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Dragons...could they have existed in some way?

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posted on Feb, 5 2007 @ 08:33 AM
Not new to ATS, just this area so please pardon my newness.

Is it possible that dragons(other than the Komodo of course) existed?? Many ancient cultures depicted them in drawings and lore so maybe there is a connection to some degree?? Obviously nothing huge like the Star Wars Krayt dragon existed but maybe it was a large dinosaur that died out and the remains were found and scared ancient peoples???

Thanks for the thoughts, Mondo

posted on Feb, 5 2007 @ 09:01 AM
ive always thought of this i mean the the story of george slayin the dragon had to come from somewhere maybe they didnt breath fire and fly but there could have been some type of large dinosaur that didnt get wiped out in the astoriod but was made extinced by humans. just an idea lol

posted on Feb, 5 2007 @ 09:16 AM
I always figured that Dragons were just a type of Dino that we haven't catalogued yet.

My entire belief system as far as the Extinction is that Dino's didn't really go extinct, they just dwindled in numbers to amounts they are today.

Flying dragons? Sorry, but I think that's physically impossible.
Breathing fire? Not physically impossible, just unlikely.

Very interesting creatures, fictional or not.

posted on Feb, 5 2007 @ 10:34 AM

Originally posted by Voidmaster
I always figured that Dragons were just a type of Dino that we haven't catalogued yet.

My entire belief system as far as the Extinction is that Dino's didn't really go extinct, they just dwindled in numbers to amounts they are today.

Interesting Void, very interesting!! Consider this scenario if you are living in ancient China and you come across the remains/bones of a dinosaur that looks like a dragon. It is of course a dinosaur fossil but the ancients think that it may be the carcass remains of something more recent and whamo!!! Now entered into human beliefs we have a new species of animal that must be living when all along it was ajust remains of a long gone dino!!

Just a thought but you'd have to admit it was very possible especially considering how they thought in those days!?

Thoughts anybody
Peace, Mondo

posted on Feb, 5 2007 @ 10:47 AM
Well, I suppose that could be possible, not knowing the behaviors of the people in ancient China. Though, it does seem unlikely that they would just happen upon some fossilized Dino bones.

I'm saying that instead of Dino bones, they ran across a Dinosaur, living and massive.

Without any more knowledge concerning Dino's, I can see them being worshiped as a deity, hence all the drawings and inclusion of dragons in their myths.

Make sense?

posted on Feb, 7 2007 @ 01:55 AM
Peter Dickinson wrote a great coffee table book called "The Flight of Dragons." It is about how dragons COULD HAVE existed, not necessarily an argument that they did. It covered flight (think of the bladders fish have to rise or lower in the water but mixed with the Hindenberg), breathing fire ( think bombadier beetles) and no fossil record ( the chemical reaction that produced flight and fire breathing needed calcium- their bones were literally eaten away by their acid like blood). Very good read.

posted on Feb, 7 2007 @ 09:07 AM

Originally posted by yourrolemodel
Peter Dickinson wrote a great coffee table book called "The Flight of Dragons." .

yourrolemodel, I will check this book out, thanks so much for the help. I am on the way to the book store now my friend, Peace...Mondo

posted on Feb, 7 2007 @ 09:38 AM
Legend has always portrayed Dragons as being very intelligent, regardless of whether they were good or evil.

After looking at so many historical accounts, it is hard to say they do or did not exist. And, if they do or did exist, and you look at the list of attributes that have been listed for Dragons, there is a lot of evidence indicating that they could possibly be Supernatural or even Alien.

posted on Feb, 7 2007 @ 11:06 AM
Ironically enough, I just watched 'Reign of Fire' for the upteenth time the other night.

As the dragons in this movie are so life-like in design, its hard to believe they did not, at one time , roam the earth.

posted on Feb, 7 2007 @ 11:10 AM
Great show by the way Grail!! Yeah I just happen to think that most of what people believe is in at least some sense partially real...that is to say that they may be based on a great stretch of the imagination of a real creature of some sort???
Wild CG in the movie for sure and the thought of them being real makes your mind wonder, right????

posted on Feb, 8 2007 @ 11:44 AM
Here are 2 very cool links of recent Dragon sightings:

Picture of a more "Energy-Based" Dragon possibility. Very cool.

2 Pictures of something very interesting. Make of them what you will.

Here is an article about a Beaked, Winged, Alligator-like creature.

[edit on 2/8/2007 by Horrificus]

posted on Feb, 8 2007 @ 03:35 PM
Certainly dragons existed. Possible they could still live in the ocean.


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