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Flight 93 on fire

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posted on Feb, 16 2007 @ 01:50 AM

Originally posted by ULTIMA1

Originally posted by nick7261

Originally posted by crowpruitt
Lets not forget Donald Rumsfelds slip up when he stated flight 93 was shot down.I also live in Pa. about 3 hours from Pittsburgh.It depends on what days these interviews can be held for me to help cause of work.But I'm very interested.

There's a Holiday Inn about 15 minutes from the crash site in Somerset. I was thinking of promoting some sort of public meeting at the Holiday Inn for people who witnessed things on 9/11 to show up and tell their story.

Any thoughts on this?

Sounds good. How are you going to set it up, what kind of forum would it be ?

I have no idea at this point how to market this, or what type of event it would be.

The only reason I thought of using the Holiday Inn is because it seems like it would be easier to get people to come there on one day instead of trying to chase people down. I'd like to get witnesses to speak up that weren't already quoted.

posted on Feb, 16 2007 @ 10:23 AM
Flt 93 WAS shot down.

For obvious reasons the governemnt would not/will not come out and let the 'people' know at this time.

Maybe in 25 to 30 yrs, it will be de-classified.

posted on Feb, 16 2007 @ 05:19 PM

Originally posted by nick7261
I have no idea at this point how to market this, or what type of event it would be.

The only reason I thought of using the Holiday Inn is because it seems like it would be easier to get people to come there on one day instead of trying to chase people down. I'd like to get witnesses to speak up that weren't already quoted.

Maybe you shuold try getting a local radio station to get people who were witnesses to call of e-mail you if they are interested in a open forum debate. if you get enough of a response then you can set something up.

posted on Feb, 17 2007 @ 12:21 AM
"Flight 93 WAS shot down."

Is there something that you know for sure or are you just really confident in your opinion? I'm not trying to slam you at all. I'm just cuirous if there is more to your statement than opinion. If so, please do share. None of us want to wait 25-30 years for it to come out.

If you know of any eyewitness accounts or some additional resources about this, let 'er rip! The best part about conspiracies is proving their existence.

posted on Feb, 17 2007 @ 04:47 AM

Originally posted by dirtjockey44x
"Flight 93 WAS shot down."

Is there something that you know for sure or are you just really confident in your opinion? I'm not trying to slam you at all. I'm just cuirous if there is more to your statement than opinion. If so, please do share. None of us want to wait 25-30 years for it to come out.

If you know of any eyewitness accounts or some additional resources about this, let 'er rip! The best part about conspiracies is proving their existence.

Well thier is some evidence that seems to fit the profile of a plane shot down. Such as the debris field being so big, pieces found up to 8 miles away also a engine found miles away. This would seem to indicate that the plane was breaking up before it hit the ground.

So either the hijakers were flying the plane in a way to cause it to breakup or the plane was hit by a missile or gun fire.

posted on Feb, 17 2007 @ 10:03 AM
Let me add my two cents here.

On the morning of the event, I got a call from a very good friend of mine who was a high ranking senior official at US Airways here in Pittsburgh.

My friend called to tell me what was happening, which included the fact that the Airforce shot down a passenger jet outside of pittsburgh (which was shanksville)

His call was to recommend that I go to school and pick up my kid and get him home -- which I did, as did many other parents that morning.

My friend was an insider who too used the term "shot down".

He also told me that there were several unaccounted for US Airways flights, 4 of them to be exact. However, these planes turned up later.

posted on Feb, 17 2007 @ 10:11 AM
I too believe 93 was shot down.......


The reason why it was covered up was IMO, simple... We as a nation were so hurt, vulnerable, sad...hell we were the victims of the mother of all sucker punches. We HAD to shoot down that plane bofore it got into a populated area..or washington. By embelishing the Todd Bermer "Lets Roll" story... gave Americans hope in a time where we were all questioning our freedom. I am NOT saying Todd Bermer and the other gentlemen that stormed the cockpit were NOT hero's..they ARE !

What do you guys think ? (maybe i should have started a different thread?)

posted on Feb, 17 2007 @ 01:54 PM

Originally posted by CameronFox
I too believe 93 was shot down.......


The reason why it was covered up was IMO, simple... We as a nation were so hurt, vulnerable, sad...hell we were the victims of the mother of all sucker punches. We HAD to shoot down that plane bofore it got into a populated area..or washington. By embelishing the Todd Bermer "Lets Roll" story... gave Americans hope in a time where we were all questioning our freedom. I am NOT saying Todd Bermer and the other gentlemen that stormed the cockpit were NOT hero's..they ARE !

What do you guys think ? (maybe i should have started a different thread?)

Yes i agree the people on the plane were heros and the government put out a story that the passengers had tried to take over the plane because they knew it was somehting the country needed to hear after the attacks.

