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With the "Beseige Troops" of Iran How bloody would the war with Iran get?

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posted on Feb, 9 2007 @ 03:25 PM
Just restating this for those who don't know

Iran has around a 7million(quess on numbers) army of "Besiege Troops", that are basically kids who charge the enemy inmass hoping to overwhelm them like a swarm.

I think if they went full boar on this that it might be the bloodiest war in the history of mankind. They would need to stick all surviving troops into nut houses for a while. The overall slaughter might change the color of the land, it would be so bad.

My question is : Do you think they would ALL gladly go to Alah, or would they surrender. If they all attacked would the US be overwhelmed running out of ammo like Saddam's troops did

posted on Feb, 9 2007 @ 09:48 PM
I don't think the US or Israel would ever think of putting ground troops in a country 3 times the size of Iraq if they can avoid it. My guess is it will be "shock and awe" all over again without a ground invasion. We might have special troops cross the border but that is it, I hope!
If that's the case these kids will have no effect, however if we do get stuck in a ground war in Iran I would imagine the "besiege" kids or whatever wouldn't be much for the US to deal with. Our troops are battle ready and they know the stakes and if it has to be them or those kids let it be those brainwashed kids.

I am proud of the Bush Administration for standing up to this kind of crap. And people wonder where terrorism comes from. As far as the religion known as Islam, how can anyone think a religion that justifies the killing of its kids in such a fashion could be a True religion.

posted on Feb, 10 2007 @ 08:50 AM
Hello Royal, While many choose to use various reasons as a means to fight wars, the latest being a holy war against Christians and Muslims instigated by Zionists the fact is most people fight for the basic right to survive and be free from tyrany.

How about the fact that if a country is invaded people usually want to fight the agressor irespective of their race creed or colour, the indegenous population that is. Some maybe more fanatical than others but the basic premise is that you fight the foreign invader to maintain your freedom and way of life.

Most Iranians dont want to kill anyone including Americans as most Americans dont want to kill Iranians or anyone else. Wars are fought by the poor for the benefit of the rich, powerful, the fanatical, ones head is filled with bullcrap and we are fed into the mincer.

Low Orbit, Us troops are brainwashed just as most Americans are, you have a closed media system that does not provide you with all the info to make a sound honest judgement. We all have our own ideologies most of which is programmed into us from the day we are born, we are educated as they call it to hate, fear, be suspicious to feel superior to those we know nothing about, people we have never met, cultures we do not understand and worst of all most dont even bother to find out the truth. They are quite happy to sit back and swallow the lies and hate, all are guilty of this whom ever they may be. The trick is to unclog your mind of the pre programming and use ones own brain to see what is really happening.

posted on Feb, 12 2007 @ 12:39 PM
Our are you just spouting the brain washed thoughts of others

Most Iranians dont want to kill anyone including Americans as most Americans dont want to kill Iranians or anyone else. Wars are fought by the poor for the benefit of the rich, powerful, the fanatical, ones head is filled with bullcrap and we are fed into the mincer.

While I will admit this will be a war over rich people oil. They have been brainwashed for the last 25 years to hate us. Hate us so much that they are willing to blow themselves up to kill one, or 100 of us. The chant "Death to America" as a group every night before bed. They sneak into the US to blow up normal everyday people.

Low Orbit, Us troops are brainwashed just as most Americans are, you have a closed media system that does not provide you with all the info to make a sound honest judgement.

Funny how most of the "Closed media system" is against the war. I will admit I don't care to much for the main stream media. It used to be informative and now its just used as propaganda for one side or the other.

But to get back on topic. Remember the topic, My question is : Do you think they would ALL gladly go to Alah, or would they surrender. If they all attacked would the US be overwhelmed running out of ammo like Saddam's troops did

mod edit: changed external quotes to normal quotes
Quote Reference (review link)

[edit on 13-2-2007 by UK Wizard]

posted on Feb, 13 2007 @ 08:38 AM
Hi Royal as I clearly stated some will die for their beliefs whilst others may submit to the foreign invader, history has shown us that countries that are occupide by others have a short shelf life.

So whilst the US has the means to beat the Iranians it does not have the means to break the will of the people, Iraq and Afganistan are just two examples.

And do you know every Iranian personally to make the satement that they all hate the US?

posted on Feb, 13 2007 @ 08:54 AM
america will not be able to just use air strikes. if it uses air strikes, without land forces, it is just a temporay solution and may bring much more to iraq to resist america. how ever america is going to do this, it needs land troop on the ground.

america would be good at fighting like a real army, but when that part of the war ends, it finds it hard to fight the guerilla fighting that we see in iraq.

posted on Feb, 28 2007 @ 12:17 PM
They could just look the other way as Israel does it for us.

All we would need is some proof they are working on nukes.

They have already said that they would nuke Israel if they got the weapons.

Israel has said before that if any of its neighbors got nukes they would nuke first and ask questions later.

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