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I want you ALL to see this...

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posted on Dec, 18 2003 @ 12:39 AM
The following is taken from my blog. I have also included my reply to it. We all say DENY IGNORANCE, correct? Well, let me know if I hit the nail on the head when I say I just did with this...


Posted by: ameriskin on Dec 17, 03 | 1:26 pm

Dude, you're a p****. Just think, now you get to go back into work and be humiliated by your boss and co-workers because you're a tattle-tale and can't stand up for yourself. You have officially lost your dignity. Think about what you could have gained had you thrown down with the douchbag? You would have had him in fear of you and the respect of your co-workers. Worst cast scenario would be you losing your job. You're going to have to quit anyways because you obviously won't be able to handle the ridicule from those that work with you.

Posted by: JamesLimelight on Dec 18, 03 | 12:36 am

Hmm, sounds like someone has a small p*nis. Listen up, Junior, just cause I decided to take the high road and NOT lower myself to his level by NO MEANS erases my dignity. Sure, I wanted to beat his a$$ into the next decade, but I didn't. And you wanna know WHY? Because unlike that idiotic, ignorant #face boss of mine, I have PRIDE in the fact that I can have control over myself and not lose my temper. As for my co-workers, after they saw the cops totaly rip my boss a new one, they BOTH ( only people who work there are the boss, me and two others) called me up and told me they were impressed to no end that i didn't kick his a$$ and that they respect me more for doing it. My former co-workers happen to be good friends of mine that I have known quite a while. As for losing the job, I was leaving it anyways. The pay sucked.

Now listen, go take your 15 year old ar$e on back to mommy. I say that because if you were an adult by ANY MEANS, you'd know that in the REAL world, there are drastic consequences for beating the f**k out of someone.

You wanna prove your a man? Then buckle down and take note. Real men don;t start fights. They end them before they have a chance to start. But you needed to hear that. If you have the stones, and your a REAL man, I suggest we leave this be, "shake hands" and start over...IF your up to it.

[Edited on 18-12-2003 by JamesLimelight]

posted on Dec, 18 2003 @ 12:51 AM
Who the hell is this person??

Hon, you would've lost your dignity if you'd lowered yourself to your ex-boss' level and let him goad you into a fight.
I may beat people up for a living, but $hit, you gotta know when to walk away. Don't let this asspipe bring you down, you did the right thing.

Now sue the bastard.


posted on Dec, 18 2003 @ 12:54 AM
WAY ahead of you, hon! ;-)

posted on Dec, 18 2003 @ 03:28 AM
Looks like "ameriskin" has officially lost his dignity.

Keep your thread on what happened going occasionally so we can see the outcomes for you some time, JL.

posted on Dec, 18 2003 @ 07:22 PM
MA, thanks for your viewpoint on this. I'll be sure to let you know what happens. :-)

posted on Dec, 19 2003 @ 01:39 AM
this seems to me to be the point of view of a 15 year old high school student who doesn't know what maturity means or anything about the real world

good job james

posted on Dec, 19 2003 @ 02:30 AM
You did the right thing.
I think there are only certain situations in which a retalition would be suitable and that wasn't one, so good on yer.

[Edited on 19-12-2003 by �any]

posted on Dec, 19 2003 @ 03:27 AM
See, this is a prime example of the idea we have here.


Can't think of a btter time to do just that. :-)

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