posted on Feb, 9 2007 @ 08:02 AM
What you describe is something most of us have experienced at various times.
As they say: ' Like minds think alike' and 'Birds of a feather flock together'.
So, whether your interest is dowsing or stamp collecting or the paranormal or whatever, it makes sense to seek those with whom you have interests in
Unfortunately, people often use 'controversial' topics as a means of gaining attention. And it works, to a degree. At other times, it results in
their being shunned, ridiculed. Which is sad, because often, they're just trying to make new friends or liven up a boring conversation.
But, as you know, nothing's worse than the person who's obsessed with 'aliens' or Star Wars or hub-caps, for example, and who attempts to dominate
the conversation regardless of the 'go away' signs others are sending.
And it's worth bearing in mind that most people run a mile from the over-enthusiastic (regarded often as confrontational) individual. Most people
are already stressed to maximum, just coping with life's necessities. In their down time, they don't want to be cornered by someone who insists on
discussing the Meaning of Everything and who takes offense when others say: ' Look, I don't really care. I just want to watch tv. '
Some people have no interest in cookery recipes. Others haven't a grain of interest in mechanics or fishing or blister-bursting. And believe it or
not, there are a lot of folk who don't give two hoots about the paranormal or ancient civilizations or conspiracy theories.
When you see people's eyes glaze over, you'll know you're not going to get much in the way of interesting-conversation out of them.
Oh ---- and I've discovered that a lot of people are scared of off-centre subjects. Death, for example. Hauntings is another. Precognitive dreams
scares some people so intensely that they become quite nasty.
And why? Well, it's because they're frightened. They like life safe and predictable and they don't want to acknowlede that they or their loved
ones will die. And IF they are forced to acknowledge it, then they CHOOSE to believe that they and their loved ones will take the royal escalator up
to the First Class suite in Heaven, where they will all loll around, dressed in something white (but which never needs washing, because there's no
dirt in Heaven, natch) and having stress and thought-free little tea parties, with sugar-icing angels hovering protectively around.
That's all a lot of people can deal with, if they absolutely HAVE to.
Ghosts, hauntings, nasties, dreams that come true ----- these are things they do NOT want to think about, let alone discuss.
And we have to respect that.
But every now and then, you'll meet someone who'll share your interests. Which is always nice.
And there are groups, clubs, libraries, study courses, books, DVDs. There's a ton out there.
Never has life been so good for those with specialised interests. I mean these days, there's internet and the limitless information and
opportunities it provides !
You should have seen what it USED to be like ! No internet and therefore much greater ignorance, isolation and reluctance amongst most to discuss
anything that hadn't been sanctioned by school, church and the holy media and public opinion. Back then, books were like gold and they were
virtually the only source of 'esoteric' information. Meeting people with similar interests was like finding a needle in a haystack. And if you
dared to broach a 'taboo' topic (such as UFOs/aliens/the paranormal) you were ostracised by colleagues, family and neighbours alike and described as
So, you have to take it and enjoy it where you're lucky enough to find it. Even if those you most often associate with don't share your interests,
you've got unlimited opportunity right here on ATS or on any of dozens of similar forums.
Life's good ! Enjoy :-)