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AtS'er aren't very well liked.

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posted on Feb, 9 2007 @ 07:26 AM
Can someone help me understand a few things. When Im lost, I reach out to those that may be a bit older or a bit wiser to help me with things that bother me.

I walk alone so a lot of my questions may seem stupid or child like and for that I apologize. Its just that I dont have family... a mama I can pick up the phone to and ask her these things.

My problem is, people DO NOT care for people who question things. They also do not care for people who deny ignorance. This being my problem, I came to yall for help.

Im not a conspiracy theorist. I dont preach. I dont even bring things up and tend to chill unless my knowledge is asked for. So, I know it isnt an over-bearing issue.

Example: The Mayans. I love to discuss the Mayans, 2012, play around with all of it... but lord, mention this to an average person... one that knows little about anything except their immediate life and pop-culture and they eat you alive!

People dont even want to evaluate issues. They dont even want to discuss theories. It angers them that I do. Not that I want to know more but at the simple idea THAT I FEEL WE SHOULD question all authority and deny all ignorance.

When I saw that on this page, I logged in immediately. Finally others want to look past their noises... past what some say the truth is.

Can anyone help me understand this? Is it because I am female and it intimidates others to have a strong will with a brain attached. Not to mention an ass for days ha! Joke, but true. hehe

Seriously though... why are people so scared of people like us and how do I handle this maturely and humbly when it occurs?

Thanks Buddies!

posted on Feb, 9 2007 @ 07:34 AM
Well to start I think your subject line is a little misleading as this sounds like everyone doesn't like ATS'ers when more appropriately it's you that perhaps has the beef alone.
That said - I understand your frustration. I love to spare and debate and just ask "WHAT IF?" but unfortunately this isn't the board for what if's

It is frustrating that when you pose a question or give your opinion that you are asked each time to bear proof. It's the nature of the site I guess and although I certainly think it has it's place in many of these threads it would be nice to just speculate without being ripped apart.

We have an eclectic group here and that's what makes ATS so great and so frustrating at the same time.

Don't feel it's intimidation that keeps people away either. Until you mentioned it in your post nobody knew your gender, so I highly doubt that's the problem.

Chin up! I would love to have a conversation about the Mayans/2012 idea with you.

posted on Feb, 9 2007 @ 08:02 AM
What you describe is something most of us have experienced at various times.

As they say: ' Like minds think alike' and 'Birds of a feather flock together'.

So, whether your interest is dowsing or stamp collecting or the paranormal or whatever, it makes sense to seek those with whom you have interests in common.

Unfortunately, people often use 'controversial' topics as a means of gaining attention. And it works, to a degree. At other times, it results in their being shunned, ridiculed. Which is sad, because often, they're just trying to make new friends or liven up a boring conversation.

But, as you know, nothing's worse than the person who's obsessed with 'aliens' or Star Wars or hub-caps, for example, and who attempts to dominate the conversation regardless of the 'go away' signs others are sending.

And it's worth bearing in mind that most people run a mile from the over-enthusiastic (regarded often as confrontational) individual. Most people are already stressed to maximum, just coping with life's necessities. In their down time, they don't want to be cornered by someone who insists on discussing the Meaning of Everything and who takes offense when others say: ' Look, I don't really care. I just want to watch tv. '

Some people have no interest in cookery recipes. Others haven't a grain of interest in mechanics or fishing or blister-bursting. And believe it or not, there are a lot of folk who don't give two hoots about the paranormal or ancient civilizations or conspiracy theories.

When you see people's eyes glaze over, you'll know you're not going to get much in the way of interesting-conversation out of them.

Oh ---- and I've discovered that a lot of people are scared of off-centre subjects. Death, for example. Hauntings is another. Precognitive dreams scares some people so intensely that they become quite nasty.

