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Flight 93 on fire

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posted on Feb, 10 2007 @ 12:22 AM
I'm an Inside Sales Rep by trade. Just this past week I gained a new customer in a rural area of PA. I called and introduced myself and began talking about his business. I asked about where his town was in tems of geography and his response was "about 5 miles from where Flight 93 went down." We both commented on how unfortunate that day was and the things we both experienced.

I made mention of how heroic it was for the passengers to rush the cockpit hoping to gain control and forcing the terrorists to crash the plane. He responded by saying that all of the local residents of that area are CONVINCED that the plane was shot down. I mentioned that it is an urban legend around the midwest about that, but there's no proof.

He told me that there were plenty of eyewitnesses that saw a second plane in the sky when 93 went down. Also, there are folks who would swear that the plane was already on fire when it hit the ground.

I'm curious if there is anyone on this forum who can actually say that they saw the plane descending or if they are close to anyone who did. I'm not pushing to rewrite history, just trying to get some first hand accounts of what really happened.

posted on Feb, 10 2007 @ 12:27 AM
Sounds like you already got some first hand accounts.

My advice to you, and its easy for me to give it as I sit here in my La-Z-Boy, would be to perhaps do what young Jacktripper and his buddies have done.
Go and interview this guy you talked to, bring a video camera and a friend.
Talk to his neighbors and get their info, then be a patriot and post it here for the world to see!

posted on Feb, 10 2007 @ 12:30 AM
I live about 20 minutes away.....

It's just common knowledge around here that there was another plane. Something else of interest, from my understanding, NEST (Nuclear Emergency Search Team) comes out and gets soil samples every now and then.

posted on Feb, 10 2007 @ 12:38 AM
What type of plane? I didn't ask him if it was a fighter jet or what, but my "assumption" is that the second plane was the cause of 93 going down on fire.

Interesting about the soil samples as well. Those folks don't show up to every airline crash site you know. Potentially a dirty bomb on board?

posted on Feb, 10 2007 @ 01:10 AM
My understanding is it was an A-10 Thunderbolt...a fighter jet. Some of those planes are equipped with airborne lasers.

Neat Link

Everyone was told to keep their mouths shut and I can remember MSNBC and FOX first reporting that it was shot down, then the reports disappeared from the scroll and it was never mentioned again.

A later story was that it was a guy who was just flying his single seat, twin engine jet (coincidence) and was in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Yet another story was that the intent was to shoot down the plane but it was already going down, so they didn't have to.

I tend to believe the first reports made by the locals. These are good people who aren't prone to making things up, they just told people what they saw.

posted on Feb, 10 2007 @ 10:27 AM

Originally posted by 11Bravo
Sounds like you already got some first hand accounts.

My advice to you, and its easy for me to give it as I sit here in my La-Z-Boy, would be to perhaps do what young Jacktripper and his buddies have done.
Go and interview this guy you talked to, bring a video camera and a friend.
Talk to his neighbors and get their info, then be a patriot and post it here for the world to see!

I think Bravo is right.

I live about an hour away from Shanksville, and I would be happy to go there and interview anybody that wants to talk about what they saw on 9/11.

Anybody else here want to help organize this and be part of this project?

posted on Feb, 10 2007 @ 11:24 AM

Originally posted by nick7261

Originally posted by 11Bravo
Sounds like you already got some first hand accounts.

My advice to you, and its easy for me to give it as I sit here in my La-Z-Boy, would be to perhaps do what young Jacktripper and his buddies have done.
Go and interview this guy you talked to, bring a video camera and a friend.
Talk to his neighbors and get their info, then be a patriot and post it here for the world to see!

I think Bravo is right.

I live about an hour away from Shanksville, and I would be happy to go there and interview anybody that wants to talk about what they saw on 9/11.

Anybody else here want to help organize this and be part of this project?

Count me in if you need any help. I am in New Oxford, PA.

posted on Feb, 10 2007 @ 01:03 PM
really wish i could remeber where i had read these various incidents about this, but this is what i have heard.

there is an air traffic controller that was interviewed almost immediately afterwards and was quoted "yes, we were followoing it almost the entire time as well as the f-16 that was shadowing it. it had to have seen the whole thing go down." he was gagged by the fbi.

people on the ground reorted a debris field falling from 93 for about 7/8 miles before it crashed. stuff was falling into a lake behind it.

a sonic boom was recorded on national geographic seismoniters 5 minutes before and five minutes after 93 crashed.

there was a cell phone call reportedly from a passenger to some one in the faa who said that he was in the bathroom on the plane and that there had been some sort of an explosion and there was fire and smoke filling the plane.

one of the engines was found almost a mile from the crater. the feds want us to believe that it boounced there while the rest of the plane was pulverized to tiny bits.

just what i know. hopefully some one can remember/ heard these as well

posted on Feb, 11 2007 @ 12:04 AM

Originally posted by blackthorne
people on the ground reorted a debris field falling from 93 for about 7/8 miles before it crashed. stuff was falling into a lake behind it.

one of the engines was found almost a mile from the crater. the feds want us to believe that it boounced there while the rest of the plane was pulverized to tiny bits.

just what i know. hopefully some one can remember/ heard these as well

I believe thier was also reports from people nearby of the lights in thier houses flickering off and on, which could be a sign of a low flying aircraft using a (ECM) Jammer pod.

