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Mommy, Daddy, are Jews Apes and Christians pigs?

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posted on Feb, 7 2007 @ 01:37 PM
Saudi Arabia is a very large part of the growth of fundamentalist Muslims. A lot of the schools and mosques that receive funding from SA are given extremist material to view.

And if you want to get evolutionary... Jews are apes. They descended from primates just like the rest of us

posted on Feb, 7 2007 @ 01:39 PM

Originally posted by thisguyrighthere

Originally posted by madnessinmysoul
o yes, islam is a horribly violent religion that stereotypes all christians as pigs and all jews as monkeys

that is all true
because of one small school in england....

i fail to see the logic of calling all of islam bad over this...

it'd be like calling all christians loons for pat robertson's diarrhea of the mouth

Did I miss the poster who called out all of Islam?

No. You missed madnessinmysoul failing to address the actual issue being discussed, turning it into a "I am morally superior because I don't hate Islam" Post, which then turned into the OP hates all Muslims.

Or maybe we are the only ones who see through the typical left wing rhetoric.

posted on Feb, 7 2007 @ 02:17 PM

Originally posted by DJMessiah
That mosque does not speak for all of Islam.

Of course it doesn't. Most of Islam is rational and filled with decent people. I can't believe that I'm the only one here who finds this self-evident.

What they have in their books is stated by Christians Churches here in the US against Muslims. There have been numerous times where I went to a Church and heard the preacher calls Muslims as "Satanists," "Arab monkeys," and "liars."

I am not denying that happens, and I am not denying that it is just as bad. If you can provide us with more information, I am more than willing to throw them under the bus as well.

I see the same hatred echoing in this thread about Muslims. If you want to end bigotry and hatred, start with your own before condemning others.

I agree that hate in all of its forms is the most horrible of human emotions. I do my best to respect all people, including those who seek to oppress others.

Will you and others join me in explicitly saying that Christian hate spewed from the pulpit is noxious? And will you and others join me in explicitly saying that having this book in the school is just as bad?

Maybe once we are consistent about what behavior we expect from our fellow man, they will begin to come around.

[edit on 2/7/2007 by Togetic]

posted on Feb, 7 2007 @ 02:57 PM

Originally posted by Togetic
I am not denying that happens, and I am not denying that it is just as bad. If you can provide us with more information, I am more than willing to throw them under the bus as well.

The Churches I've visited with this kind of bigotry were in Stone Mountain, Dacula, Hall County, and early Gwinnett when it wasn't so diverse. The ones with very little population of minorities tend to echo these messages, which leads me to think that racism also plays a part.

I agree that hate in all of its forms is the most horrible of human emotions. I do my best to respect all people, including those who seek to oppress others.

That's a very noble attitude. I applaud you for that reasoning.

Will you and others join me in explicitly saying that Christian hate spewed from the pulpit is noxious?

Indeed. Hate spewed from any religion, be it Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Hindu, Wiccanism, and even Scientology is wrong. The purpose of religion is to unite mankind, not divide it with hate.

And will you and others join me in explicitly saying that having this book in the school is just as bad?

It is indeed. It goes against Islam's teaching, and it also spurs racism.

[edit on 7-2-2007 by DJMessiah]

posted on Feb, 7 2007 @ 03:00 PM

Originally posted by DJMessiah

Originally posted by Togetic
I am not denying that happens, and I am not denying that it is just as bad. If you can provide us with more information, I am more than willing to throw them under the bus as well.

The Churches I've visited with this kind of bigotry were in Stone Mountain, Dacula, Hall County, and early Gwinnett when it wasn't so diverse. The ones with very little population of minorities tend to echo these messages, which leads me to think that racism also plays a part.

I remember going to a Catholic church with a Protestant friend of mine one time, and the priest spent the entire time railing against Protestants. Sometimes it is very frustrating.

I think a greater effort needs to be made to ensure that people like this are educated about these different ideas.

It's a shame, because I have met many good people from many different religions. Too often an entire religion is defined by their bad apples.

posted on Feb, 7 2007 @ 03:04 PM

Originally posted by CanadianGlasnost
Havent you seen those British Reportages on the Mosquees in England?