And why? Well, it's because they're frightened. They like life safe and predictable and they don't want to acknowlede that they or their loved ones will die. And IF they are forced to acknowledge it, then they CHOOSE to believe that they and their loved ones will take the royal escalator up to the First Class suite in Heaven, where they will all loll around, dressed in something white (but which never needs washing, because there's no dirt in Heaven, natch) and having stress and thought-free little tea parties, with sugar-icing angels hovering protectively around.

That's all a lot of people can deal with, if they absolutely HAVE to.

Ghosts, hauntings, nasties, dreams that come true ----- these are things they do NOT want to think about, let alone discuss.

And we have to respect that.

But every now and then, you'll meet someone who'll share your interests. Which is always nice.

And there are groups, clubs, libraries, study courses, books, DVDs. There's a ton out there.

Never has life been so good for those with specialised interests. I mean these days, there's internet and the limitless information and opportunities it provides !

You should have seen what it USED to be like ! No internet and therefore much greater ignorance, isolation and reluctance amongst most to discuss anything that hadn't been sanctioned by school, church and the holy media and public opinion. Back then, books were like gold and they were virtually the only source of 'esoteric' information. Meeting people with similar interests was like finding a needle in a haystack. And if you dared to broach a 'taboo' topic (such as UFOs/aliens/the paranormal) you were ostracised by colleagues, family and neighbours alike and described as weird.

So, you have to take it and enjoy it where you're lucky enough to find it. Even if those you most often associate with don't share your interests, you've got unlimited opportunity right here on ATS or on any of dozens of similar forums.

Life's good ! Enjoy :-)

posted on Feb, 9 2007 @ 08:03 AM
You might want to change the title of this thread. I think you'd get more responses if it better reflected what you are thinking .... that's not being critical, that's being helpful.

posted on Feb, 9 2007 @ 08:33 AM
This may be difficult for some people on this forum to believe, but there are actually people in the world who LOVE ignorance. They are comfortable being ignorant and do not want to know anything that may disturb their comfort zone. This is why some people will become angry if anyone tries to tell them that they are killing themselves by smoking 3 packs of cigarrettes a day. Some of them will cuss you out if you try to diminish their fog of ignorance by telling them that they are destroying their liver by drinking a gallon of whiskey every day. There are some people who may become aggressive if you try to educate them about the harmful effects of drugs. Such people are comfortable being ignorant and doing ignorant things which bring short-term satisfaction but long-term troubles.

Don't waste time trying to reason with lunatics nor trying to enlighten people devoted to ignorance.

posted on Feb, 9 2007 @ 11:42 AM
It all goes back to "Birds of a Feather". Find people with similar interests to yours.

It is hard enough going through life with the daily problems in addition to wondering what the future holds..are the Mayans right? Is Dark Knight right?

I just think we need to kick back and enjoy things, while being prepared for all possibilities. If others don't want to listen, they'll have to answer for it.

Feel free to get in touch with me about the Mayans...I have a few theories of my own.

posted on Feb, 10 2007 @ 09:07 AM
First of all, Welcome to ATS!

Yes you are one of few, lucky to wake up while most are still sleeping. I believe Helen Keller said it best, "People do not like to think, thinking leads to conclusions and conclusions are not always pleasent."

You are not alone! You have us

posted on Feb, 10 2007 @ 09:27 AM
Welcome fellow Truth Seeker !

It's been my experience, that the majority of people enjoy the normal,
everyday spoonfed drivel that is their life.

The minority (us) seek the "why and wherefore" of being.

When posed with a question they have no knowledge of, they ridicule
the asker to avoid (in their mind) looking ignorant. Just the opposite

Continue to question. It's encouraged.


posted on Feb, 10 2007 @ 09:44 AM
Thank you all very much for your encouragement. I can understand the rose-colored glasses thing... I just dont want to wear them.

As I mature, I will understand others fears and hopefully stop caring about those that dont.

I dont know... maybe they are the lucky ones, we suffer in our heads pondering the meaning of life or why flies have such big eyes. Madly doing research on the topic as they play at the beach.

Looking at it that way, maybe Im the idiot. Maybe I do need to get some of those glasses.

