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The Hidden War with Iran (Newsweek article)

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posted on Feb, 12 2007 @ 12:24 AM
Once again proving this country is insane to even mull this over. For anyone, who thinks we can just do a bombing campaign,you have been watching GI Joe too much and you aren't thinking clearly. Our military resources are at the brink, so stop pretending they aren't. This bravado will get the U.S.A. not just near hell but in the fifth circle of HELL.

It doesn't matter how many American Eagle symbols you have draped on you either. It's about logistics and that our soldiers are MIRED in the sand. And the fact WE DON'T have the SOLDIERS if this escalates. Are we crystal clear?


posted on Feb, 12 2007 @ 12:44 AM
If we start bombing Iran,
the people arent going just sit back and allow us without an retaliation.
The military might be weaker than the US, and the government might not have loads of support.

But they are people.
They are people like the Iraqi's are people.

and they have proved that military might, and airstrikes WILL NOT END so long as US Troops are killing civilians, or destroying their country.

America, Attack Iran at your Peril..

posted on Feb, 12 2007 @ 12:57 AM
Your talking as if the everyday average joe blow american has ANY say in this whatsoever. If our elected leaders decide to strike Iran, there isnt a damn thing the average american can do to stop it. I agree that Iran isnt the massive threat that they are making them out to be, but its the government who has the final say. yes, we could protest until we are blue in the face and I still dont think this would stop.

posted on Feb, 12 2007 @ 01:01 AM
Then its up to the people, who do not agree with it to go blue in the face convincing the people who DO agree with it.

The only reason bush can continue, is because the public is divided.
Should ever citizen be against him, and his policies, his admin can be driven out of the hot seat, which has allowed them to cause so much mayhem and suffering.

posted on Feb, 12 2007 @ 10:10 AM

Originally posted by XphilesPhan
Your talking as if the everyday average joe blow american has ANY say in this whatsoever. If our elected leaders decide to strike Iran, there isnt a damn thing the average american can do to stop it. I agree that Iran isnt the massive threat that they are making them out to be, but its the government who has the final say. yes, we could protest until we are blue in the face and I still dont think this would stop.

Actually we do,XPhiles. It's what happens behind the scenes. All of us need to call our congressmen and senators. We have stopped things before
and people always seem to forget we go to the wire in some circumstances. I bet you that thos has happened moretimes than you count with amendments and laws that effected you. It's just you have never realized it because it's part of the fabric of America now.

Right now as we speak, Cheney is going to testify this week.
Folks,he's backed into a corner. The evidence that this man outed a C.I.A. agent is overwhelming. This is a dangerous move when Cheney gets on the stands. He's facing treason and he's put every figure head in washington in a cowering position. We are dealing with a nonamerican but a paranoid nationalist who thinks he is entitled to any wealth and power. How anyone in their right mind chose this man to be VP, it's beyond me.

XPhiles, I hear a percentage of people on here who are so far gone into delusion it's not funny when it comes to our military. They believe this symbolic madness and there is no breaking point. This is the same thing that happened to Julius Caesar and the Roman Empire. We are at that "Rubicon" If we cross it I am damn sure positive we can't go back and whatever damage we cause. Our rate of military casualties will be accelerated so fast we won't know what to do except just watch.

We have "70,000" of contract soldiers from BlackWater Security in Iraq. Everybody think about that simple startling fact. We privatized this conflict in the middle east BIGTIME. Because we don't have the volunteers needed to go to combat in a region such as this. And people can pretend to deny it all you want but that's what's going on. We are splintering our army over some angry factions of a war torn country.

If we attack Iran, these blackwater soldiers will want to get in this country for contract work. And the iranians will not drop their weapons because they look intimidating. And these people will not back down and escalate this conflict into other regions. Because that's their revenue. The threat of terror, it's perpetual.

If we do attack, remember every single document from Project for the New American Century,AEI,Heritage Foundation and remember this simple fact. None of these vultures would ever rock Dog Tags, helmet and strap a Military Issue Rifle to fight for our country. These pundits play on your emotions because this is how they get their revenue for their aggressive policies and "Foundations" Washington Mercenaries disguised in 3 Piece Suits.

Here's some funfacts:

1) Iran is 3 times the size of Iraq.

