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What would you say about a White History Month?

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posted on Feb, 5 2007 @ 11:37 AM
So soon into the discussion and we already have a difference of opinion regarding versions of history.

Until we agree on the truths in history, without prejudice and pride getting in the way we are doomed to repeat, to lesser or greater degrees, the errors of our ways.

posted on Feb, 5 2007 @ 11:38 AM

Originally posted by Tea
It's sad to see so many uneducated people.

Slam of ATSers in general

Some of you need to do a great deal more reading,

I read plenty.

or you need to take the leap, attend college,

Already have my degree. Psychology.

and do something other than drink beer and fornicate.

I don't drink alcohol at all. Haven't for years. As for sex .. that's none of your business.

No wonder the world thinks Americans are stupid. Many of them are, and they wear it like a pathetic badge.

And we 'stupid Americans' don't care what you think. BTW .. if we are so stupid then why the heck are you bothering to chat here?

I don't know why I waste my time here.

I don't know why you waste OUR time here either. Take your own advice .. go somewhere else. You know where the exit is ... BU-BYE now.

posted on Feb, 5 2007 @ 11:45 AM
No need for a white history month as here in the west white history is all that is taught, its on the curriculum from primary school to university

posted on Feb, 5 2007 @ 11:57 AM
I just can't wait until there are a bunch of black people in leadership positions. You think then they will shut down the groups for their advancement? I bet not

posted on Feb, 5 2007 @ 12:02 PM

Originally posted by reaper2
here in the west white history is all that is taught,

You didn't read what I posted about my daughters social studies/history class, did you. It's the same that is being taught all over the city. Take a look back on page one.

posted on Feb, 5 2007 @ 12:07 PM

Originally posted by FlyersFan

You didn't read what I posted about my daughters social studies/history class, did you. It's the same that is being taught all over the city. Take a look back on page one.

Ok flyers if what you are posting is true then things have changed alot since i was in school, and more balance is deffinitly needed not "seg months.

posted on Feb, 5 2007 @ 12:11 PM

Originally posted by reaper2
if what you are posting is true


Yes, it's true. I absolutely promise it is. I was even the chaperone for the field trip to Ellis Island. And during the segment on Native-American Indians, we had to make native-american indian food for my daughter to take to school as her class project. We did it together. We did deer jerky. (came out awful .. we burned it

posted on Feb, 5 2007 @ 12:21 PM

Originally posted by FlyersFan

Originally posted by reaper2
if what you are posting is true


Yes, it's true. I absolutely promise it is. I was even the chaperone for the field trip to Ellis Island. And during the segment on Native-American Indians, we had to make native-american indian food for my daughter to take to school as her class project. We did it together. We did deer jerky. (came out awful .. we burned it

Sorry to doubt but i reside in the uk, maybe things have changed alot here to ? but i dont know.

Where you live there may be a lagitamet reason for a white history month, but saying that it would be better to make it more balanced rather than bring more division.

And when did history lessons beome practacles

posted on Feb, 5 2007 @ 01:24 PM
How about some love for Whitey? My basic feeling right now is that if I show any respect or love for my Whiteness, White people, etc. i'm a racist. On the other hand If I don't show infinite love for all other races, creeds, colors in all and every way i'm a racist.

I got love for everyone. What I'm saying is why is it uncool, unPC, unnorm, anti-social, bad manner, etc., to show any love to white people?

Why is we try to show any respect to our race, creed, what ever, then I'm automatically linked with skin heads, nazi's etc.

All and All I would like to do away with any terminology about any race. Its time we found new ways to redefine who we are.

But on the other side its irritating that we can show respect for every other type of person but mine.

posted on Feb, 5 2007 @ 01:54 PM

Originally posted by reaper2

No need for a white history month as here in the west white history is all that is taught, its on the curriculum from primary school to university

Our "history" is forced on everyone else 12 months out of the year anyway so a white history month would be redundant.

posted on Feb, 5 2007 @ 02:07 PM
i refer to them as savages .. becaue of the way that they treat thier people ... They are savages in my mind .. if they kill one another and think that they are doing good ... Which they did .. kill many ... WOW .. Look at this GUY ... WOW ... Totally not understanding what I am saying and takin everything to " T E X T "

Originally posted by truthseeka

Originally posted by Deus_Brandon
What about a WET ... White Entertainment Television ... Channel where only white people can be on .... What about Juneteenth ... being June 16th for White people .... What about "White Power" lets start running around in sheets again ... and we will get peoples attention ... LOL ... Our ancestors brought this upon us ... And then Our fathers before us brought this BEFORE US .. Why did we ever apologize ??? The indians is the only people that we should ever apologize to we ran them outta their homes ... If we would have left the South Americans alone they would still be over there Clickin thier tounges at one another .... Living Savagely ... Of maybe some of them would have made it over here .. But that would have only been the ones that wanted to get out of the turmoil that they brought upon thierselves ....


