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X-Men Fact or Fiction?

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posted on Feb, 5 2007 @ 12:33 AM
For some reason i believe that there is a secret society out there that is trained for this type of thing. You know like Mutants and stuff...

it just seems that the government could be hiding them due to the fact that the world isnt ready yet.. and why would evolution stop? when it is ever changing... we're not the last step in evolution, when there could be another higher level?

hard to explain.. but wut are your thoughts? you think this could be real?

posted on Feb, 5 2007 @ 02:08 AM
Now sure mutants are possible, do I think they run around like the X-men, not likely.

Let's just say there were, would the government use them during war against other countries, or would they be unleashed upon US civilians?

Do you or do you not think the Reptilian civilization has anything to do with this?

posted on Feb, 5 2007 @ 09:12 AM
Humanity will evolve... slowly. I hear more and more people are getting double jointed thumbs, which i dont have. I'm not entirely sure that anyone would or could sprout giant white wings that regrow after you cut them off (if you've seen the final movie). Most of the X heroes or villans seem to have unrealistic / experimental powers (wolverine was man made). And you'd wonder why all of a sudden theres thousands of mutants running around. Wouldn't it happen slower?

Or is it already happening? I've heard of Phsycho kinetics (moving things through line of sight). Heard of someone that could bend a metal spoon just by looking at it, and even heard of someone that could put crumpled paper in a metal bowl and while holding the bowl he could focus his energy through his hand and burn the paper, strange i know but still...

Whats fact and whats fiction?

posted on Feb, 5 2007 @ 12:50 PM
We have "mutants" in our midst, most definitely, although you'll be hard pressed to get me to agree that any of these mutations are even remotely similar to that of the X-Men. I mean, humans haven't needed body hair to keep them warm since the introduction of clothing, and I still have a pretty depressing amount of back hair. This kind of thing takes a very long time.
The kind of mutations active on our planet today aren't exciting for the most part, we're talking about more double jointed people, or less body hair, mundane things like that.

If X-Men existed on earth today, it would be because our government created them. However, I don't think humanity has the technology at this point, if it's even possible to do some of the things the X-Men can do. Keep watching Heroes, 'cause i'm pretty sure that's about all you're going to get as far as super-mutants.

posted on Feb, 5 2007 @ 02:49 PM

I mean, humans haven't needed body hair to keep them warm since the introduction of clothing, and I still have a pretty depressing amount of back hair. This kind of thing takes a very long time.
The kind of mutations active on our planet today aren't exciting for the most part, we're talking about more double jointed people, or less body hair, mundane things like that.

Theory suggests that things don't evolve out of existence becuase they simply are no longer needed. Things evolve becuase they are positively beneficial. Basically it comes down to who gets to breed. If double joints make people breed more then they stand to become dominant over the millennia.

So if you want to see an end to back hair. Stop the sexy stuff :-P


posted on Feb, 5 2007 @ 02:52 PM
Granted there are oddities of the world. The CIA Seers, precogs, etc. But a mutan gene like X-men, and Hero's in only in the future.

posted on Feb, 5 2007 @ 03:58 PM

Granted there are oddities of the world. The CIA Seers, precogs, etc. But a mutan gene like X-men, and Hero's in only in the future.

If even that, but it's a fun thread to think about. My idea of a "mutant" would be the experiments they do on people that have adverse side effects (and don't think this doesn't happen). Disfiguration, weird annomolies on their body, etc...not neccesarily X-Men quality stuff here. I doubt people will ever create something of that nature. If we did it would bound to backfire on us and end up taking over the world.

posted on Feb, 6 2007 @ 03:00 PM

Originally posted by HondaCivic
For some reason i believe that there is a secret society out there that is trained for this type of thing. You know like Mutants and stuff...

it just seems that the government could be hiding them due to the fact that the world isnt ready yet.. and why would evolution stop? when it is ever changing... we're not the last step in evolution, when there could be another higher level?

hard to explain.. but wut are your thoughts? you think this could be real?

Well it depends. Chances are the changes aren't that radical and it's just another part of evolution. Or they could be quite radical but are being hushed up by government officials...

But if, say in 2012 (I don't believe the hype but...), radical changes such as increased healing rates, premonitions etc started occurring in a small group in every country in the world. Initially the governments would try to cover these up but eventually stories would get out and it would develop from there.
Unfortunately though the population of the world would probably split into 2 groups:the haves (with powers) and the have nots (without powers).
And, as all humans do when they have a physical, mental or technological advantage over others a small splinter group would start believing that, as the 'upgraded' humans they should be superior to the 'have-nots', with terrorist attacks etc.

