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Bird Flu, America Prepare!

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posted on Apr, 5 2007 @ 11:23 AM

Originally posted by dirty_underground
I saw this article and it scared me that the government is alerting these companies to prepare plans for a pandemic. Drive-thru soup and bread at the supermarkets, armed guards on the delivery trucks, etc...

I wonder if the government plans on dropping this on us soon or if this is just another hoax. What do you think, are you prepared?

US Companies Prepare for Bird Flu

This is in the worst way possible. At first they will try to contain the persons infected by the Viruses in special room in hospital. What you say about armed guards is in case of a MCI (Mass casualties incident) where riot could start because the governement as shut down every public place, restrain movement, close the border all in a effort to stop the spread of the disease. But this will be use onlyh after a enormous number of people died and only if the population start a rebellion against the governement.
It's also a part of the war measures law when a exceptional events happen. I think that in that case prevention , good awareness and readiness and a lot of information given to the population will resolve the Bird flu crisis if one has to arrived.

posted on Apr, 10 2007 @ 09:02 PM
Check this out:
Bird Flu Mutation Risk

The deadly H5N1 form of the bird flu virus is rapidly mutating and the world must be on guard even though the disease has yet to be transmitted between humans, experts told a meeting in Beijing, Chinese media said on Tuesday.
The closed door conference, attended by experts from the Chinese and U.S. centers for disease control and the World Health Organization among others, opened on Monday, the official newspaper of the Chinese Health Ministry reported.
“The experts said that despite there being no evidence yet of human-to-human transmission of bird flu, the highly pathogenic H5N1 form of the virus is continuing to rapidly mutate, and human infections keep happening,“ the Health News reported.
“H5N1 is a virus that has the potential for mass transmission, and people cannot slacken off in their control efforts,“ it added in a front-page story.
According to Reuters, the report provided no other details, except that the meeting will discuss bird flu vaccines.
The virus has killed 164 people since 2003, according to the WHO.
“These might not be large numbers but we cannot let that lull us into a false security,“ Henk Bekedam, the WHO’s representative in China, said in a speech at the meeting, a copy of which was obtained by Reuters on Tuesday.
“Right now, a growing public health challenge is overcoming effects of ’bird flu fatigue’,“ he said.
“Just because an avian influenza pandemic has not hit, or because there is lower media coverage at times, does not mean the very real and ongoing threat of one has gone away,“ Bekedam added.
“Right now, the H5N1 virus does not transfer easily from animals to humans or from humans to humans. But that could change at any moment and we must prepare for that possibility.“
The H5N1 virus remains mainly a virus of birds, but experts fear it could change into a form easily transmitted from person to person and sweep the world, killing millions within weeks or months.
So far, most human cases can be traced to direct or indirect contact with infected birds.
China has not reported a poultry outbreak since September 20 last year, though earlier this month the health ministry confirmed a man in the eastern province of Anhui had contracted bird flu but subsequently recovered.

I'll get the link soon, i 4got to copy it lol

posted on Apr, 30 2007 @ 03:47 PM
does anyone know where the bird flu comes from ?

posted on May, 18 2007 @ 08:26 PM
I think it came from Indonesia. But not sure. I found some links where a outbreak may occur and the military is preparing. As many as 3 million can die in less then 6 weeks.

posted on May, 20 2007 @ 11:54 AM
Here's a new link to the story in the original post.

A note of caution about panic:

[edit on 2007/5/20 by GradyPhilpott]

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