Naw, pass.

I love ATS, dont post much unless someone asks me something but love it nonetheless. Thanks for being here.

posted on Feb, 10 2007 @ 11:25 AM
i cant understand that there are people who just say "this and that is bullcrap" and havent even looked into the evidence.

for instance i was at my doctor the other day. i have had some complaints he couldnt find an answer for. i looked up the internet myself to find some answers and found an article about a professor who had done some research in the field my problems came from. he did intensive testing with lots of participants and has always come to the same conlusion.
now, the article was a little out of the ordinary, but then again anything that isnt mainstream is.

BUT here was a guy having done all this research. an educated man. i tell my doctor about this article and he acts like its crap. how in the world can you act like that?????

posted on Feb, 10 2007 @ 11:47 AM
THATS more like the kind of thing Im talking about.

As a little girl I use to tell my granny; there are some people that get 'it' and some people that dont. She would laugh and say I was wise beyond my years.

As an adult, I still cant describe it any better. And Im not one to have difficulty expressing the way I feel.

Im just going to continue to stick with the ones that get 'it'. Whatever the hell 'it' is we get.

Just seems like we are so burdened as everyone else gets to chill because they say ignorance is bliss.

I dont know, for the first time in my life I just dont want to think anymore. I want to not 'get it'. I want that child like, care-free frame of mind. To rather have a drink at a bar than read a book, thats what people my age do. I'd rather research a topic Im uneducated about.

Nerd? To the contrary, hard-core girl with just too many questions. If I were a nerd, this would make more sense lol.

I think I just might have reach an odd age, time in my life.

posted on Feb, 10 2007 @ 12:18 PM

Originally posted by Little One
As a little girl I use to tell my granny; there are some people that get 'it' and some people that dont. She would laugh and say I was wise beyond my years.

What did she say when you rode up on a nice dirtbike?

I clicked on your thread out of curiosity and I do understand what you are talking about. Hey, I had that experience just yesterday and I have it almost every day! In fact, whenever I am posting on ATS or talking with a stranger about mind-blowing truths, my wife calls it "rattling cages". That's really all an informed person can do to an uninformed person.

But even when I do this, I'll be compassionate for their lack of knowledge. Someone will tell me something (simple everyday political conversation) and I'll drop a line like "Yeah, it's pretty impressive when the head of the CIA manages to get himself and his kid elected president huh?" and they will look at me with a glazed, confused stare. I have rattled another cage. But why are some basic facts not ever mentioned? I feel bad for the ignorant but I still try to break them free.

I do this with all kind of ATS topics whenever I feel like it. Aliens, cryptozology, spirituality, whatever, and it's always the same look, and always the same defensive reaction. It really is like rattling a person's cage when you have knowledge they lack. There's no easy way to shake up someone's world and I think this is why they usually react this way.

Anyway, liked your post. I have no doubt that you will be able to rattle a few people right out of their cages if you try hard enough. At least that's my goal.

posted on Feb, 10 2007 @ 01:05 PM
Well, for quiet some time I was able to hide it back in the woods. It was a 4 stroke so it wasnt as loud as a two stroke would be so I would go way back in the woods and ride.

I got tired of that, opened my mouth and let my brain fall out.

Being the bold lil thing I was, I decided I was going to 'come clean', my version of clean anyway HA!

Granny, a white boy said I could have it. Well, any adult is going to know better (I was like 6, bout 50 pds max). It was a Honda XR80, never forget it. I had now stolen AND lied.

I got my butt beat and but good. Then, I had to take the bike back. But even though I had done all of those terrible things... I ended up with the bike in the end.

The man said: Hunny, if you want this thing bad enough to have done all the things you have done to obtain it... its yours. I was forever grateful and I used my dirtbike to go off the rez to his house to help his wife shell peas or can tomatoes. I did something for them every Saturday if it wasnt anything more than playing with the son (about 2) so they could relax.

