posted on Feb, 12 2007 @ 10:08 AM
I was just roaming the net and thinking of my absolute distaste for Sean Hannity so decided to swing by his site for the scoop on the latest tirade of
What got my attention was the fact that he is asking for people to send in pictures of Al Gore getting onto a plane??? The link is
here for those who want to check it out! We all know him and
Ann Coulter (sorry I get the heebe jeebes by even the
mention of her name) are buddy buddy and love to promote the war agenda. So my question is this, do you think he could be cooperating with the
neocons to try to set up a hit job on gore should he make a bid for presidency?
If not he is being very specific about what kind of pictures he
I would not expect anything less from this outlet, The man behaves like a snot nosed 5 year old, and subscribes to the oriely/limbaugh tactic of
yelling loudly, or just plane dropping the caller when someone brings up a valid point that he has no interest in discussing. I just wondered if
anyone else finds this a little bit suspicious to say the least?