This b.s. it's just a bomb strike. The president is a dunderhead the people will rise up and we will lose all that momentum for these
people to turn against the mullah government. If we do this, it's the equivalent of juggling 3 Iraq's at once. We can't do that and yes, eventually like all countries, you have to fold your hand and back away from the poker table.

2) The revolutionary guard is over a million.

And they will go to Iraq and they will make our soldiers and their families go through some of the most gut wrenching horrific scenes. People are living in a morphine induced dream state if you think Iranians will let you occupy them. And this president isn't equipped to lead a battle in Rhode Island let alone the Middle East. Let's remember, Bush acolytes. This guy was a cheerleader at Yale. His experience in Wartime is zilch. He has no comprehension or understanding of Military strategy. None...Zero...nada the goose egg. He has a fake texan accent because he doesn't have a real identity.

3) Destroying the Reform movement will be devasting to this country and abroad

This movement will rise up against the West and I gurantee you most people will sit here just gawking. All of the ones crying for war with the bullhorn will be in awe of the destruction we have caused on our military.
Be in complete denial and not be able to register what happened. And some will have the audacity to blame the "Liberal Media" While others will be traumatized beyond recognition. They will curl up into a fetal position

4) We don't have the infrastructure to care for this many soldiers in a expansive War.

This is a big one hardly anyone is talking about. And I gotta tell you, this is probably one of the most ignorant aspects of all of this. I don't know about anyone here, but I have no desire to serve a country where there is no proper Veteran/Health care or any intention to fix this. Our veterans right now as we speak are committing suicide and many are homeless. And the news isn't reporting this. Sean Hannity isn't reporting this.

This president and it;s acolytes are so far out of touch, they have no idea what "Support the Military" actually means. Jt doesn't mean to rape and pillage the men and women of the military just because you are angry at what you perceive as a foreign threat. There will be hundreds and thousands of collective threats if we pursue this maniacal "vision" I suggest you get over it real quick

Anyone who thinks that is seriously just being manipulated for a shield against their foreign policies. The cuts that this administration has done on our military in the time of war is insane and astounding all at once. For what? For more tax breaks for the wealthy. This has got to stop immediately. We are KILLING our country,period

And you might as well erase that "Conservative" brand next to your name. Because if you let this administration do a perpetual war with no proper health care system for our veterans, you aren't a conservative you have morphed into a nationalist extremist totaltarian. The very thing you were afraid that the Left would become, you have morphed into.

In short, this isn't America anymore if we let this happen to our military. And this won't be a democracy but authoritarian state.

posted on Feb, 12 2007 @ 10:30 AM
And if democracy doesn't work, you need to take arms and go destroy them. This is in your constitution, you have the constitutional right to take back your country by force if it has been hijacked.

If China invaded, and they put a chinese puppet government in the US... you would have the right to take arms and take him out, it's the same thing now, but with corporations and fascists.

And look at Ed Brown's case when the Iran war start, they'll go after him.

From Jefferson, the tree of liberty have to be feed with patriots blood and tyrans blood every once and awhile... Now a lot of patriotic blood have been shed... but what about tyrans?

posted on Feb, 12 2007 @ 11:52 AM

Originally posted by Agit8dChop
Then its up to the people, who do not agree with it to go blue in the face convincing the people who DO agree with it.

The only reason bush can continue, is because the public is divided.
Should ever citizen be against him, and his policies, his admin can be driven out of the hot seat, which has allowed them to cause so much mayhem and suffering.

I don't think it will take every citizen, but I do get your point. We will all have to slam the phone lines to make this decision clear.

You can't have a war for 20 years, it's just not going to happen. And these accusing talking point questions that people pick up from Hannity,Limbaugh,Savage,Ingraham,O'Reilly,Coulter,

"Why do you hate America"

"This doesn't help the troops"

"We are doing good things in Iraq"

None of these poseurs are going to the middle east anytime. Put Skirts and Pom Pom's on all of these

This isn't american to accuse someone being a enemy or hating their nation. That's just so juvenile and desperate. We gave this president all the chances in the world. We got 12 billion missing in Pallets somewhere of our collective money. And people mean to tell m,e he's a good leader? Get the heck out of here.

Bush/Cheney are living in a militaristic mind because they dodged Vietnam. Their psyche is damaged and they are insecure that they didn't have the courage to physically fight so these two are living vicariously through our military in airstrikes/ground warfare. It's psych 101 playing right in front of us.

