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Men reduce your HIV risk by half. Get Circumcisied

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posted on Feb, 11 2007 @ 03:57 AM

Circumcision appears to reduce a man's risk of contracting AIDS from heterosexual sex by half, United States government health officials said yesterday, and the directors of the two largest funds for fighting the disease said they would consider paying for circumcisions in high-risk countries.

The announcement was made by officials of the National Institutes of Health as they halted two clinical trials, in Kenya and Uganda, on the ground that not offering circumcision to all the men taking part would be unethical. The success of the trials confirmed a study done last year in South Africa.

This is good to know, because you really can reduce the risk to yourself and others. Not sure if this has been discussed before.

posted on Feb, 11 2007 @ 07:01 PM
Wow, glad I'm, get the idea.

I'd add that if you can make yourself white, you'd possibly gain RESISTANCE to HIV. In populations of European descent, the frequency of HIV-resistant individuals ranges from 8-15%. The further you go north in Europe, the higher the frequency becomes.

Of course, that's not currently possible (making yourself white if you're not). So, the alternative is avoiding sexual contact with black women in the US, as they have the highest infection rates. Quite a shame, too, as there are many LOVELY sisters out there (I won't lie, though; I don't always adhere to this

But, it's no biggie. I have a steady supply of brown sugar, and I've been bo...dealing with white girls since I was 14. No comment on the time frame for black girls...

[edit on 11-2-2007 by truthseeka]

posted on Feb, 11 2007 @ 07:23 PM
Yeah right no thanks, you might as well take out my appendix now before it explodes.

And anyway circumcision is part of Jewish and Muslim culture nothing wrong with that i'm quick to add, but its not part of my culture. Wear condom for pete's sake or buy a testing kit.


posted on Feb, 11 2007 @ 08:17 PM
Hey guys.

Just sharing some health news.

Hi truthseeka.

Well condoms apparently still work, but this was just an added advantage that people should know about, cause it cuts down on other infections as well. This way the ah truthseeka goodness can still be shared.

Hi carslake.

I think it's fair to say it's more frequent in those religions, or populations, but you are just wrong, in North America they use to frequently recommend this for boys, it was a free choice parents use to have, it's not as frequent now from what I understand, but for health reasons, it probably should.

It's just a suggestion, the conversation came up, so to speak at another forum. I guess your appendix are safe.

posted on Feb, 11 2007 @ 08:17 PM
How about cutting your risk by almost 100% .... by not engaging in risky behaviors to being with? As carslake said .. condoms.

But even those can break.

Cut the risk by almost 100% ... don't screw around outside of marriage and don't share dirty needles.

(I'm sure I'll get flamed for that, but I don't care. It's true)

posted on Feb, 11 2007 @ 08:29 PM

Originally posted by Harassment101
Hi truthseeka.

Well condoms apparently still work, but this was just an added advantage that people should know about, cause it cuts down on other infections as well. This way the ah truthseeka goodness can still be shared.

I hear ya, bra.

But, how many grown men do you think are willing to slice a region of their body near the, how should I say this, sweetest of sweet spots on their body? Especially when you can just wear a rubber and cross your fingers (hoping it doesn't bust or that the Hiv doesn't squeeze through the pores in the latex).

posted on Feb, 11 2007 @ 08:38 PM

Originally posted by Harassment101

Well condoms apparently still work, but this was just an added advantage that people should know about, cause it cuts down on other infections as well. This way the ah truthseeka goodness can still be shared.

Infections? Like what? (I was circumcised against my will [I'd call new born genitalia manipulation]. But I'd just like to know what infections happen, just because someone is uncircumcised, and why circumcised people don't get them).

I think it's fair to say it's more frequent in those religions, or populations, but you are just wrong, in North America they use to frequently recommend this for boys, it was a free choice parents use to have, it's not as frequent now from what I understand, but for health reasons, it probably should.

Again, what are the health reasons? Didn't this practice only start back with the Ancient Egyptians? What about before then?

Just curious.

posted on Feb, 11 2007 @ 08:44 PM
Hi FlyersFan.

Cut the risk by almost 100% ... don't screw around outside of marriage and don't share dirty needles.

I think that's brilliant advise. Unfortunately most of society nowadays, does not seem to adhere to this.

Also not only do they not adhere to this, but then they have unsafe practices, so this is just one more thing that guys can do. Again this is not just for HIV, but the article said for other infections also.

Hi Truthseeka.

