posted on Feb, 6 2007 @ 03:26 PM
Woke from dreaming with the conscious still streaming, the dreaming conscience is still teeming in the idea of freeing the Human species that thinks
it is mingling in a society that is doomed to deprive "We" of every right Our ancestors faught for, realizing We never had to fight for rights, We
are born free and die quietly despite the fact that We are quite miss lead in Our acts of lying, treasonry, and selfish, tumultuous, systematic
monetary sleezery. Wait a second, wait a second, We cease to die and We cease to Be... born, We are this Eternal energy of this Omnified Existence,
never leaving its sempiternal persistence and resistance to an unPerfect Existence that only in expectations it is seen to Be. Woke pondering why We
ponder, ' often do, pondered a pond of lies and wondered if I am supposed to Be the pawn that defies the unjust eyes to re cognize the membories We
all once had. The cosmic connectedness to Our star brothers and sisters, a seismic malevolence to Our religious preachers and pastors, but why do
those who claim to Be for "the most high and holy" reject the very creation that they claim to worship? ' Spoken regarding the psychogenetic
ambidextrous neoplasmic refreshing of Our World that is to happen, ' smile at the site of those who comprehend that over sit is the opposite of under
stand and know to look at the word is to evolve in to a consciousness that We can yet only imagine. Fastidious behaviour like that of the persistance
mentioned, perhaps they would have Us out casted in to a systematized or institutionalized world and call Us A.D.D, A.D.H.D. or for a quick buck We
could purchase some medicine for O.C.D. We have never Been free and will cease to Be thee only to the day that We think We are. They try to break Us,
We realized that We are every one, they try to push Us away, We realized what We say is special, they tried to degrade Our character, We realize it is
only a projection of the projector screaming for a cure to its own. Finally, We tread these waters with cautious mental foot steps, so lightly to Not
effect the dermis, and "one day" the world will hear Our message, and "one day" the World will Be that message.
Now a dream allegorically metamorphed in to a metaphor of written and alphabetized symbols presenting concepts for the mind to wander in wonder. In