posted on Dec, 17 2003 @ 01:50 PM
Around 11:20 am est. today I heard a boom that rattled my windows.
I assumed it was the kids being rambuntious (sp?) so I yelled up there to quit it.
They were sitting with their mom and they said they didn't do it.
A neighbor called and asked if I heard it too and he lives across the street.
I called the PoPo and they heard it too.
They put me on hold while they checked.
Two minuites later they tell me that it was "something going on at Quantico Marine Corp. Base".
She also said I "would hear this over the next 3 days".
I live 20 miles north of Quantico.
Is this normal 20 miles away?
I've never heard it before and lived in this area most of my life.
I don't know much about Proving grounds and such does anyone know if this is normal or what they could be blowing up to cause the windows in a house
20 miles away to be shaken?