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Slavery...Who's fault was it?

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posted on Feb, 12 2007 @ 02:09 PM
Who's fault was the slavery of the early United States

A. The Rich White Farmers who bought them, and treated them like commodity's

B. The Tribal leaders, and Groups of Africans who sold their own people into slavery

Who's to blame. I just want to get the heart of the matter. Who responsible the original captors and sellers, or the buyers

[edit on 12-2-2007 by Royal76]

posted on Feb, 12 2007 @ 02:22 PM

Originally posted by Royal76
Who should African-American really be the Maddest at.

Ummm.....Intrepid? No, j/k.

Takes two parties to make a market, doesn't it? There's plenty of blame to go around.

But really, what's the point of being angry with anyone over that issue? That's a negative emotion and will do more to hold you back than you will gain from it.

No point on being "mad" at anybody. Look ahead and do the best you can with what you've got. And if you must be "mad at" someone, at least pick somebody around today. Like, I dunno, Ted Kennedy or somebody.

posted on Feb, 12 2007 @ 02:53 PM
Who should African-Americans really be the maddest at?

I would suggest no one. I was a victim of abuse. The best thing I ever did was decide to let my abusers off the hook, forgive them, STOP wasting my anger and energy on them and move on.

Anger only hurts the person who holds it.

Who's fault was the slavery of the early United States?

Why, all those who participated in it, of course.

posted on Feb, 12 2007 @ 02:54 PM
Just from another angle.

Or maybe this is a chance to show Whitey isn't at fault 100% of the time.

Maybe just 90%

[edit on 12-2-2007 by Royal76]

posted on Feb, 12 2007 @ 04:31 PM
Why should African Americans that are living today be mad at anyone over this issue?

However, I will say that as far as to who was to blame for the incident, I'd have to say that it is a mixture of both. The tribal communities in Africa had slaves longs before Europeans ever became involved in the issue. Now, as far as their being brought over to the states and such, well, I'd have to say that the rich anglo farmer's were as much to blame for that as anyone else.

posted on Feb, 12 2007 @ 05:09 PM
Mankind has always practiced slavery. It still practices it today.

The Greeks. The Romans. The English enslaved the Irish.
The Africans enslaved other Africans ... AND STILL DO TODAY!
The Millions of Euros and Africans enslaved by the Muslim Barbary Pirates!
Asian women are enslaved now in sex slave trade, as are norther Euro women.

BH is right - early American slavery was the fault of those who participated in it, and they are long dead. There is no one to be 'mad at' left alive today, and being angry just for the sake of being angry, is bad for the body, soul, and mind.

posted on Feb, 13 2007 @ 10:05 AM
I'm just trying to expand on this issue and discuss it from a different point of view.

There has and sadly alway will be many forms of slavery.

The issue I'm trying to get a feel for is the Early American one that involved Africans selling there own people to the Plantations of Early America.

posted on Feb, 13 2007 @ 10:27 AM
Royal, If you're trying to find out who is more to blame, one or the other in this specific example, without regard to any other issues in the world or history, it takes it out of context. Which is fine, but just realize that there were many other factors contributing and it's not by any means the only time that slavery has been a practice.

Having said that...

If a man sells his daughter into prostitution, who is more to blame? The father or the 'john' who takes advantage?

If a woman sells her horses to a glue factory, who is more to blame? The woman or the people who buy glue?

If a country's leadership sends its young men and women to invade a soverign nation and fight in a bloodbath war, who is more to blame? The country's leadership or the people who kill the young men and women for invading?

In all these cases, it's the people who had the "commodity" and chose to allow others to have it (for a price) who are clearly to blame. In my opinion.

[edit on 13-2-2007 by Benevolent Heretic]

posted on Feb, 13 2007 @ 12:04 PM
Maybe it's the bibles fault ? Why you may ask. Because the bible does not condenm slavery anywhere i would say it promotes it, check out in particular the old testament.

So whos fault is it ? Everyones! and if it were'nt for those early Isrealites the klan and the racist south would not of had a leg to stand on but they refer to the bible being christian/JEWS, they can infact make some crude argument for slavery to this very day

And beside the above it's an age old practice/tradition that went on for far too long.

posted on Feb, 13 2007 @ 12:16 PM
Slavery...Who's fault was it?

The Belgians were responsible for slavery. They were aided and abetted by other European nations and the Africans themselves along the way, but it was the Belgians who initiated the enslavement of blacks.

posted on Feb, 13 2007 @ 12:26 PM

Originally posted by Landis
Slavery...Who's fault was it?

The Belgians were responsible for slavery. They were aided and abetted by other European nations and the Africans themselves along the way, but it was the Belgians who initiated the enslavement of blacks.

[qoute/]Slavery, in all its repugnance, has an origin that began in ancient times when conquering armies, and tribes, in Europe and Asia found it more profitable to enslave captives than to massacre them.

Most ancient Asian nations, including the Jews, had slaves that were bought and used to perform various functions. In medieval Europe, slaves were known as serfs, a title that cast them as members of the lowest feudal order. Owned by the Lord of the Manor, they served his wishes, labored in his fields, and relied on him for sustenance.

Black slavery between antagonistic tribes existed in Africa long before the advent of the Portuguese in the 1400s. However, they and the other powerful nations of Europe developed a trading in black slaves that evolved beyond the tenet that prisoners of war were more valuable in human bondage than in death by convincing the powerful native empires of Africa that exchanging their prisoners of war, and other blacks, for European products was more beneficial than enslaving them.

I hope this nugget of information helps

posted on Feb, 13 2007 @ 12:47 PM
I believe I was specific as to which slavery I was speaking about - American slavery.

posted on Feb, 13 2007 @ 12:56 PM

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic
Who should African-Americans really be the maddest at?...