You should have a look, they are on Youtube if I remember well


The problem in the UK is that for some reason at the moment the UK government, hell most of the population is petrified of upsetting the Islamic community.

Somewhere on ATS is a thread about a teacher who got fired because during a class he said " Most sucicide bombers are muslim"

The Islamic community is the first and loudest to scream discrimination, they can say anything they wan't but if you disagree then you are a racist. The protection muslims have in the UK is so high it's become counterproductive, I think the term is "reverse discrimination"

One of the largest banks in the world, HSBC, offers a Amanah Mortgage for Muslims based on the framework of Shariah law.

A large themepark offered a Muslim only day, where muslims could go there and all the outlets selling pork or selling alcohol were closed for the day.

They, in my opinion, have a feeling that they can do what they want because they are so protected under the extreme left wing sentiments of the government!

It is a problem though that covers not just Muslims but most minority groups. Gay people, Black people, refugees and the list goes on. If you are a straight white male you are made to feel tagged as a Racist, anti gay, thug! It's all very sad

posted on Feb, 7 2007 @ 03:07 PM

Originally posted by Jimmy1880
The problem in the UK is that for some reason at the moment the UK government, hell most of the population is petrified of upsetting the Islamic community.

Somewhere on ATS is a thread about a teacher who got fired because during a class he said " Most sucicide bombers are muslim"

It is important to hear that information and your perspective. Thank you.

posted on Feb, 7 2007 @ 03:41 PM

Originally posted by CanadianGlasnost
With the television program on the British Mosquees and That,

I'm seriously starting to believe there is a Major Problem in the United Kingdom

But, something I really can put the finger on...

How come they are Allowed to institutionnate Hatred like that in a school? How can the guy actually REFUSE to retire these books?

Moreover, How come they arent sending in the police during the weekend to Force these books out of the circulation?

there is a major problem in the UK that is being compounded by people pretending its not a problem. The UK is in a major state of denial about the threat of radical islam, if there is such a thing, I tend to think its all pretty radical. Anyway, this definately should not be permitted in england and I think the first step to solving the problem is recognizing that there is a problem.

posted on Feb, 7 2007 @ 03:44 PM

Originally posted by madnessinmysoul
o yes, islam is a horribly violent religion that stereotypes all christians as pigs and all jews as monkeys

that is all true
because of one small school in england....

i fail to see the logic of calling all of islam bad over this...

it'd be like calling all christians loons for pat robertson's diarrhea of the mouth

Well, I know your feelings about religion madness and I repect them. But there are battle lines being drawn up by these radical muslims along rligous lines and people better start figuring out what side they are on. I dont think there will be any "sitting this one out" if these trends continue. It seems radical muslims use the infiltrate, overwhelm, and dominate tactic quite a bit. I dont know about you, but I would rather side with a group of people that arent going to kill you for your personal beliefs.

[edit on 7-2-2007 by XphilesPhan]

posted on Feb, 7 2007 @ 03:55 PM

Originally posted by thisguyrighthere
Obviously you havent seen this:

[edit on 7-2-2007 by thisguyrighthere]

Yeah,I've seen it!! It's the biggest pile of crap I have ever watched in my life!! Presented by a Muslim, nonetheless.

posted on Feb, 7 2007 @ 04:00 PM
This is pretty shameful. I wouldn't have believed that kids are allowed to be taught this stuff in a school in the UK.

Yet another Saudi connection aswell, sometimes I think the eyes of the West are watching the wrong people.

posted on Feb, 7 2007 @ 04:14 PM

Originally posted by SpeakerofTruth

Originally posted by thisguyrighthere
Obviously you havent seen this:

[edit on 7-2-2007 by thisguyrighthere]

Yeah,I've seen it!! It's the biggest pile of crap I have ever watched in my life!! Presented by a Muslim, nonetheless.

I watched about the first three minutes of this and was horrified as they spun the lives of the monks as oppressive and derided their religion as "superstition." And what exactly is the deal with the flaming Buddha? I have seen a number of videos produced by radical Muslims, and fire is often seen in the background or in the graphics. It is a startling image and can only represent rage and their belief in divine retribution.