However those are just my thoughts.

posted on Feb, 6 2007 @ 03:06 PM
Well maybe they don't exist here on earth but in another universe....ever think of that?? I mean they are pretty cool figures to think about but what if our government got this idea because they've visited some other planet or even Universe with the technology they have hidden underground. It's possible this government is not trustworthy at all. I would love to be Wolverine..awsome!!

posted on Feb, 6 2007 @ 03:08 PM

Originally posted by harvosky
I would love to be Wolverine..awsome!!

Too late. ATS trademarked by your truely.

posted on Feb, 6 2007 @ 04:28 PM
The short answer is..


The LONG answer is..

How could you keep the reality of people actively using these powers a secret for very long, especially in the information age? I can't fart in a mall without someone posting it on youtube. If there were people like the XMEN, I think we would have seen them on 9/11 or the Tsunami or the UK's 7/7 attack, helping however they could.

If you had special abilities that would allow you to help, wouldn't you? Maybe I am too romantic, but I would like to think I would.

That doesn't mean that we are not living in an age of spontaneous mutations!

Mutant Baby with 'Super' Strength

BOSTON - Somewhere in Germany is a baby Superman, born in Berlin with bulging arm and leg muscles. Not yet 5, he can hold seven-pound weights with arms extended, something many adults cannot do. He has muscles twice the size of other kids his age and half their body fat.

DNA testing showed why: The boy has a genetic mutation that boosts muscle growth.

The discovery, reported in Thursday’s New England Journal of Medicine, represents the first documented human case of such a mutation.

It isn't heat vision, but it's something..

posted on Feb, 6 2007 @ 08:58 PM

Originally posted by Kindlefire
Humanity will evolve... slowly. I hear more and more people are getting double jointed thumbs, which i dont have.

Hey I have double jointed thumbs and I can move my knuckles too, does that mean I am a mutant?
LOL I am not a mutant, but that would be cool to have some powers.
sometimes when I am driving around I think everyone around me turns into a dumbass and cuts me off or does something real dumb like, maybe that is my superpower: everyone within a 10 meter radius becomes stupid.
I agree HankMcCoy that if I had powers I would try and help if I could

posted on Feb, 6 2007 @ 09:39 PM
There are lots of people running around that you could call "X-men."

These are people that have X-linked chromosonal abnormalities that look more or less normal.

It's been awhile since school but I think Turner's Syndrome is X-linked.

I only remember that because when taking care of him my co-workers and I referred to as "the X-man." Not to his face, of course!

posted on Feb, 8 2007 @ 07:07 PM
No there are not mutants..............However, the plan is to make them seem feasible so the lie will be swallowed.

posted on Feb, 8 2007 @ 07:21 PM
Many posters have put forth the idea that evolution takes a long time and is a slow process. I don't believe that. This is just a pet theory of mine and I have little to back it up, but hear me out.

As my children grew up I watched as they went thru growth spurts. Over night they would seem to grow an inch. They would out grow their clothes in just a few days time. Growth would come in spurts and later on in life I saw on the news a story that backed up my observations.

Neanderthal man was around for quite awhile and then almost overnight Cro-Magnon showed up and replaced him.

I believe evolution happens in spurts and a new species of mankind will someday come on the scene rather quickly, and it will be the end of Homosapien.

Just my thoughts on it,

posted on Feb, 8 2007 @ 09:36 PM
I think evolution is an impossible crock.

Just my thoughts on it.

posted on Feb, 8 2007 @ 09:48 PM
Sun Matrix, why do you think that evolution is impossible?

Mrwupy, you are right, evolution has happened in spurts and I'm sure it will happen that way again. I don't think we will see it in our lifetime's though.

One thing that I have seen numerous times since becoming a nurse is the amount of people who are born with 6 fingers/toes on each hand/foot. Is that just a genetic oopps or is there a purpose for it? I hope there isn't a purpose for it because most people get them cut off.

It's called polydactly, BTW.

posted on Feb, 11 2007 @ 10:03 AM
I don't think that there are any humans with x-men like powers running about at the present time. But on the other hand evolution doesn't just stop, it may take a few million years to happen though. If there any x genes out there they are probably the result of genetic manipulation in a lab,by selective breeding or a result of the chemicals and pollution that man has been putting into the enviroment I do remember reading an article that children were maturing physically at an younger age because of the hormones they use in the livestock to promote growth.

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