I was a kid that did an awful thing. But, somehow it was the right thing. They got me use to being around white people. The wife told me to get smart and get off that rez! Forever grateful for that encouragement.

But yes... I got switched (a small twig from a tree that leaves welts and bleeding) very good that time. But, I had weighed by odds and was willing to suck them up. And I did.

But I got my bike!

posted on Feb, 10 2007 @ 01:12 PM
Sometimes, you have to do something bad, to achieve something good.
Might sound odd, but think about it.

And, about getting off the rez...ever see the movie SLC Punk ?
At the end, there is an awesome line. Something like "I figure I can do more damage from the inside, than from the outside". He's talking about
dropping into the "mainstream".
I highly recommend that movie, for anyone that's ever felt "different".

Pondering as always,

Edit due to thinking faster than I type.

[edit on 10-2-2007 by Lexion]

posted on Feb, 10 2007 @ 01:38 PM

Never seen that but you know me!!! Running to rent it.

I will report back!

Thank you for your genuine concern in me. Its so nice... so what I want all of the world to be like.

posted on Feb, 10 2007 @ 01:40 PM

Originally posted by Little One
Well, for quiet some time I was able to hide it back in the woods. It was a 4 stroke so it wasnt as loud as a two stroke would be so I would go way back in the woods and ride.


Granny, a white boy said I could have it. Well, any adult is going to know better (I was like 6, bout 50 pds max). It was a Honda XR80, never forget it. I had now stolen AND lied.

Very nice. Kinda like stealing a horse for a six year old girl. Glad you didn't kill yourself.

The man said: Hunny, if you want this thing bad enough to have done all the things you have done to obtain it... its yours. I was forever grateful and I used my dirtbike to go off the rez to his house to help his wife shell peas or can tomatoes. I did something for them every Saturday if it wasnt anything more than playing with the son (about 2) so they could relax.

Wow, this almost sounds like a storybook dream, LittleOne. I mean, there are some amazing images in your words. Keep typing and I am sure you will change the world.

I was a kid that did an awful thing. But, somehow it was the right thing. They got me use to being around white people. The wife told me to get smart and get off that rez! Forever grateful for that encouragement.

I would like to ask a couple questions Little One, since this is Skunk Works and I think you won't mind. I am wondering what tribe you are, and maybe even where your reservation was/is?

I have noticed there are two general thoughts which native people have toward spirituality in America. One path says that tribal ways are best preserved by remaining tied to local traditions and rejecting any pan-spirituality or nation-wide spiritual vision for natives. The other path describes a global vision which is seen by elders of all American native tribes.

I know a spiritual leader who is Karuk, but he practices a lakota sweat lodge and sundance and so on. I am wondering what your granny would have said about this? It seems like you really broke down some large barriers in your youth. [EDIT: I am white so I know he is at risk of violence by sharing medicine with white people...]

Please tell us more of your story as I know all of ATS will benefit.

[edit on 10-2-2007 by smallpeeps]

posted on Feb, 10 2007 @ 01:51 PM
Uhm *feels shy*

What do you want to know? I would love to share. We want people to know about us but we tend to be too humble about it. Some actually think we are all dead.

Im Cherokee. In the Cherokee tribe we have 7 clans, only tribe with different clans. The first natives to produce a language system. Do you want to know about Cherokees or my personal experiences, beliefs, how I was raised?

I dont want to make the egostistical assumption you are interested in that and I speak about myself. But if thats the case, I love and miss my granny and enjoy talking about those days. Makes me feel nearer to her.

Be direct. Then, I will feel more comfortable. Dont beat around the bush or I'll have to, too.

Edit to say: Cool Pic... Flash back and yes, good thing it wasnt a CR cuz I would have stolen it too.

I had to use a bucket turned over to put my foot down, if I didnt have that, had to find a stump or high ground. :lol

[edit on 10-2-2007 by Little One]

posted on Feb, 10 2007 @ 02:16 PM

Originally posted by Little One
I dont want to make the egostistical assumption you are interested in that and I speak about myself. But if thats the case, I love and miss my granny and enjoy talking about those days. Makes me feel nearer to her.

