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Iraqi Gunmen seize Iranian diplomat

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posted on Feb, 6 2007 @ 05:59 AM
As reported here, an Iranian Diplomat has been seized while driving through Baghdad. The finger from Tehran is being pointed at US forces, however, the US has denied anyone working under their direction, has had anything to do with it.
Gunmen wearing Iraqi army uniforms seized an Iranian diplomat as he drove through central Baghdad, officials said Tuesday. Tehran condemned the abduction and blamed U.S. forces in

One Iraqi government official also said the diplomat was detained Sunday by a special Iraqi army unit that reports directly to the U.S. military. But a military spokesman denied any U.S. troops or Iraqis that report to them were involved.

"We've checked with our units and it was not an MNF-I (Multi-National Forces — Iraq) unit that participated in that event," military spokesman Lt. Col. Christopher Garver said, adding he could not confirm the diplomat was seized.

Please visit the link provided for the complete story.

This is just another notch on the belt to further fuel the fire that's burning under the Bush Administration and Israel's butts to get the "party" started in Iran. I think they are desperately looking for a way to get Iran riled up enough to start pushing back, as a means to "ok" their preemptive strikes.

How many "abductions" and "finger pointings" are going to take place before Iran snaps? It's only a matter of time before Iran becomes deathly tired of the shenanigans. Is the Bush Admin. to blame, as being a "taunt"? We all know that Bush wants to go into Iran, with Iran and Syria being his two main targets as scapegoats for the lack of "winning" in Iraq.

posted on Feb, 6 2007 @ 07:47 AM
Thankfully, Iran have proven they arent stupid enough to bite.
And Im sure the US have full knowdedge of the details surrounding this.

posted on Feb, 6 2007 @ 08:23 AM
So we're jumping on the blame US bandwagon for this too? I guess the hundreds of different terrorist organizations in Iraq couldn't have had anything to do with it, the US must have been behind it. :shk:

Originally posted by Agit8dChop
And Im sure the US have full knowdedge of the details surrounding this.

Well, glad we figured this one out in two posts.

[edit on 6-2-2007 by WestPoint23]

posted on Feb, 6 2007 @ 08:29 AM
Or maybe Iran captured them themselves. The US is doing false-flag operations, why not Iran? Just my 2 cents. But by probabilities... Iraqi militia, US, Saudi Arabia, Mossad, Iran.

posted on Feb, 6 2007 @ 08:39 AM
1. I did not BLAME anyone. so stop crying like a baby as soon as someone speaks ill of the US.

2. The USA is the occupying FORCE of IRAQ. When IRANIAN diplomats get involved is sounds suspicously like the US ahd a hand. ESPECIALLY when they declared not long ago they would TARGET them.

posted on Feb, 6 2007 @ 08:39 AM
There are conflicting reports of just who the Iraqi unit that seized the Iranian diplomat was liasoned with.

One Iraqi government official also said the Iranian diplomat was detained Sunday by a special Iraqi army unit that reports directly to the U.S. military. But a military spokesman denied any U.S. troops or Iraqis that report to them were involved.

The conflicting reports of the origin of the unit responsible for the seizure don't help clarify the matter. They also show the Iraqi government and the US/Coalition forces are still not on the same page.

Or is it deliberate? Again, in the immortal words of a fellow ATSer, "Act confused, show surprise, deny, deny, deny!"

posted on Feb, 6 2007 @ 08:57 AM
If the USA is the 'occupying' force... What does that make the Iranian forces in Iraq?

Inquiring minds...

How many thousands of years have the Persians been at this very sort of thing?

posted on Feb, 6 2007 @ 09:11 AM
Well, Diplomats working in embassies are logical and legal... arent they?

Iran has just as much right, to be in Iraq as the US does.
what tips the scales, is that Iran is Iraq NXT DOOR NEIGHBOUR, and IRaq is seeking assistance from them.
We forcefully went in.

posted on Feb, 6 2007 @ 09:22 AM

If the USA is the 'occupying' force... What does that make the Iranian forces in Iraq?

Well, helping the Iraqis forces to kick out the US. If the US wouldn't have invaded Iraq, Iran wouldn't be in Iraq and Iraq would be counter balancing Iran. Now the only counter balance is Israël, or you have to destroy Iran to replaces the things. Then it will be Saudi Arabia.

[edit on 6-2-2007 by Vitchilo]

posted on Feb, 6 2007 @ 09:27 AM

Originally posted by Vitchilo

Well, helping the Iraqis forces to kick out the US. If the US wouldn't have invaded Iraq, Iran wouldn't be in Iraq and Iraq would be counter balancing Iran. Now the only counter balance is Israël, or you have to destroy Iran to replaces the things. Then it will be Saudi Arabia.

Wow! That is so nice of them. Really. They are really so sincere.

Get your head out of your ass sometime and see that Iran isn't doing anything noble, they are trying to increase their political influence and destabilizing Iraq. At least the US is trying to stabilize Iraq (which will never happen).

I think we should secure the oil fields, and let the sunni and shia countries duke it out. Which will happen if the evil US leaves, Vitchillo

posted on Feb, 6 2007 @ 09:31 AM
They are not our oil fields to secure

And Iran would have no place in IRAQ had we not of obliterated the government and its infrastructure.

