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New MiG-35

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posted on Feb, 12 2007 @ 06:41 AM
In past years, many mig-29 series model numbers has been called MiG-35, even includes 1.44, but the newest one, which will export to India, I think is totally different. Firstly, it is the first jetfighter out of Russia equiped AESA radar , 2nd, it would be equiped OVT nozzle so that will take much more advantage to compeite with F-22 at low altitude dogfight.
Third, if you are not interested in two point above, here one are quite mysterious to me. What's that red circled in picture? What's purpose this equipment work for? How capability it has?

[edit on 12-2-2007 by emile]

posted on Feb, 12 2007 @ 06:49 AM
Interesting picture emile. Suffice to say I do not know what that is beneath the MiG. Could it perhaps be some sort of downwards/rearwards looking IR ball?

Or maybe even just a trials camera installation?

[edit on 12-2-2007 by waynos]

posted on Feb, 12 2007 @ 08:37 AM
It has been suggested it is something akin to a LANTRIN pod, however I'm not sure whether that is correct or not.

It could also be a laser for dealing with IR missiles (however, the obvious problem with that would be its limited field of view).

posted on Feb, 12 2007 @ 08:50 AM

Originally posted by waynos
Could it perhaps be some sort of downwards/rearwards looking IR ball?

[edit on 12-2-2007 by waynos]


Whatever it is, it's much too far back for Downward Looking IR. Rearward looking? Intresting though, I've never heard of such a thing, but that doesn't mean it doesn't exist. to me it appears different then a trial camera as well.

Could it be some kind of tail warning sensor? (although I woud have expected such a thing to be mounted on the Center line)


posted on Feb, 12 2007 @ 09:31 AM
Of course it may not be what I suggested at all but tim, I'm curious how you come to the conclusion that it is too far back to look downwards? The only blind area from that position would be upwards, for instance the camera from which the photo was taken is clearly ahead of the MiG and yet the 'ball' (if that is what it is) is clearly visible.

It just seems to me that that position would be ideal for all aspect IR detection when working in conjunction with the usual IR ball in front of the cockpit. A sort of high tech 'ventral turret' like the old WW2 bomber sused to carry perhaps?

If it was mounted centrally the engine nacelles to either side would seriously reduce its field of vision.

posted on Feb, 12 2007 @ 10:57 AM

Three Quick Guesses:

1. Active Optical FLOLS receiver. Similar to the LIDAR they supposedly used to bring the Yak-138 aboard 'safely'. Particularly if this is a 'generic' testbed for the MiG-29K which is also intended forIndian adoption in one form or another aboard Gorshkov.

2. MAKS derived MLDS/MAWS system, possibly for use in combination with an active suppression regime (DIRCM). We have have been playing around with fast jet directed IRCM since the days of Have Glance/Coronet Prince. Clearly it doesn't have the coverage to support upper hemisphere attacks which is wear you're gonna eath SRM.

3. IFTS like installation.
Indeed, in one of the MiG-29OVT reviews over on the Key Publishing mentions, 'space age' technology targeting. Of course this is likely somewhat ridiculous given that-

A. Nobody 'hovers' atop a target in a fast jet which somewhat limits the need for a hemispheric coverage system (a need rapidly diminishing even more with advanced 3rd Gen/4th Gen T-wells and IAM technology coming to the fore).
B. The A2G portion of the IFTS on the E and Blk.70 is centered around a modified LITENING pod.
C. The Sukhoi uses the SAPSAN suite and there is little to be gained from repackaging that into a Sniper->EOTS type equivalent (because then you have to demount the scab to port the Targeting FLIR to a new jet).


About halfway down the page under 'Kusch' who has the same question you do.


posted on Feb, 12 2007 @ 01:39 PM
I'd been in the cockpit of a Mig-35 only a few days back at Aero India '07.

I've posted several pics of the Mig-35, Mig-29 OVT, the new Tejas, and many more on this forum >>


posted on Feb, 13 2007 @ 12:18 AM
DEWs DEWs!!!

