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True face of the Israelis

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posted on Feb, 11 2007 @ 06:05 AM
I believe this one will be not in the News. Some brave British have recorded a video in Palestine, where they've finally caught the true face of the mega-lo-maniac terrorist Israelis, recorded the true face of evil.

posted on Feb, 11 2007 @ 04:24 PM
correct me if i'm wrong
but two drunken moronic hate-filled teenagers aren't exactly a representation of the entire population of israel

i'm sure most israelis are decent people

posted on Feb, 11 2007 @ 04:30 PM
Correct me if I'm wrong, but Jews are used to do the same. i.e. Mel Gibson and others.

90% of the Israelis are mega-lo-man, evil, believes that they're superior, while they're nothing, the most worthless group on Earth. They're racist, Anti-Christian, Anti-Muslim, causing almost all the conflicts. They're great liars, hating others, terrorizing and killing civilians. I wouldn't defend them in your place. If I should compare Christians and Muslims to Jews... Angels vs. Demons. And Jews are the last.

P.S.: Don't come with that the Muslims are evil, because they're fighting for their own land, for their country. Christians are doing the same, when someone tries to occupy their land.

posted on Feb, 11 2007 @ 04:59 PM

Originally posted by Dark Crystalline
Correct me if I'm wrong, but Jews are used to do the same. i.e. Mel Gibson and others.

um, i wasn't called anti-semetic by any jews after mel gibson made his remarks

90% of the Israelis are mega-lo-man, evil,

is this one video your evidence, or is there more?

believes that they're superior,

again, any outside source besides the one video of 2 drunken teenagers?

while they're nothing, the most worthless group on Earth.

uh huh
that remark is just a teeny tiny bit bigoted

got any evidence to back up that all israelis are "nothing" and "the most worthless"?

They're racist,

but it's ok to call 90% of an entire country evil, meglomaniacal, nothing, and worthless?

Anti-Christian, Anti-Muslim,

sure, there are anti-christian and anti-muslim israelis, most aren't

causing almost all the conflicts.

uh huh
again, evidence for this?
i don't think you can back this statement up

They're great liars,

yeah, i have that talent too
but i don't think that 90% of the israeli population does

hating others,

pot calling kettle black?

that's something all humans are guilty of

terrorizing and killing civilians.

yeah, it's not just israel that's guilty of it

I wouldn't defend them in your place. If I should compare Christians and Muslims to Jews... Angels vs. Demons. And Jews are the last.

alright, i'm done here, you're clearly a bigot

P.S.: Don't come with that the Muslims are evil, because they're fighting for their own land, for their country. Christians are doing the same, when someone tries to occupy their land.

um, i don't think christians, jews, or muslims are evil

i think there are evil people
but people aren't evil because of the group they are in

now, either apologize or back up every single statement you've made with large amounts of credible evidence

posted on Feb, 11 2007 @ 05:03 PM
Do you personally know 90% of the Israelis??

What a hate filled thread. How's der Fuhrer doing these days???

posted on Feb, 11 2007 @ 05:20 PM

Originally posted by madnessinmysoul

Originally posted by Dark Crystalline
Correct me if I'm wrong, but Jews are used to do the same. i.e. Mel Gibson and others.

um, i wasn't called anti-semetic by any jews after mel gibson made his remarks

************ Anti-semitism is a fabricated thing.

90% of the Israelis are mega-lo-man, evil,

is this one video your evidence, or is there more?

************ Do you need evidence? Just check out the Palestinian/Lebanese conflict. They've started the war, they killed innocent civilians without any reason.

believes that they're superior,

again, any outside source besides the one video of 2 drunken teenagers?

************* Not outside source. I know many Jews and they're really believing that they're superior. Call it personal experience.

while they're nothing, the most worthless group on Earth.

uh huh
that remark is just a teeny tiny bit bigoted

got any evidence to back up that all israelis are "nothing" and "the most worthless"?

************** Call it anyway you'd like. That's the truth. Evidence? Just look outside your window. Praying for wars, killing civilians is not a worthy effort. Especially not for mankind. Summary, they're worthless.

They're racist,

but it's ok to call 90% of an entire country evil, meglomaniacal, nothing, and worthless?

*************** See above. That's the truth.

Anti-Christian, Anti-Muslim,

sure, there are anti-christian and anti-muslim israelis, most aren't

*************** Well. Christians and Muslims are doesn't selling out my country. Jews does. Christians and Muslims doesn't want to suspend your greatest holiday, Jews are fighting against Christmas.

causing almost all the conflicts.

uh huh
again, evidence for this?
i don't think you can back this statement up

**************** Come to Hungary and you will see evidence. Go to Lebanon, you will see evidence. Go to Palestine, you will see evidence.