Still, I wish they and others would tone it down a bit.

posted on Feb, 7 2007 @ 04:18 PM

Originally posted by Togetic
And what exactly is the deal with the flaming Buddha? I have seen a number of videos produced by radical Muslims, and fire is often seen in the background or in the graphics. It is a startling image and can only represent rage and their belief in divine retribution.

Still, I wish they and others would tone it down a bit.

It's the whole idea that anyone who believes a practice other than theirs is "destined for hell-fire."
Same fear tactics used by the same religions all of the time!! It's all a method of control.. Well, now Christianity and Islam are in a death knell for control and the world sings happily along.

[edit on 7-2-2007 by SpeakerofTruth]

posted on Feb, 7 2007 @ 04:37 PM

Originally posted by madnessinmysoul
o yes, islam is a horribly violent religion that stereotypes all christians as pigs and all jews as monkeys

that is all true
because of one small school in england....

i fail to see the logic of calling all of islam bad over this...

it'd be like calling all christians loons for pat robertson's diarrhea of the mouth

Unfortunately, this is not confined to one small school in England. It occurs worldwide, including in the Islamic schools in the US.

Groups in Pakistan and Afghanistan are well known for teaching young children hatred and violence toward "infidels", and the links to Saudi extremist groups that influence the young are well documented. The sources are numerous.

posted on Feb, 7 2007 @ 05:17 PM

Originally posted by DJMessiah
That mosque does not speak for all of Islam.

Of course. But the obvious (to most) point is that even if one Christian church had had something like that publicized, there would be rioting by muslims in several countries and people would be dying over it. What the poster wanted you to see and understand is the difference in reaction between Christians and the so-called "peace loving muslims" that were doing the rioting.

What they have in their books is stated by Christians Churches here in the US against Muslims.

Been in many churches all across tha U.S. and have never heard anything even remotely like this. I believe your comment is a total fabrication meant to somehow make muslims look better by making Christians look bad.

Bottom line:

Remember the recent muslim cartoon riots? Exactly where in the world today are Christians rioting over this story? Point made.

posted on Feb, 7 2007 @ 05:42 PM
We know that not ALL the muslims are extremist,

God help us if it was the case

The problem is that the extremists talk the loudest and will affect the image of the whole community

I remember last session, I had a Politiks teacher telling us that only a Tenth of the muslims were Extremists...

I replied that I hoped that number was wrong, because it would make approximately 100 millions people radically motivated

I can't believe the people are THAT scared in Great Britain, (I mean... That's the country's empire we were part of right?)

This will result in counter hatred... and They will finally have a justification for calling out Racism but it'll be too late and will have little effect

posted on Feb, 7 2007 @ 05:45 PM
Well I like to check on something, can you Brits there check up on if the leaders of the mosques are foreign or British born? That would really help since I have this book I read where the author mentions that many British Muslims are radicalized by imams who are from foreign countries.

posted on Feb, 7 2007 @ 05:50 PM
It won't probably help you because it doesnt concern Britain but anyway

In Eastern Canada, I believe most Radical Imams are from France... I wouldnt be surprised to learn that Imams in England are foreign born

Saudi Arabia is probably sending Imams they formed in other Countries

In this case, Saudi Arabia was directly financing the School, so I wouldnt be surprised at all

posted on Feb, 7 2007 @ 05:56 PM

Originally posted by deltaboy
I don't see that in our history books in middle and high school about Muslims are frogs and needs to be killed.

Eh no, all Muslims are terrorists and need to be detained is the current propaganda campaign.

Originally posted by Jimmy1880
Somewhere on ATS is a thread about a teacher who got fired because during a class he said " Most sucicide bombers are muslim

...that´s something else than saying all muslims are suicide bombers (which would be really bad). If statistics show that of all suicide bombers more than 50% are muslim, than it is what it is: Most suicide bombers are Muslims. If statistics say so.

posted on Feb, 7 2007 @ 05:57 PM

Originally posted by CanadianGlasnost
It won't probably help you because it doesnt concern Britain but anyway

What do you mean it doesn't concern Britain? You mean they do not care? Or you believe it ain't related?

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