AMERICA is the sole problem here.

posted on Feb, 6 2007 @ 09:42 AM

Originally posted by Agit8dChop
They are not our oil fields to secure

I understand that. But that doesn't mean we shouldn't secure them. Not steal them, but secure them. Like instead of just giving billions to build infrastructure and give weapons, we could pay them for the oil only.

And Iran would have no place in IRAQ had we not of obliterated the government and its infrastructure.

What would you like to do? Go back in time? You have to talk about those kind of things on the alien message board. When you talk about politics it has to be the here and now.

AMERICA is the sole problem here.

Whomever is interfering in Iraq and stopping progress are the problems. If you cannot see that then you are just ignorant and have no business spewing your garbage.

posted on Feb, 6 2007 @ 09:42 AM

Originally posted by Agit8dChop
They are not our oil fields to secure

I understand that. But that doesn't mean we shouldn't secure them. Not steal them, but secure them. Like instead of just giving billions to build infrastructure and give weapons, we could pay them for the oil only.

And Iran would have no place in IRAQ had we not of obliterated the government and its infrastructure.

What would you like to do? Go back in time? You have to talk about those kind of things on the alien message board. When you talk about politics it has to be the here and now.

AMERICA is the sole problem here.

Whomever is interfering in Iraq and stopping progress are the problems. If you cannot see that then you are just ignorant and have no business spewing your garbage.

posted on Feb, 6 2007 @ 09:50 AM

Originally posted by WestPoint23
So we're jumping on the blame US bandwagon for this too? I guess the hundreds of different terrorist organizations in Iraq couldn't have had anything to do with it, the US must have been behind it. :shk:

Well, glad we figured this one out in two posts.

[edit on 6-2-2007 by WestPoint23]

Perhaps he is simply unable to contribute anything else that is useful or relevant to the topic?

posted on Feb, 6 2007 @ 09:55 AM
Let me remind all that the prime minister of Iraq was the one that welcomed against US judgment the Iranians for diplomatic talks in Iraq, after that the all Iran is in Iraq war started.

It was also at this time that US raided the only Iranian Embassy in Iraq.

So . . . yes is many conspiracies that can be at work with this new development in the never ending war of wills.

posted on Feb, 6 2007 @ 10:04 AM

Originally posted by XphilesPhan
Perhaps he is simply unable to contribute anything else that is useful or relevant to the topic?

So easy to say when your not the one being murdered in the streets , or blown up while your shopping isnt it.

So easy to say when your not trying to live life in such horrendous conditions all because of one mans LIES!

People jump in blaming Iran for things going on...
Yet criticise people who criticise AMERICA for starting this pandora's box.

The point is, Iranian diplomats have just been abducted in Iraq.
someone says America HAD KNOWLEDGE and you jump up and down screaming patriotism hogwash.

posted on Feb, 6 2007 @ 10:14 AM

Originally posted by RetinoidReceptor
I understand that. But that doesn't mean we shouldn't secure them. Not steal them, but secure them. Like instead of just giving billions to build infrastructure and give weapons, we could pay them for the oil only.

Fair Enough, that sounds logical. But of course they arent going to see it like that are they ?
And you cannot gaurantee that the corporations involved ARE going to be honest about it ?
LEt the Iraqi's secure it.

What would you like to do? Go back in time? You have to talk about those kind of things on the alien message board. When you talk about politics it has to be the here and now.

Id like people to stop forgetting where this whole mess started from.
If I could go back in time, it would do jack all because your government, the American government didnt give a damn about truth, evidence or life before they invaded.
You need to accept you created this mess, before you cant start blaming everyone else for being involved in 'YOUR' mess

Whomever is interfering in Iraq and stopping progress are the problems. If you cannot see that then you are just ignorant and have no business spewing your garbage.

hey i agree.

But telling one foreign force to stay out, because they are evil.. isnt good.
Especially when your the occupying force, that has caused the miserable, suffering type sitatuoin that 'theyre' neighbours are having to live through, all because of YOUR greedy government.

posted on Feb, 6 2007 @ 11:35 AM
Iran is accusing the U.S. (without clear evidence) of kidnapping their diplomatic official.

Ok, let's just say it is true. Now, how does Iran feel if a diplomatic person has been harassed?

Please do not forget that in the past, Iranians (with government support) attacked the U.S. embassy in Iran and took all the embassy staff hostages for a long long time.

Did they just realize now that it is wrong to do that?

[edit on 6-2-2007 by searching_for_truth]

posted on Feb, 6 2007 @ 11:40 AM

Originally posted by searching_for_truth
Iran is accusing the U.S. (without clear evidence) of kidnapping their diplomatic official.

Ok, let's just say it is true. Now, how does Iran feel if a diplomatic person has been harassed?

Please do not forget that in the past, Iranians (with government support) attacked the U.S. embassy in Iran and took all the embassy staff hostages for a long long time.

Did they just realize now that it is wrong to do that?

Ouch nice one.
Not to mention that previous embassy staff from various countries have been kidnapped in the past either by Iraqi insurgents or other groups.

posted on Feb, 6 2007 @ 11:43 AM
yeah thats a good point

I mean there are clear differences as to why its not the same situation,
but its fair to say especially from the US's perspective.. their diplomats taken hostage is a new experience for the Iranians to deal with.

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