I think its a part of complex MAW system..

How I wish it was a DEW strap on!!
So small and compact.. you could put those all over your jet!

posted on Feb, 13 2007 @ 12:47 AM
The key is what's this pod work for? For guide missile to rearward shooting? Someone told this one called IRJH for short. ???

[edit on 13-2-2007 by emile]

OK, I knew it now. Here is more detailed inforpic

[edit on 13-2-2007 by emile]

posted on Feb, 13 2007 @ 07:59 AM
A simpler and more plausible explaination may be that it is a countermeasures dispenser. Chaff, flares, expendabel ECM decoys, etc....

posted on Feb, 13 2007 @ 11:01 AM
Great pictures stealth spy

one of SS pcitures

the wheel and leg hide the *dome* but theres the pod

posted on Feb, 13 2007 @ 10:10 PM
The MiG-35 is still fresh so new advertisements wouldn't surprise me in the least. That looks like a camera that could be used to monitor weapon deployment, gear deployment, a lot of things underneath the aircraft. Although it's very plausible that it's a weapon system as well, that's just my 2 cents.

Just for analysis... The weapons on the aircraft loadout appear to be:

The two big suckers on the inside look like AA-10 (R-27) Alamos
The little ones on the end are AA-11 (R-73) Archers
The middle 2 on each wing are AA-12 (R-77) Adders

The pod we see isn't relevant to this loadout and looks like it's removable. The picture I've got is only of the showoff MiG-29 OVT but you can see that the pod definitely isn't there. This prompts me to believe that either this is a post-prototype add-in (not entirely unlikely), or it's not a weapon system.

posted on Feb, 13 2007 @ 11:33 PM
I've got to agree with above. It looks like a camera to film weapon releases.

posted on Mar, 1 2007 @ 12:59 AM
Well its not that.. atleast the Russians claim other wise..

Anyways here's a recount of one Indian newsperson who flew piggyback on the MiG35.
Incidently the first non-Russian to fly the MiG 35..

At the onset ... let me tell you ... and this is true ... that while the MiG 35 sortie was a high ... having the opportunity to sit down, eat lunch and have a couple of drinks with the great test pilot Pavel Vlasov (a Hero of the Russian Federation) ... and Mr. Byntin, the Chief Designer of the MiG 35 was wonderful. In fact ... I had had the opportunity to meet Pavel in Moscow as well, also at a lunch shortly after he flew the MiG-29KUB at its media debut (incidentally, the actual first flight of the KUB of which I have footage) took place two days prior to the media debut ... so the Russians, no fools, knew the thing flew before they brought in the international media.

Anyway ... lets fast forward to Yelahanka. My pilot would be Mikhail Belyaev who spoke reasonable English .. though with a heavy accent. We both realised the importance of keeping our conversation to a minimum ahead and during the flight so that we could get the pre-flight basics right. Later on, I would discover that Belyaev was an absolute clown ... supremely confident as a pilot with a sense of humour to match....

.....As we approached the Fulcrum ... a senior Communications person at Boeing (who I have worked with extensively on my Hornet sortie last year) came up to be a touch irritated. "Vishnu, you'll fly just about anything won't you?" she asked. She had obviously noticed my Boeing flight overalls (which didn't of course say `Boeing' anywhere). I let go a sheepish grin ... she already knew the answer ... and for those of you out there who don't ... in one word, the answer is `Yes.'

We were now next to the Fulcrum ... and I was given my bone dome ... and a cloth head cover (typically Russian) just before I got into the jet. A couple of points here ...

The Russian pilots helmet is the real deal. This one was obviously compatible with the IRST system. It was considerable heavier that the American/French/British helmets I have worn in the past. It was also, much, much, much more comfortable. In the American helmets, the sun visor is attached to the outside portion of the helmet. On the Russian ones, it is located inside ... and you need to push a release on either side of your eyes with both your hands to bring it down. It fits perfectly with the oxygen mask ... and the clarity is perfect. Belyaev later told me ... "We take our helmet to American .. and tell them ... `this is helmet for fighter plane. Your helmet meant only for small scooter." I must also confess, the Russian flight gloves (black leather) are far trendier than the heat resistant and loosely fitting American flight gloves but I am being superficial.

