posted on Dec, 20 2003 @ 04:48 PM
Originally posted by JeanLucPicard
I don't see how that he got him self into them...the prev. Admin left him alot of crap to deal with.
Like what jean?
Saddam? That was his fathers # up he should have finished the job then and there.
How can you support a man that covers up everything about 9/11. Hell he even tried to appoint Henry Kissinger to head the 9/11 panel. The people Bush
has appointed to various politic posts have deep connections to the Iran Contra crap. Not to mention the savings and loan scandals also Arthur
Anderson, Enron, Etc. Ken Lay of Enron fame is one of Bush�s good friends.
Since Bush has took office we have had huge corporate scandals, huge deficits a dollar that has dropped 30% in value. A terrorist attack which he knew
was coming and it will come out sooner or later that he knew about it or maybe was even involved. GW is corrupt to the bone and if you think a rich
boy who never worked a day in his life gives a # about you or this country your crazy. He only cares about making his friends and family rich which he
has. Who do you think made a # load of money off this war Defense contractors which the Bush family is heavily invested into. You seem like a good
hearted person you want to support our leader in a time of war that�s understandable but not patriotic we can not stand idle and let this man rape our
government�s coffers and take away our Bill of rights and freedoms. Mr. Bush is the 4th president in a row to destroy our government. We have to put
aside the Republican Democrat stuff and get a good middle of the road common sense government that serves the people not special interest or big
business. Wal-mart does not give a # about the common man if they did they wouldn�t buy all there goods from China. Free trade is a race to the bottom
period. We are already seeing reduced wages and white collar jobs being shipped out to foreign lands. Enough is enough wake up your job could be axed
next. Thanks to Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush, and a dumb American population that cares more about homosexuals on televesion grab assing a straight guy
then knowing who the president of Mexico is or the prime minister or Canada or even where IRaq,Iran,Syria,Jordan,etc is on a map.