LOL. Again the other thread was more about getting boys snipped than men. A few people pointed out that there children who were not snipped had had really bad health problems, and snipping seemed to fix this. Others mentioned that it slowed the spread of HPV Human pap virus. I was doing some research to confirm this and came across the HIV news. Since it's a pretty deadly disease and this is something that men can do to cut their risk by 50% if they are not using condoms, and even if they are, just cut down the risk that much further.

Again it's just health news, the choice to get snipped will be up to each individual person. For the many above stated reasons.

posted on Feb, 11 2007 @ 08:53 PM
Hi Arcane Demesne.

If you do a google search there is lot of info. However here is some stuff I quickly pulled together off the net. Sorry to hear that this was so traumatic for you. It's just that in some cases in young males it might save them from infections, and later and throughout adulthood have other benifits. Also the theory is it's less of a trauma done when young rather than older, but that is obviously not the case with you specifically.

Earlier studies on Western men have shown that circumcision significantly reduces the rate at which men infect women with the virus that causes cervical cancer. A study published in 2002 in The New England Journal of Medicine found that uncircumcised men were about three times as likely as circumcised ones with a similar number of sexual partners to carry the human papillomavirus.

His study, published in Pediatrics, followed 510 New Zealand newborns until age 25. Even after accounting for other key factors linked to STDs — number of sexual partners, unprotected sex and family background — the circumcised youths were far less likely to become infected. It's thought that the warm, moist area under the foreskins of uncircumcised men may be a breeding ground for infections.

Circumcision lowers the risks of urinary tract infections in babies and penile cancer at any age, but both conditions are fairly rare. The main complications of the procedure are bleeding and infection, also rare and seldom serious, according to the pediatrics group. Analgesic creams or other painkillers are recommended, "and there's always some risk when you do a surgery," Berkelhamer says.

posted on Feb, 11 2007 @ 09:03 PM
After circumscison the skin on the head of the penis becomes tougher and thicker, making it more impermeable to viruses.

posted on Feb, 12 2007 @ 02:50 AM
I remember this theory being mooted on a Horizon documentary a good 5-6 year at least. I wouldn't get too complacent though, it's not a fail safe preventative method against hiv, simple precautions or finding you carry that gene related to the Plague are, everything else is a risk.

posted on Feb, 12 2007 @ 12:54 PM

Originally posted by Harassment101
I think it's fair to say it's more frequent in those religions, or populations, but you are just wrong, in North America they use to frequently recommend this for boys, it was a free choice parents use to have, it's not as frequent now from what I understand, but for health reasons, it probably should.

It's just a suggestion, the conversation came up, so to speak at another forum. I guess your appendix are safe.

I should have clarified. I'm English, at one time it was promoted in my country for just those reasons you provided. There was some uptake of the procedure but on the whole it was refused because primarily the English never practiced circumsion, now your doctor doesn't ask if you want your new born son circumcised.

Its recognised as part of middle eastern culture and if we accepted it would dilute our sense of who we are. I know the procedure is popular amongst Americans and in our eyes(the Brits) that doesn't dilute who the Americans are. But to some of us it would be like changing your name to Cohen, take pride in the distinction between cultures IMO its what makes the world interesting.


posted on Feb, 12 2007 @ 01:02 PM

Originally posted by carslake

I should have clarified. I'm English, at one time it was promoted in my country for just those reasons you provided. There was some uptake of the procedure but on the whole it was refused because primarily the English never practiced circumsion, now your doctor doesn't ask if you want your new born son circumcised.

Its recognised as part of middle eastern culture and if we accepted it would dilute our sense of who we are. I know the procedure is popular amongst Americans and in our eyes(the Brits) that doesn't dilute who the Americans are. But to some of us it would be like changing your name to Cohen, take pride in the distinction between cultures IMO its what makes the world interesting.

So, you're uncircumcised then? Do you know what these people are talking about? The diseases you get, just because you weren't snipped? I'm still confused.

I can see how a flap of skin can grow mold or other things (perhaps form sweat) if not cleaned (like fat people's rolls). But if you're a clean person, how does it pertain to you? I don't think not being circumcised has anything to do with inherently getting diseases.

posted on Feb, 12 2007 @ 01:51 PM
Some psycho nurse with scissors already did mine way before my memory had time to record it.

posted on Feb, 12 2007 @ 02:24 PM

Originally posted by Arcane Demesne
I can see how a flap of skin can grow mold or other things (perhaps form sweat) if not cleaned (like fat people's rolls). But if you're a clean person, how does it pertain to you? I don't think not being circumcised has anything to do with inherently getting diseases.