I believe the passengers were trying to take over the cockpit but it was becasue they knew they could be shot down if they did not gain control of the aircraft. The flight attendents should know enough about protocol about a plane off course to know that they could be in trouble.

posted on Feb, 17 2007 @ 02:05 PM
Was protocol pre 911 to shoot down highjacked air craft? I dont think so... I think the passengers heard of the WTC and knew their plane was doomed.

posted on Feb, 17 2007 @ 02:14 PM

Originally posted by CameronFox
I too believe 93 was shot down.......


The reason why it was covered up was IMO, simple...

What do you guys think ? (maybe i should have started a different thread?)

This has some very serious implications.

If Flight 93 was shot down and this was covered-up, this means that there was a huge conspiracy involved in the cover-up. This conspiracy would include:

* FAA officials lying under oath to the 9/11 Commission

* NEADS and NORAD officials lying under oath to the 9/11 Commission

* The 9/11 Commission knowingly publishing false information, and being instructed from the beginning to cover-up the shoot-down

* The covering up by the media of all eye-witness reports of the shoot down

* The NTSB lying about the flight path and flight data recorder

* The NTSB and 9/11 Commission purposely lying about what was on the cockpit voice recorder of Flight 93

Did I miss anybody else that would have to be involved in the cover-up?

posted on Feb, 17 2007 @ 02:17 PM
I worked on Broadway; one of my 'employees' had/has a brother in MI.

After we watched the planes hit (had a corner office view) and evacuated the building (very poorly done might I add) and after both towers fell, I ran into my employee again and he said he just spoke with his brother and he brother informed him of the plane being shot down in PA due to it heading towards the capitol.

I'm not saying that the passegers didn't revolt......but there was very little they could of done.

The capitol had/has to be protected, there could not have been any chance that would of allowed the Whitehouse or Capitol building to be hit.

It's a s**tty thing and a horrible decision which had to be made, and a call like this can only come form the President (I would think).

posted on Feb, 18 2007 @ 04:45 AM

Originally posted by CameronFox
Was protocol pre 911 to shoot down highjacked air craft? I dont think so... I think the passengers heard of the WTC and knew their plane was doomed.

NORADs standing orders has always including the shooting down of aircraft that if intercepted do not obey the intercepting aircraft. Up until 911 the order to shoot down an aircraft was given by a commanding military officer but just before 911 it was changed to the Secretary of Defense.

Originally posted by nick7261
This has some very serious implications.

If Flight 93 was shot down and this was covered-up, this means that there was a huge conspiracy involved in the cover-up. This conspiracy would include:

* FAA officials lying under oath to the 9/11 Commission

* NEADS and NORAD officials lying under oath to the 9/11 Commission

* The 9/11 Commission knowingly publishing false information, and being instructed from the beginning to cover-up the shoot-down

* The covering up by the media of all eye-witness reports of the shoot down

* The NTSB lying about the flight path and flight data recorder

* The NTSB and 9/11 Commission purposely lying about what was on the cockpit voice recorder of Flight 93

Did I miss anybody else that would have to be involved in the cover-up?

1. Why would FAA officials have to lie under oath, If the plane that shot down flight 93 had a rader jammer the Air traffic Contollers would not have even known flight 93 was shot down.

2. Its already been proven that the NORAD report to the 911 commission had lies and mistakes.

3. People working on the 911 commission have stated they did not have enough time or money to do a proper investgation.

4. When the FBI was interviewing witnesses they dismissed the reports of another plane in the area.

5. The NTSB did not lie about the flight path or flight data recorder.

6. Their was, according to the timeline a couple of minutes missing on the voice recorder.

So really thier was not a huge conspiracy.

[edit on 18-2-2007 by ULTIMA1]

posted on Feb, 18 2007 @ 08:19 AM
So Ultima.... so we actually agree on something??? Good follow up!

I have to say though.... 93 IMO was shot down. Although tragic, the shoot down order was justified. Many lives were saved because of it. Thats the end of the conspiracy. Im ok with the government lying about that. It was a great story that gave our nation hope.

posted on Feb, 18 2007 @ 08:27 AM

Originally posted by CameronFox
So Ultima.... so we actually agree on something??? Good follow up!

I have to say though.... 93 IMO was shot down. Although tragic, the shoot down order was justified. Many lives were saved because of it. Thats the end of the conspiracy. Im ok with the government lying about that. It was a great story that gave our nation hope.

Well like i have stated many times i am out to find the truth of what happned that day i am not out to find a conspiracy (unless you count the conspiracy of people hijacking aircraft)

My biggest problem with 911 has always been what seems to be the lack of proper crime scene investigations at any if the crash sites.

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