They're great liars,

yeah, i have that talent too
but i don't think that 90% of the israeli population does

***************** You have that talent, I have another one. That's why I'm a Crystalline (Crystalline = Crystal Child/Adult (similar to Indigo), sees, feels hate, evil, and it's really bothering our eyes. Until this time I'm not experienced any good from Jewish people (Their auras are usually representing evil too.). They're betraying even their friends and lying continuously.

hating others,

pot calling kettle black?

that's something all humans are guilty of

**************** Oh. Yes. Or just simply take up the question. Why most part of the world is hating them? Because they have a reason. I know. The rest of the world is envy. Well. We're not envy for serial killings and psychopath acts. Sorry.

terrorizing and killing civilians.

yeah, it's not just israel that's guilty of it

***************** I've seen many videos, pictures (I'm working in the media.). You're terrorizing the people. And that's your guilty.

I wouldn't defend them in your place. If I should compare Christians and Muslims to Jews... Angels vs. Demons. And Jews are the last.

alright, i'm done here, you're clearly a bigot

****************** I'm done here too. Call me whatever you want. Crystallines are don't really care about this.

P.S.: Don't come with that the Muslims are evil, because they're fighting for their own land, for their country. Christians are doing the same, when someone tries to occupy their land.

um, i don't think christians, jews, or muslims are evil

i think there are evil people
but people aren't evil because of the group they are in

now, either apologize or back up every single statement you've made with large amounts of credible evidence

**************** You may forget this. No apology. No back up.

posted on Feb, 11 2007 @ 05:23 PM
TheBandit795: I'm not a Nazi. Personally I don't have problems with Afro-Americans, Arabs, Japanese or others (I know many from these cultures too.). But after I'm experienced only evil and greedy things from Jews, I'm not going to tell to anyone that I like them, because that would be a lie. A great one. And lying is not the Crystalline way. Sorry.

posted on Feb, 11 2007 @ 05:26 PM
Is hating other people the Crystalline way?
Btw.. Jews don't have the monopoly on evil and greedy things...

posted on Feb, 11 2007 @ 05:36 PM
TheBandit795: Acting and representing good, condemning evil is the Crystalline way. We're condemning everything what is evil. Condemning something is not hate and it's especially not about fight. You should learn more about the Crystallines to understand this.

posted on Feb, 11 2007 @ 05:43 PM
Believe me.. I definately don't want to know about the Crystalline way. If it causes me to offend other people in posts like you have made. And furthermore: Breaking the Terms and Conditions of this website. That's what you are doing right now. So I ask that you quit doing that right now.

It is obvious to me that the world view of a crystalline is incompatible with ATS

posted on Feb, 11 2007 @ 05:51 PM
What i think is that these kids are giving us a glimpse of what theyre being taught at home, in schools and by their religious leaders. I do believe that the jewish thinking is that there are two ways, the wrong way and the jewish way. This isnt the first time that ive seen information where the Israelis feel they are superior to the rest of the world and i am sure it wont be the last.

posted on Feb, 11 2007 @ 06:26 PM
TheBandit795: Thanks for Terms and Conditions. I'm already read that, as always and I did not violate anything.

You will not behave in an abusive and/or hateful manner, and will not harass, threaten, nor attack anyone.

Well. Let's see. I'm clearly stated that it's not my intention to present hate. It never was. It's not my goal to harass, threat, or attack anyone. And I never did here or anywhere else. In this topic I'm presenting the truth and I'm condemning something, what about the topic is and condemning something is a quite different thing then the upper mentioned paragraph 1 appendix A. And as I see Terms and Conditions is not mention: condemning something is prohibited. While you're a moderator, you should know this, after you draw a parallel between me, Adolf Hitler and the Nazis. And if, I repeat if I would be a sensitive man, I would tell you : You've broken the Terms and Conditions, insulted me and I'm going to call my lawyer immediately.

So, I don't think so I violated anything here. But after you've asked me, I'm following paragraph 5, appendix B. Cooperation. I'm not violated any rules, but as I see, you're clearly against opinions and Freedom of Speech.

Yours sincerely:

Dark Crystalline

[edit on 11-2-2007 by Dark Crystalline]

posted on Feb, 11 2007 @ 07:02 PM
Dark Crystaline says "They're racist, Anti-Christian, Anti-Muslim, causing almost all the conflicts."

If you look at all the conflicts on our planet today almost every one (there are a few that are not) involves Muslims. Why is that? I mean all we here is the Islam is a religion of peace yet more conflicts than not involve members of that religion. Even though that is true I still don't think the vast majority of Islam followers are bad people. Yet you can see a couple of punks drunk and paint every jew evil. So when I go on the internet or watch tv and see almost every night some depradation done in the name of Islam someone should paint them all as evil?

posted on Feb, 11 2007 @ 07:13 PM
"These are not incidents involving nominal Muslims killing for money or personal pride. We include attacks committed by Muslims out of religious duty - as interpreted by the perpetrator - that can be reasonably determined."

If you go to the site above and you scroll through the numerous attacks just since 9/11 please look at the countrys where they have occured. Also even though the list is huge it is not complete. They are just what has been reported in the media.

