posted on Feb, 9 2007 @ 11:31 AM
With the ominous threat of global warming looming ever closer, scientists are creating what they are calling a "Noahs Ark" seed bank in the Arctic.
With climate changes which effect not only temperatures, but rainfall patterns as well, it is the intention of this seed bank to keep seeds from all
agricultural crops worldwide frozen so that they can be reintroduced to the world should climate change cause the extinction of any of these crop
LONDON, England (Reuters) -- Deep inside the Arctic Circle work is about to begin on a giant frozen Noah's Ark for food crops to provide a last
bastion in the battle against global warming.
And within a year the first seeds of what will eventually be home for samples of all 1.5 million distinct varieties of agricultural crops worldwide
will be tucked safely inside the vaults deep in a mountain on the archipelago of Svalbard.
There, at the end of a tunnel 120 meters into the side of a mountain, 80 meters above estimated sea levels even if all polar ice melts, and 18 degrees
Celsius below freezing, they will stay like a bank security deposit.
Please visit the link provided for the complete story.
Personally, I think that this is a great idea. The article continues to say that "It will be the best freezer in the world by several orders of
magnitude. The seeds will be safe there for decades".
And while I do find this a good idea, it also shows how real the concerns are of global warming. It almost sounds like a doomsday security system.