Look at this guy. For one, the US government still REFUSES to apologize for slavery. But, I love the next thing you say better, about the South Americans.

They would still be living as savages? Wow...just, wow. I'm sure you're aware that a number of cultures around the world had civilizations and kingdoms when Europeans lived as "savages," as you say. Wow...I'm still shaking my head on that one...

posted on Feb, 5 2007 @ 02:10 PM

Originally posted by Tea

- Native American Indian tribes and cultures (differences in them, etc)

Caucasoid or Mongoloid (The jury is still out.)

- Immigrants - including a field trip to Ellis Island (focus on Italy but all groups included)


- Ancient Rome and Ancient Italy (Mediteranean, not 'white')


- Now they are on Ancient Egypt (Africa/Mediteranean)

DNA has proven the Egyptians were originally from Greece, so . . . Caucasoid

For Hispanic Heritage Month there were posters on the walls but not much else.


For Black Heritage Month there are posters on the walls and book reports/projects due. MLK day had an assembly with speakers and news clips from MLKs speech as well as news clips from that time period.


You left out any Asian references, so I provide the following information:


There are three major groups of Homo sapiens:

  1. Caucasoid
  2. Mongoloid
  3. Negroid

For those who are curious, the Arabs and the like are Caucasoid.

Thus endeth the lesson.

[edit on 2/5/2007 by Tea]

I always learned Mongoloids where Sinoids but I suppose it's just another name.

Anyways, most evidence says Indians crossed the Bearing Straight during the last ice age.. making them Mongoloid or Sinoids your choice.

Hispanics (depending on what you consider a Hispanic) can be either Sinoid (Indian) or a mix of the two, I do not know a name for them other then Meztiso's but I would classify them as Caucasoids. You always get iffy when races mix as to what they can be classified as.. such as areas in Romania and Hungary are descended from Mongolians mixed with Whites and some Turks.. what does that make them?
We work so hard to classify ourselves into little groups.

But anyways I do not think ANY group deserves a special month.

I do not think we should applaud a black person every time they do something that would other wise be normal.

Last night in the Super Bowl I heard over and over first black coach is going to win.. then his victory speech, forget about players the most important thing is he was black!

We should clap every time a black man ties his shoes.

I don't see an Asian month.. or a Hispanic month... or a Arabic month.. just a black month.

posted on Feb, 5 2007 @ 02:17 PM

Originally posted by FlyersFan

Originally posted by truthseeka
The Egyptians came from AFRICA.

Everyone did. All human life came out of Africa if you go back far enough. At least that's what the scientists say.

Thats a grey area.. for the different races to appear as fast and segregated as they where and change in appearance so fast, it would have taken well over the time that we have existed.. at least some say.. evolution is full of holes. The thing is, when Asians migrated to America... they didn't turn white.. like Eskimos.. they are not white at all.. they are Asian.. Asians in northern Siberia and such.. very much dark and Asian.. The only change that came about Asians in America is that they got taller. Populations that are compact tend to be shorter (Chinese, Japanese) which is evident because none-compact groups tend to be larger (Mongolians, Kazhakistanies) So we could have diverged off of different species? Or there could have been from one species of ape a divergence at three different times. No one knows for sure.

posted on Feb, 5 2007 @ 02:19 PM
[edit on 2/5/2007]

Last night in the Super Bowl I heard over and over first black coach is going to win.. then his victory speech, forget about players the most important thing is he was black!

We should clap every time a black man ties his shoes.

I don't see an Asian month.. or a Hispanic month... or a Arabic month.. just a black month.

This really bothered me and still does.

Like its being black that got him there or being black that kept other coaches from getting there.

Maybe I just dont understand the NFL but I thought it was how well the team plays that get you there.

This might, MIGHT, have been relevant 30-40 years ago but its just a bizarre line of thought these days. Its like racism only exists when politicians, reporters, lawyers and other lower level lifeforms drudge it up for the sake of some story or personal gain. Even out in the real world I only hear it or see it in the context of some reaction to something that has happened on TV or on the radio. I live in the heart of a "ghetto" and 99.98% of the time everyones basically neighborly. The hostilities are generally directed toward the Yalies (New Haven, CT) the same way I would have made fun of preppy kids in high school. Its not racial. When it is that .02% of the time its some idiot emulating a rap song or using a news story to fan up some momentarilly popular hate.

Wow, it seems like the media has us all trained pretty well. Kinda freaks me out.

posted on Feb, 5 2007 @ 02:19 PM

Originally posted by Royal76
How about some love for Whitey?

I love you, man!
No really, I do.

My basic feeling right now is that if I show any respect or love for my Whiteness, White people, etc. i'm a racist.

IMO, you gotta do what feels right to you. Be proud of who you are, and if that means being proud of being white, then do that! If others are uncomfortable with it, that's their problem, not yours.