But both of em failures for the military in the 21st century. Don't let these tyrants get away with their dystopian vision for the world that they can't possibly manifest what they promised. We need to be better citizens if we love this country.

And for godsake stop giving them blank checks for their madness for Greed and Power. Why is that so hard to understand ?
We need to defund all the defense contracts currently in Iraq. This is out of control.

This will create a fascist reaction in America and erase human rights one by one. You aren't helping this country by invading others. That's such twisted logic now. Democracy will not be spread, America will become more authoritarian in nature.

Has anyone taken the Ann Coulter or Hitler quiz? It's to show you how similar behaviour and political ideals Hitler had to Coulter. It's stunning how close it is.

posted on Feb, 12 2007 @ 02:23 PM

Originally posted by Vitchilo
And if democracy doesn't work, you need to take arms and go destroy them. This is in your constitution, you have the constitutional right to take back your country by force if it has been hijacked.

If China invaded, and they put a chinese puppet government in the US... you would have the right to take arms and take him out, it's the same thing now, but with corporations and fascists.

And look at Ed Brown's case when the Iran war start, they'll go after him.

From Jefferson, the tree of liberty have to be feed with patriots blood and tyrans blood every once and awhile... Now a lot of patriotic blood have been shed... but what about tyrans?

I ponder, whats the exit strategy if you create a regional war? What is it? We don't even have 200 k of boots on the ground to spare. Im not fighting for their profits. I think if I took a head count who would fight in a regional hellfire war, I wouldn't get more than 2 who were serious.

Give me one good reason any american should go along with whatever is proclaimed by this administration. This is INSANE logic What credibility do they have left? This is worse than the Nixon administration

It's a damn shame and tragedy that people in this country can't comprehend what is very likely to happen. I dunno, maybe they are mesmerized by the American Eagle.

What the hell is this country going to do when the medical staff for hospitals abroad is broken completely. What are these soldiers going to do with their injuries and their ailments? Grin and bear it? Can anyone tell in a sane rational explanation what happens when our soldiers are dying by the thousands because we don't have the proper medical care for them in the middle east? What happens then?
You going to turn on Toby Keith and heal their soul? Is that the solution?
Is George W/Cheney and Robert Gates going to wave a magic wand and heal all our men/women in service?

This will be the ultimate infinite rubix cube of dilemmas. NO ONE on here is even ready for this. And if you claim you are, you aren't. It will be so overwhelming to this country. I can't even possibly imagine what the outrage will be when this goes south for the winter.

If you want a war, you have to have this locked down and we aren't even close to any logistics.

We aren't prepared for a regional war. And the uprising this country will face? I don't feel like being a drummer boy on the battle line against imperial fascists.

I think some people are so smitten on visuals of armored attack vehicles and jets and missles and tanks. ANd you think, "Wow we so have got this made" But people don't critically think when it comes to war. People get so caught up in Military propaganda. And in a way I understand why the defense industry doesn't want to stop. The profits are astronomical and the benefits are unprecedented. The war profit motive is so disasterous to our country and the world. I never quite understood why Conservatives fueled the fire for the Military Industrial Complex for this long. It seems like they lost their way.

That slogan "Support the Troops" is such a damn lie. We don't support our troops by engaging in these practices. And these lies that we feed them, "Oh. America is going to look after you" No America won't. These are just props for politics, things we tell them to make us feel good and the american sheep feel better. Most likely if you have a serious injury and you arent in the right district or tax bracket, you are pretty much screwed. And no one is going to say anything. People are going to just roll over and look up at Mr. Potter and he will give you a excuse why the Veterans can't have proper health care

How many families in the military can't pay the bills now? I wonder if any of these Global Terror and the Military fetishists if that enters their mind.

Or is it just the fantasy of it all. This silent myth that America when we invade it's for the good of all. People are going to laugh at this Iraq invasion in history when they look back in time. I don't know about anyone else on here,but I want the best outcome for our soldiers and that means these people can't be quicksanded in Iraq/Iran and whatever geopolitical oil rich deposited nation you want to throw in the works.

And that my fellow ATS'ers is what a real patriot must do. Sometimes you can't fire that shot across the bow because you believe our country is justified. Sometimes you have to look at the outcome of it and see who suffers and then you have to do the boldest thing, walk away. That's eventually what is going to have to happen. There is no job to be done.l That's just a talking point they made up in the situation room on Capitol Hill.


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