No one. They should get over it. Every ethnic group has been enslaved in one way or another at one time or another since who knows when.

Whining ad nauseum doesn't solve the problem. It only makes people deaf and insensitive to the issue because they get to the point where they no longer give a crap.

[edit on 2/13/2007 by Landis]

posted on Feb, 13 2007 @ 01:19 PM
"Mankind has always practiced slavery. It still practices it today.
The Greeks. The Romans. The English enslaved the Irish.
The Africans enslaved other Africans ... AND STILL DO TODAY!
The Millions of Euros and Africans enslaved by the Muslim Barbary Pirates!
Asian women are enslaved now in sex slave trade, as are norther Euro women."

Alot of people out there think that slavery began in either 1492 or 1776. They also like to blame the US for all the world problems. Correct me if I am wrong but I believe that the US is the only country that had a civil war over slavery. It is still the bloodiest war we ever fought. While things are not perfect here the descendants of the American slaves are doing better then most Africans in Africa. How many African Astronauts, Doctors, Scientists, Judges, Atletes, Enertainers or anyother career you can think of outside the US. I know it took 100 years after the civil war for them to get full rights but in the last 40+ years they have made as much headway as any other race that came here in the last 100+ years. Shame that they were here before any of the others but if they look forward they will succeed. They faught for their rights and are still fighting but they are winning that fight.

Now as far as Africa goes I blame the Europen Colonialist for the problems there today. Lets face it when they gave independence they left people that had no self rule for centuries on their own. This left the doors wide open for dictators and tribal wars over lands that they lost generations ago. The Europen Colonialist did the same thing everywhere that they had colonies in and today we are seeing the results of leaving a nation before they can govern themselfs. Civial war after cival war, genocide, disease, famines, poor education and much more. This why we can't leave Iraq until they are self sufficient. But I am getting way off topic.

posted on Feb, 13 2007 @ 01:53 PM

Originally posted by Royal76
Who's fault was the slavery of the early United States

A. The Rich White Farmers who bought them, and treated them like commodity's

B. The Tribal leaders, and Groups of Africans who sold their own people into slavery

Who's to blame. I just want to get the heart of the matter. Who responsible the original captors and sellers, or the buyers

Simple answer, you can't have a market without buyers.

If the result turned out to be "Whitey" would you accept it?

You are more than aware of threads that have been posted recently that relate indirectly to your initial question.

If you want an answer instead of opinions I suggest you do a bit of research, maybe read some books then come back and enlighten us, just make sure you cover all angles.

Originally posted by yeahright
Ummm.....Intrepid? No, j/k.

[edit on 13-2-2007 by Koka]

posted on Feb, 13 2007 @ 03:37 PM

If you want an answer instead of opinions I suggest you do a bit of research, maybe read some books then come back and enlighten us, just make sure you cover all angles.

If didn't want opinions I would read a book, or check a website like:

Of course who's flag did we fly under when it started? Was it the UK

[edit on 13-2-2007 by Royal76]

posted on Feb, 13 2007 @ 07:46 PM

Originally posted by Royal76
Of course who's flag did we fly under when it started? Was it the UK

This is a verbatim transcript of our previous encounter.

The British have a great deal to answer for you will never hear me deny that, in fact you will hear me blame the British for a great many of the ills which mankind now face.

Stop trying to argue the poster as opposed to the argument.....

And yet you bait me, again, with slandering the UK......its pointless, please understand, no silly baiting.

I gave my opinion and it turns out you want an argument......

posted on Feb, 14 2007 @ 01:04 PM
How come you are soooo easily offended when the UK is mentioned

I can see how easily one can be paranoid living over there, especially with "The Man" watching every move you make on a survailance camera.
Have they put camera's in your houses yet? I'm surprised a "Vendetta" hasn't happened by now.

Is it that the truth hurts
Those were English settlers who did the purchasing were they not?

"Whitey" as you might call him should except alot of the responsibility, but should he shoulder all of it

If our white leaders started capturing their own people and selling them as slave to African's would you blame it all on whitey again or would you blame the buyers

[edit on 14-2-2007 by Royal76]

posted on Feb, 14 2007 @ 01:54 PM

Originally posted by Royal76
How come you are soooo easily offended when the UK is mentioned

Its not offence you detect, its annoyance, which stems from your apparent inability to digest that which is layed out for.

I can see how easily one can be paranoid living over there, especially with "The Man" watching every move you make on a survailance camera.
Have they put camera's in your houses yet? I'm surprised a "Vendetta" hasn't happened by now.

I'm sure I would concede your point on that one, if you can explain to me what your point is. More importantly, what it has to do with the topic that you started.

Is it that the truth hurts
Those were English settlers who did the purchasing were they not?

Me thinks the truth is what has hurt you and have now launched a crusade to lay blame to what you have learnt from other threads.

"Whitey" as you might call him should except alot of the responsibility, but should he shoulder all of it

You mean "accept" and the answer is no.

If our white leaders started capturing their own people and selling them as slave to African's would you blame it all on whitey again or would you blame the buyers

"White Leaders", this confirms what I previously mentioned regarding a crusade.

[edit on 14-2-2007 by Koka]

posted on Feb, 14 2007 @ 02:48 PM
I think your annoyance is that I'm right, your countries Paranoia has taken over thus making you think that everyone is out to get you. I apologize for my spelling I have never said I am a great model for the "Queen's english". But you ignored the statement and went to try and ridicule(failure) me instead of actually reading it.

Basically would you react differently if the colors were reversed

Where a black guy sold a white guy

[edit on 14-2-2007 by Royal76]

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