Russian step ladders to their jets also have a small upward facing brush (just like a broom brush) attached to the lowest step. This is meant to dust off snow from ones boots prior to boarding the jet.

The MiG 35 cockpit is considerably larger than the F-16 cockpit. Getting into the rear of the F-16 is quite difficult ... and as my pilot Paul Randall had told me .. there is no graceful way of getting in. Not so in the Fulcrum, you step off the ladder to the LERX just away from the gun exhaust and step right in ... one leg at a time. Guys, I am not wasting words here ... the act of stepping in and out of a fighter, as I have come to realise ... is a major issue.

The first thing I noticed on sitting down ... and being strapped in ... was the quality of the cockpit. For those of you who ogle at the cockpit of the Rafalle (I actually sat in one on the Charles DeGaulle carrier) ... let me be quite clear: this cockpit is as good ... for the following reasons ...

(a) Space: Because there is no clutter in the cockpit .. there is a sense of space ... Also, the new, broader canopy on the MiG 35 gives you a roomier feel as compared to the MiG 29 UB I flew.

(b) Cockpit ergonomics and configuration: There are 3 huge MFDs in front of you and a small one that serves as the HUD repeater.

(c) There are minimal switches under the arms of the pilot ... this is an out and out HOTAS fighter.

(d) Forward vision (HUD repeater) ... and this is an important point ... if clarity and depth perception is the priority ... the HUD repeater on the MiG 35 is state of the art ... streets ahead of anything I have seen on the other fighters. (Note, however, the Sea Harrier trainer, which I flew, has perfect forward visibility and does need a repeat of what the pilot in front is seeing ... It does, however, have a repeat of the HUD symbology.) My only ... small complaint about the MiG 35 rear HUD repeater is that the screen ... mounted along the pilot's line of sight ... is slightly small but considerably larger than the weird mirror image the periscope provides in the MiG 29UB trainer.

Oh yes, prior to the flight ... Mikhael asked me what it is that I wanted to do ... I was consistent with what I had told the other pilots ... `Mikhael ... the F-16 pilot took me to 8 g. Can we do the same?' Prompt came the reply .. `No problem ... we do 8g, Cobra and tail slide. OK?' I could only mumble a muted `da' in reply.

Anyhow, engine startup was like the other jets. I had been briefed on the emergency O2 system ... and the position of the intercom switch (which was on the throttle ... like the 29UB ... just where I like it). I was also shown the position of the hot switch in case I wanted to permanently keep on the intercom ... which is irritating since you hear the other pilot breathing loudly in your ear. This is where the Mirage 2000 is streets ahead of the other jets I have flown. It has a wonderful voice activated intercom ... no buttons ... no heavy breathing sounds.

As we rolled down the taxiway ... my focus was on the MFDs in front of me ... the INS display on the extreme right, engine parameters in the centre and the artificial horizon, AOA, airspeed indicator and the g meter on the extreme Left. The multi colour MFDS are large and extremely clear. I wanted to us the metric system for my airspeed and altitude ... and this had been set for me with a button push prior to the flight.

The take off run on the MiG 35 ... feels like a 747 compared to the F-16 .. it is slower ... much more refined ... and the difference between a single engine and two engines is perceptible. Don't get me wrong ... a full burner take off on any jet is still loads of fun. Mikhael veered left at low altitude on take off and then went vertical ... did a half loop and rolled out into the direction of our heading. We had done about 4.5 g ... but I felt almost nothing. That may be because the speed of the jet was slower than the F-16 ... but also may be because I have come to anticipate when the gs kick in. Also, the oxygen flow in the MiG 35 was outstanding ... very easy to inhale ... and no pressure on the lungs.