Might be an interesting trip to make to the crash site and talk to people. I have experience with aircraft and as a former police officer i know how to interview people.

[edit on 11-2-2007 by ULTIMA1]

posted on Feb, 11 2007 @ 12:37 AM
Go for it.. unless you want to see what Jack Tripper has lined up for us first before making a jump to it and see if you can follow up with something..

But hell, we have a few in this thread alone that are nearby and are willing to talk to people..

this is 2 in a row here (Jack and Ultima/dirtjockey/nick/etc.)

One critical blow after another, I think you guys can do it, form up a documentary or a little short video with eyewitnesses that you wont find anywhere else.

Shake it up guys

posted on Feb, 13 2007 @ 04:57 PM
I'd love to get out there. The only issue is that it is at least 6.5 to 7 hours away, and time away from work for me is next to impossible. Being driven by commission, if I'm not here, I'm not earning any money. Unfortunately, my wallet outweighs my curiosity.

Is there anyone who frequents the board who was an eyewitness to what happened?

posted on Feb, 13 2007 @ 05:05 PM
I totally believe that 93 was shot down. If it wasnt, then why did an entire jet liner manage to disappear into the ground with little evidence left of a crash, besides a giant hole in the ground. Shouldnt there have been bits of fusilage and body parts.

The govt needs to come clean on this, but it will never happen.

posted on Feb, 13 2007 @ 06:50 PM
Lets not forget Donald Rumsfelds slip up when he stated flight 93 was shot down.I also live in Pa. about 3 hours from Pittsburgh.It depends on what days these interviews can be held for me to help cause of work.But I'm very interested.

posted on Feb, 13 2007 @ 10:20 PM
Heres a link to some witness statements,definitely interesting.witness statements

posted on Feb, 15 2007 @ 08:27 AM
there are news reports of about 2 hours after the supposed crash of flight 93 that flight 93 landed in ohio for what was believed as a bomb scare all passengers were evacuated and the plane was searched....if it was on the ground in ohio 2 hours after the crash what plane crashed in PA

posted on Feb, 15 2007 @ 05:23 PM

Originally posted by crowpruitt
Lets not forget Donald Rumsfelds slip up when he stated flight 93 was shot down.I also live in Pa. about 3 hours from Pittsburgh.It depends on what days these interviews can be held for me to help cause of work.But I'm very interested.

There's a Holiday Inn about 15 minutes from the crash site in Somerset. I was thinking of promoting some sort of public meeting at the Holiday Inn for people who witnessed things on 9/11 to show up and tell their story.

Any thoughts on this?

posted on Feb, 15 2007 @ 05:38 PM

Originally posted by Kkannon
there are news reports of about 2 hours after the supposed crash of flight 93 that flight 93 landed in ohio for what was believed as a bomb scare all passengers were evacuated and the plane was searched....if it was on the ground in ohio 2 hours after the crash what plane crashed in PA

I believe that was the confusion between United flight 93 and Delta flight 1989. Flight 1989 had overflown flight 93s path and the ATCs got mixed up on which was which.

posted on Feb, 15 2007 @ 05:39 PM

Originally posted by nick7261

Originally posted by crowpruitt
Lets not forget Donald Rumsfelds slip up when he stated flight 93 was shot down.I also live in Pa. about 3 hours from Pittsburgh.It depends on what days these interviews can be held for me to help cause of work.But I'm very interested.

There's a Holiday Inn about 15 minutes from the crash site in Somerset. I was thinking of promoting some sort of public meeting at the Holiday Inn for people who witnessed things on 9/11 to show up and tell their story.

Any thoughts on this?

Sounds good. How are you going to set it up, what kind of forum would it be ?

posted on Feb, 15 2007 @ 06:02 PM

Originally posted by dirtjockey44xI'm curious if there is anyone on this forum who can actually say that they saw the plane descending or if they are close to anyone who did. I'm not pushing to rewrite history, just trying to get some first hand accounts of what really happened.

I have yet to find anyone who sounds credible that any plane was on fire in the air, especially one supposedly going 580mph.

And the "shoot down" rumors are the biggest distraction to Shanksville, because they still want us to believe Flight 93 crashed there.

If Flight 93 crashed, someone please show the spot it did that is consistent with a 75ton* 757 with 5,500 gallons of fuel crashing at very high speeds.

(*estimated weight at impact)

posted on Feb, 16 2007 @ 01:48 AM

Originally posted by Killtown
And the "shoot down" rumors are the biggest distraction to Shanksville, because they still want us to believe Flight 93 crashed there.

It's funny you mention the shoot down rumors. They started here in Pittsburgh by about 4:00 pm on 9/11. I can't be positive about this, but I'm almost sure that a local news guy actually said something about a shoot-down on the air, but I never heard anything about it again.

This is a perfect example of well planned propaganda. Create an official story, and a rumor, both requiring a common presupposition that you want people to believe.

Official story -passengers were heroes and caused plane to crash.

Rumor - Plane was shot down.

Both stories rely upon presupposition that Flight 93 actually crashed in Shanksville. Psyops at it's best...

[edit on 16-2-2007 by nick7261]

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