I do believe that the majority of followers of Islam are peaceful and law abiding citizens. I just would like Dark Crystaline to tell me how one video of a couple of punks makes hime demean a whole race. If that video allows him to blanket jews as evil what does he say to a list such as I have shown?

posted on Feb, 11 2007 @ 07:13 PM
Let's see the fact. Until 1946, the found of the illegal state of Israel, there were no problems in the middle east. There were little conflicts, like everywhere else, but nothing else. Since 1946, when the Israelis have took the land of the Muslim Palestinians, as one, the Muslims started to fight against Israel. Since they have nuke, they're also a threat in the eyes of the Muslims, because Israel is spreading their borders on illegal ways (i.e. stole lands, torture and kill civs, making illegal occupation). After the United States is the puppet of Israel, the Muslims are also threating their allies. How is it possible, that the Muslims are don't attack and never threaten countries such as Hungary, Nederland, Sweden, Belgium, Switzerland, Russia, Japan, China, Australia? Because they never threaten any of the Muslim states. Israel, U.S. and the United Kingdom alliance is threaten and attacked Muslim worlds, killed their people.

Question. What do you think who is trying to control the media? Most of the Jews. That's a fact, do you like it or not. That's why you're getting censored news, that's why you're getting that what they want you to see and hear. There are many uncensored material on the net (i.e. YouTube), which is presenting the real background, the real events, the real cruel action of these states. If the Muslims are fighting for their country, they have every reason to do that. Israelis and it's allies are calling it aggression, Muslims are calling it Freedom Fight. If the Israelis would occupy your land, as they did with the Palestine or Lebanese lands, you would fight for your home as a Freedom Fighter. But in the Zionist media, you would be an aggressor. Everything is depending from the point of view.

i4cu2. How would you fight against the enemy if you don't have anything? You would give up? Don't think so. The Muslims are fighting on their own methods. They don't have high-tech weaponry, they don't have modern aircrafts. But they're fighting for their family, for their home. You may call it anyway you'd like, but try to imagine yourself into their place. Your land is taken by someone else. The enemy is trying to eliminate your religions, your belief, your culture. What would you do? Sit back and relax?

I'm from Hungary. I know what country really means. Some Zionist Communist in the Government want to sell our land to Israeli owners. What do you think, why are the police is in eternal battle condition in the last half years? The Lead Government, whose are Jews and/or serving the Jewish interests want to sell the Hungarian land to foreigners, but they're afraid, because the nation is resisting. We're fighting against them. The Zionist news not really presenting that, but there were two days, what the CNN and the BBC also shown. Sept 17, 2006 and Oct 23, 2006. Jews believes they can do anything. They're mistaken. I know my people. We will banish them out from our country once and for all. We gave them refugee long time ago and now they're selling our lands, stealing from our people, lying to everyone. So, please don't try to convince me about the Jews. You won't succeed.

If I should choose between Jews and Muslims, I would choose the Muslims. Many are living here and they never caused any troubles to our country. They never wanted to vanish our culture, they never prohibited to build a Christmas tree in front of the Parliament (Which was approved before this Government. But the Menora need to be there.). Do the Jews are likes this, or not, they will be banished from our country too. They may call the Hungarians as Nazis, Anti-Semites, we don't really care about this, because it's our land and not theirs.

[edit on 11-2-2007 by Dark Crystalline]

posted on Feb, 11 2007 @ 07:29 PM
You are attacking Jews, which is "anyone". We don't condone that there. And there are Jewish members on ATS. Twist it anyway you want. You are still violating the T&C.

posted on Feb, 11 2007 @ 07:38 PM
I hope you understand what I'm talking about. You are offending members here on ATS, and/or their relatives or ancestors. None of us mods here at ATS allow that and correct such offensive posts as we see them.

This thread will be closed soon.

posted on Feb, 11 2007 @ 07:39 PM
video of young Israelis attacking human rights workers:

Here is another video of Israelis shooting themselves in the foot

Pay attention to the Mossad agent who says "Our purpose was to document the event" regarding 9/11:

[edit on 11-2-2007 by freakyty]

posted on Feb, 11 2007 @ 07:41 PM
TheBandit795: If I'm telling the truth, or my personal opinion is it considered as attacking? Definitely not. If Christians or Muslims would be caught on this tape, or the topic would be about the massacring of the Native Americans, I would condemn them too. On this way, there is no real essence of ATS, because there is no chance to fit to everyone's point of view. By the way, I'd like to ask that, how is it possible that you, or other moderators are approving the attack against Christians and/or Muslims, but you're condemning if someone is stating his own opinion about the Jews. I believe here are many representatives of Christians, Muslims and other dear representatives of other religions. In this case, you may immediately draw out Paragraph 1 Appendix A, because each of the posts are violating here and there someone's personal interests. Don't make differences between people, please. Especially don't engage someone, who is condemning the Jews after their acts. You don't engage others, when they're attacking Christians and/or Muslims. Please consider each member as equal. Thank you.

posted on Feb, 11 2007 @ 07:46 PM
You don't know me, and you haven't seen every mod action I've taken on this forum. So better quit that now. NOT A SINGLE SOUL is to be offended on this forum in no single way. Let's get that straight right now. Not Jews, not Christians, not Muslims, not anyone else.

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