Mikhael then went into a lengthy explanation of the INS system ... pointing out our heading ... and some of the symbology on the unit ... He then said `You pilot, Vishnu' and I took control ... did a sharp bank to the right ... which he corrected by telling me to to head in the direction of the indicator on the INS display.

We kept flying for a while ... when Mikhael let me take over the controls ... we did a few hard turns ... and rolls. He then asked me if I was interested in a Cobra. No guesses on what my answer was. Anyway, there is a button on the Master Caution panel on the front right on the pilot which says "Cobra." That button has to be pushed before the maneuver can be done since the flight control system has to be overridden. What made the Cobra maneuver all the more enjoyable was the knowledge that this was a non TVC aircraft. The Cobra maneuver itself is a lot of fun ... Mikhael goes `Cobra now' and yanks hard on the stick ... the nose pitches right back ... and then he pushes the nose hard forward ... as we get into the negative g scenario .. which makes it feel like going down a psycho roller coaster. Like in the case of the tail slide … the ground rushes at you awfully quick … but there is immense power in this jet and we soon level out.

At this stage Mikhael demonstrates to me the stability of the jet by violently moving the stick around its axis … with absolutely no impact on the forward motion of the jet. The F-18 F pilot I had flown with at Farnborough had demonstrated the same thing.

We soon returned to a `You pilot Vishnu’ scenario … the part of the sortie (like in previous cases) where I choose to censor what I write though I will mention that we did 8.2g for which the Russians later gave me a certificate.

It was time now time to head back … but there was still time for a touch and go … we lined up with a runway … but touched down a touch fast … and bounced right back into the air … and which stage Mikhael decided that he would show off … plain and simple … He said `Ok Vishnu, now we do military style landing’ so he yanked hard and left … gaining altitude as we flew parallel to the runway in the opposite direction. We pulled into a violent 6 g left bank … lowering undercarriage … and leveling out pretty much on top of the runway before making a perfect touchdown. It was brilliant.

And I must say, it was another brilliant sortie … a whole lot of fun.

I anticipate a couple of questions from you guys …

1. The Zhuk radar … well, we did have it on for a short while and the resolution of the radar in the air to ground mode was considerably better than the F-16 Block 50 jet I had flown on.
2. The new Electro-optronic system … There was a huge language issue with the Russians here … they kept referring to it as a passive attack system … so I am afraid I have no details here.

Picked this off another forum.
Reproducing it only for viewing purposes.
All rights belong to the author.

Hope you guys get a lot from this!

posted on Mar, 1 2007 @ 08:53 AM
Awesome article! It's cool to see such good descriptions.

Just from reading there it appears that the Cobra button is basically an AoA Limiter shut-down, I think. Confirmation, anyone?

posted on Mar, 1 2007 @ 09:20 PM
The problem is that this guy indicated that the MiG 35 was 'non-TVC'..

That button has to be pushed before the maneuver can be done since the flight control system has to be overridden. What made the Cobra maneuver all the more enjoyable was the knowledge that this was a non TVC aircraft..

How did that happen?

posted on Mar, 1 2007 @ 10:38 PM

Originally posted by Daedalus3
How did that happen?

Either he's got the wrong plane or he just messed it up. MiG-35's are just sale versions of the Fulcrum OVT, which means 360 degree TVC.

posted on Mar, 1 2007 @ 11:43 PM
could be something like the M400 Side Looking Radar or IRST if its not a targeting pod

posted on Mar, 7 2007 @ 10:40 PM
Dream On! The Raptor would kill this thing! Do you really think the Russians would sell this to India if they didn't know it was garbage. Look how good the Russian equipment did in the 1st and 2nd Gulf War!

See links below!

MIG - 35


You have now idea the power of the Raptor or the overating of the MIG-25!

posted on Mar, 7 2007 @ 11:49 PM
Yes it's a nice fighter jet but what about the weapons package that it carries ?
I'm sure she'll make a formidable dogfighter but how does it compare to F16/F18-sb in BVR...
Also how does Mig35's AESA compare with that of F18's ?

mel, i would like to point you to your own signature..

[edit on 7-3-2007 by peanutbutter]

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