Higer rates of women with cervical cancer, higher incidence of contracting aids etc etc..... apart from the fact(and i'm not patronising here) older cultures are distinct from one another by their practices. We don't do it, we also don't remove appendixes, or tonsils at birth. If it ain't broken don't fix it, also wouldn't it be a good thing if you were given the choice of being circumcised.

So maybe it comes down to hygiene and/or promiscuity, and so let us decide for ourselves.

Yes I am not circumcised and theory says I enjoy sex better because i'm not desensitised.


[edit on 12-2-2007 by carslake]

[edit on 12-2-2007 by carslake]

posted on Feb, 12 2007 @ 04:33 PM

Originally posted by carslake

Higer rates of women with cervical cancer, higher incidence of contracting aids etc etc..... apart from the fact(and i'm not patronising here) older cultures are distinct from one another by their practices.

But, isn't that also do to culture itself? Perhaps cultures that are more promiscuous also have bad hygiene. I just don't think those studies compare all the possible variables.

We don't do it, we also don't remove appendixes, or tonsils at birth. If it ain't broken don't fix it, also wouldn't it be a good thing if you were given the choice of being circumcised.

Oh wait, were you arguing against circumcision? YES, I would like a choice....haha.

Whether or not it's 'cleaner', it's still infant genitalia mutilation.

So maybe it comes down to hygiene and/or promiscuity, and so let us decide for ourselves.

Exactly. I'm pretty sure those studies are falsely persuaded.

Yes I am uncircumcised and theory says I enjoy sex better because i'm not desensitised.

SOB, I knew it!!!

posted on Feb, 12 2007 @ 05:28 PM
I know how you feel my friend. My mother had myself and my brother done and it had nothing to do with culture or religion (Im a Catholic in the UK)

She says it was for a better health. My Mrs loves it so i aint complaining

posted on Feb, 12 2007 @ 06:07 PM

Originally posted by Arcane Demesne

Originally posted by carslake

Higer rates of women with cervical cancer, higher incidence of contracting aids etc etc..... apart from the fact(and i'm not patronising here) older cultures are distinct from one another by their practices.

But, isn't that also do to culture itself? Perhaps cultures that are more promiscuous also have bad hygiene. I just don't think those studies compare all the possible variables.

Yeah the point I was making was badly put. I know why circumcision is promoted AIDS, cervical cancer and so on. As for cultures and their predisposition to certain social behaviour I'll never comment on. Okay maybe just once, yeah your right IMO some cultures are not as hygienic as others.

FYI To understand why circumcision is part of middle eastern culture IMO we have to look to the arid environment they live in. Consider that, they have little drinking water at times so it can't be used for washing. This leads to the fact your d*ck becomes a vector for pathogens. All credit to the Semitic peoples for acknowledging the fact at that time.

We don't do it, we also don't remove appendixes, or tonsils at birth. If it ain't broken don't fix it, also wouldn't it be a good thing if you were given the choice of being circumcised.

Oh wait, were you arguing against circumcision? YES, I would like a choice....haha.

Whether or not it's 'cleaner', it's still infant genitalia mutilation.

"Whether or not it's 'cleaner', it's still infant genitalia mutilation."
Yeah thats my point in its entirety.

So maybe it comes down to hygiene and/or promiscuity, and so let us decide for ourselves.

Exactly. I'm pretty sure those studies are falsely persuaded.

All good Arcane Demesne

Yes I am uncircumcised and theory says I enjoy sex better because i'm not desensitised.

SOB, I knew it!!!

you asked for it man


[edit on 12-2-2007 by carslake]

posted on Feb, 12 2007 @ 06:17 PM
I'm sorry, but I heard this on the news a few months back and I refuse to buy into this crap.

I'm not circumcised and I've never had any of the problems people believe you will have.

I don't know why people are always pushing circumcision on us. I've heard theory after theory on why a man should be circumcised and they have all seemed pretty stupid.

Circumcision is an archaic form of genital mutilation and should be done away with. Anyone who condones the practice is obviously ignorant of the method and details of a circumcision. To begin with, a baby's foreskin is still attached to the glands and is forcibly separated before the incision is made.

The idea that babies don't feel the pain is preposterous and the idea that they don't remember such trauma is equally so.

When I was born the doctor was going to circumcise me and my father threatened to rearrange his face if he did so.

My friend, who is Jewish, was circumcised. The rabbi cut a vein and he almost died.


posted on Feb, 12 2007 @ 11:32 PM
Not to be the preverbial wt blanket, but...

Already covered here.
Circumcision May Cut Risk of HIV

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