREL SIMS. Ask him about the 2000 Abductees he's worked with. Ask him about discovering the "florescence anomoly". HE discovered that.
Not Steven Greer, Roger Lier, Whitley Strieber, et al. In fact, THEY have a tendancy to BASH Sims, and then take his qustionaires, his implants, etc
and use them for THEIR OWN BENEFIT. Can I prove it... Call it HEARSAY for now. But it makes me sick to my stomach. When I learned that the
"deception" crept even into ufology... I felt stupid for not realizing it MUST have been that way... that greed would begin to play a role even in
the hunt for Truth.
I've looked around. I've talked to THOUSANDS. Sims IS the Man.
Ask him about being abducted himself. Ask him about sending his OWN mole with a programmed TRIGGER which INDUCED TWO MASS ABDUCTIONS.
If you think this sounds too xfiles... just leave now. I honestly don't want to waste time with anybody that's NOT up to speed. Likewise, I
wouldn't want you to waste your time with me yet.... See... I already KNOW that you will have been told to NOT listen to this. I KNOW that you will
have an aversion to this train of thought. It is simply TOO overwhelming.
No worries. Here's our SAFETY. RESERVE JUDGEMENT. I'll do the same. When additional thoughts and arguments are presented... let's all consider
them. The TRUTH is found NOT from a THING but from a THOUGHT. The THING is there either way. Without the THOUGHT you ain't gonna find the thing...
even if it reaches up and bashes y'all like a fry pan on the forehead!
CALL SIMS. Goto www.alienhunter.org. Go SEE the evidence he has there. The website is "not all that". It's pretty sharp, but NOT for the
truthseekers that you all are... BE PATIENT. SEE THE DETAILS.
AND... if you feel you may have had abduction experience(s) then CALL him and ask him what to do to get closer to truth. HE CAN HELP.
And here's the clincher... He ain't gonna charge y'all so much as a DIME. If you wanna buy his book? I think it's like 20 bucks... just like ANY
book. Only THAT book gives you data you will NEVER find on the internet.
That guy was a SPOOK. Don't you think he has a "thing" for concealing the data til it's "time"?
Seriously... look into it. Until then...
PS- PLEASE DO NOT implement the technique described to "contact grays" either. You are going to have the tendancy to argue with me about this.
[edit on 13/202/07 by Southpaw11]