Yes, this is exactly the assumption I'd like you to make. Don't want anybody put on the spot but your words have meaning to me. I believe there is wisdom in your stories. I don't know too much about Cherokee ways but there is a native fellow who has recently posted some cool podcasts on ATS and he is Cherokee. I just am far more interested in native spirituality than in grey aliens, you see?

Be direct. Then, I will feel more comfortable. Dont beat around the bush or I'll have to, too.

Directly put, I am very interested in the perspective of native persons on ATS, and I am not alone in this. Please share no information you woldn't want shared with the whole world of course, because that is where ATS resides.

A while back there was a native American ATS member who killed himself and I alwayts felt bad for this guy. Near where I live there is an indian education center (just a little office with a schoolroom really) and when I stop in there to look at CDs of music or talk to people, the kids which are there are always so alive and aware. I often wonder why native life in America involves such a difficult transition from childhood to adulthood. I wonder about the stresses which this world puts on native American children.

I can type on this subject for days, and I don't want to derail your thread about how people react to ATS'ers. BUT I really do think that if you share some of your stories with us (maybe about how people react to natives and how natives react to whites) then the subject might be even better lit.

Edit to say: Cool Pic... Flash back and yes, good thing it wasnt a CR cuz I would have stolen it too.

Yeah, I never got to ride dirtbikes cause we didn't have enough money. I'd go to the dealership and sit on them when I was 7 or so but the sales people always gave me looks or kicked me out. Recently as an adult(?) I have been wanting to get a nice little 250 to buzz around on. ...uh but I am trying to reduce my material possessions.

posted on Feb, 10 2007 @ 07:52 PM
Some very good responses to your question/concerns posted on this thread.

I dont worry if people like me per se. I just quit worrying about it along time ago. I carry my own load through life so I dont worry about being liked or popular or such. When I want ...I voice my opinion/views.

While I dont have much intrest in the Mayan Buisness of which you spoke if that is your thing...Bon Appetit. Go for it!!!!

I agree with many of the posters in their concepts about what and why people dont think or analyze outside of thier narrow provincial world. They often struggle so hard just to keep what they have or have earned/managed. They dont want others burdening them with heavy thoughts.

YOu never see me stuck in front of a television set watching, baseball, basketball, NASCAR, Survivor, American Idol, Racing etc etc.

I do however like to watch these programs detailing how the racing technology is finding its way into our every day automobiles and such. I find this fascinating. I'm just not intrested in such spectator sports.
Now a program such as a fishing program...that I will sometimes watch. I love to fish and eat the fish I catch so a new fishing technique or gear will catch my attention.
I think you now understand some of that to which I am alluding.

I am a detailer..I watch and look for little details and try to teach myself the technique or knowlege of tying all these little details together into a mosaic,a picture, a image, of life and life skills..including the thinking needed to do this.

Many people have no instest in this. They dont want to know how to catch the fish themselves...or how it got to the store...they just want it there when they want it. They dont want to know anything about the process.
This is the bulk of peoples in this world.

YOu are a square peg in a round hole. I surmise your questions are sometimes very disturbing to people with this consumption psyche.

Good luck in your quest,
Keep at it and dont quit.
Sometimes we too dont like what we learn but dont let that make you quit.

Thanks for your post.

posted on Feb, 11 2007 @ 06:32 AM

the problem i have with your argument here is that :

you expect , nat demand that others " see things your way " isnt that damed rude and presumptuous ?????

what if YOU are wrong ?

just to focus on your " maya / 2012 " belief - to be blunt it is utter twaddle , a hideous mishmas of misreprsentation fabrication and wishfull thinking

if you actually read maya history and cosmology - it contains none of the belifs ascribed to them .

now you can call me ginorant , ut it is your insitance that i see things your way " or else " that actually does turn me off you .

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