I got love for everyone. What I'm saying is why is it uncool, unPC, unnorm, anti-social, bad manner, etc., to show any love to white people?

Because historically, white people were the baddies. And certainly some still are. But it's just as true that many white people are way cool. They're good, loving, wonderful, generous, compassionate people. And, as has been noted, there are jerks all over in every race.

All and All I would like to do away with any terminology about any race. Its time we found new ways to redefine who we are.

Hear! Hear! Unfortunately, I don't think that's going to happen unless and until other races feel we've properly paid our penance. And who knows if that will EVER be satisfied?

That's why I say, "Move on"! Let people think you're racist. You can't control how others view you. Well, you can, but you'll be a miserable cuss trying to get everyone's approval when all you really need is your own.

About White History Month

I actually agree with FF in that don't think there should be a month for any race, but seeing as how several races have a month, I think a WHM would be fine. I've said why and what it could consist of here:


A proud white girl!

posted on Feb, 5 2007 @ 02:22 PM
I just wanna see how well this goes over ...

posted on Feb, 5 2007 @ 02:31 PM
*SIGH* First, let me start off by saying that I am a White American.. I know that after I say what I have to say there will be some who will say, "Well, you're only saying this because you are not white." I am white!!

Now, with that cleared up, let me make a point..

I personally think that this is all rather petty. I have heard this argument for,oh, I know 20 years... "Well, if they are going to have black history and latino history month, then surely they should have whit history month." I have a question.. Why? Is there anything that white inventors, generals, politicians, et cetera, have done that hasn't been written about, or is not general knowledge...

How many of you have heard the phrase, "The real McCoy"? Now, let me ask you, do you know what McCoy did or what color he was? Probably not..

Elijah J. McCoy (1844?[1] – 10 October 1929) was a Black Canadian inventor.

==Life== amir rocks hard!

Elijah McCoy was born in Colchester in Essex County, Ontario, Canada, to George McCoy and Mildred Goins, both runaway slaves from Kentucky in the United States, who escaped on the Underground Railroad to Colchester. George McCoy enlisted in the British forces. In return he was awarded 160 acres (0.65 km²) of land for his service. When he was three, McCoy's family moved back to the U.S., settling in Detroit, Michigan. He had 11 brothers and sisters. McCoy was fascinated by machinery. He studied engineering in Edinburgh, Scotland from age 16 and then immigrated to the United States, settling in Ypsilanti, Michigan.

McCoy had wanted to work as an engineer but was repeatedly frustrated in this goal due to racial discrimination. In 1870, he found work as a fireman and oiler at the Michigan Central Railroad. Working in a home-based machine shop in Ypsilanti, McCoy invented an automatic lubricator for oiling the steam engines of locomotives, boats, and so on. For this he obtained his first patent, "Improvement in Lubricators for Steam-Engines" (U.S. Patent 129,843 ) on July 23, 1872. Similar automatic oilers had been patented previously; one is the displacement lubricator which had already attained widespread use and whose technological descendants continued to be widely used into the 20th century. Lubricators were a boon for railroads, allowing trains to run faster and more profitably with less need to stop for lubrication and maintenance.

Elijah McCoy

How many of you can HONESTLY tell me you knew about that.There is a host of other black inventors that no one seems to know about as well. The whole goal of "Black History month" is simply to inform people of contributions that Blacks have made to society. I do not see it as anything to get upset about...

posted on Feb, 5 2007 @ 02:39 PM

Originally posted by SpeakerofTruth
The whole goal of "Black History month" is simply to inform people of contributions that Blacks have made to society.

I think it should be part of the main stream teaching and not a separate teaching all by itself. I think by labeling a month 'black history' or 'latino history' (or whatever) it just separates people instead of bringing them all together under the American umbrella.

Teach all the great facts about what people, of all colors, did in history... but teach it as part of the normal every-day school day and not as something separate.

Put us together. Don't separate us. That is what I'd like to see.

posted on Feb, 5 2007 @ 02:43 PM

Originally posted by Deus_Brandon
I just wanna see how well this goes over ...

Why does this not surprise me, especially after your previous comments.

You should read and try to understand what the general concensus is here.

You are now attempting to antagonise, a further reflection of your lack of understanding.

You can be proud to be white, but I would have to question your motives.

I'm not even proud to be human if that places me in the same category as yourself.

If you don't want to address the deep rooted issues you have I would recommend you actually try to understand other peoples issues and perspectives.

Its called empathy, alot of people are born with it, but few people practice it these days.

[edit on 5-2-2007 by Koka]

posted on Feb, 5 2007 @ 02:43 PM

Originally posted by SpeakerofTruth
I do not see it as anything to get upset about...

I don't think anyone is upset because there's not a WHM.
And I think we're all aware of the purpose of BHM.

See my post above for a good reason to have a WHM, however. If you're interested, that is.

FF, I totally agree! Black History should be taught in school. Not as "Black History" but as History! We are all one nation! Let's act like it!

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