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local teenage prodigy taken to Area 51

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posted on Feb, 4 2007 @ 03:17 PM

kid claims to have developed his own fusion rockets and was taken to area 51 and shown a alien craft to help the military understand how the propulsion system operated. Not sure if this story has been posted here on ATS or not, either way it always interested me and thought i'd share it here!

Fixed spelling in title

[edit on 5/2/07 by masqua]

posted on Feb, 4 2007 @ 03:19 PM
he was on coast2coast a few times. said he met a few german sciencetists there.

true or not, interesting

posted on Feb, 4 2007 @ 03:21 PM
yeah he seems to be alittle to arrogant for his britches. I mean he's 17 and telling high ranking military officals where to stick it. He definatly seems to have a personality complex or the entire thing is a lie. I really like the story, but something feels alittle sensational about it.

posted on Feb, 4 2007 @ 03:38 PM
in the intervirw he claims that in 1971 - there were no hand held calculators , no faxes etc

simply not true - the fax was marure technology by the 70s

and a sharp and held calcularor was availiable

posted on Feb, 4 2007 @ 04:41 PM

Originally posted by ignorant_ape
in the intervirw he claims that in 1971 - there were no hand held calculators , no faxes etc . simply not true - the fax was marure technology by the 70s

The basic idea and mechanics of telefacsimile technology have been around since the 1840s (that's right). Although FAX technology steadily evolved through the 19th and 20th centuries, you can't really say that FAX technology was "mature" in 1971.

In 1971, FAX was still sort of a lathe/drum technology, required large and bulky devices, and would take about 6 minutes or more to transmit and receive each page. Both the sender and the recipient had to prepare their devices in advance, then sit back and wait as the things whirred and chugged out less-than-high-quality copies. By comparison to FAX technology today, the 1970s FAX technology was in its infuriating infancy.

— Doc Velocity

posted on Feb, 4 2007 @ 05:51 PM
I don't believe it simply because he didn't use this MAGIC ENGINE technology at all. You'd think that he'd make a couple (by couple I mean billions) of bucks off of this idea.

posted on Feb, 4 2007 @ 05:59 PM
In one of the interviews I heard he said that he was flown up to Groom Lake in 1971 and he said he knew it was Groom Lake because of the 2 long parallel runways. The second runway was not built until much later, I think late 80's.

posted on Feb, 4 2007 @ 06:05 PM
John Lear is right, the 2nd runway wasnt built until 1991!

His story just seems to have too many "plot holes" to be true.

posted on Feb, 5 2007 @ 01:19 AM
It does seem out there. But when he is talking about the lack of technology, though he may have been incorrect i think he was just trying to make a point. I mean i dont consider the exact invention date of things or the exact time something came into existence when im trying to make a point. The whole thing sounds unreal, but so does the entire idea that UFOs are visiting this planet. I think this is much more down to earth than hearing someone talk about venusians whisking them off to heaven or something, no offense to people who believe that, and I am not saying I dont, i am just saying, this just sounds more believable than that. Also, how do you really know when the second runway was built, the government could say it was build in 1974 or 1876 or 2005 for all they care and for all we know. There is so much speculation surrounding the whole thing.

posted on Feb, 5 2007 @ 04:23 AM

Originally posted by Dirkadirkastani
Also, how do you really know when the second runway was built, the government could say it was build in 1974 or 1876 or 2005 for all they care and for all we know. There is so much speculation surrounding the whole thing.

That information isn't from gov sources infact there are very few gov sources relating to Area 51. We know the year that the 2nd runway was built from satellite photos, personal interviews with former groom lake staff and from viewers on Tikaboo ridge. Building a 2nd runway takes time so lots of people will have seen it during construction.

posted on Feb, 5 2007 @ 04:26 AM
People like this need to be burnt at the stake.

posted on Feb, 5 2007 @ 06:39 AM

Originally posted by ignorant_ape
in the intervirw he claims that in 1971 - there were no hand held calculators , no faxes etc

simply not true - the fax was marure technology by the 70s

and a sharp and held calcularor was availiable

Interesting. How did you get to be a 'scholar'? LOL. (j/k)

Yes the hand-held calculator was available in 1969 or 70, they had just come out when I entered the University.

I'd dispute that the FAX was mature technology in the 70s, though.

posted on Feb, 5 2007 @ 07:10 AM
didn't he also say that hollywood was interested in his story, and this is where he may add a few things. he seemed like a person who liked to play with peoples minds. and man was he arrogant, about his own skills.

his interviews were entertaining though.

posted on Feb, 5 2007 @ 07:28 AM
He says he Met General LeMay at Area 51 in 1971. Surprise folks, Curtis LeMay Retired from the military in 1961!

Curtis LeMay

By the time this was supposed to have happened, LeMay had been in reitrement for 10 years. After 10 years of retirement, I seriously doubt that he had an active Security Clearance!

Also, I don't know of any evidence that General LeMay was ever at Area 51. He wouldn't have had the "Need to Know".

This story has more holes then a fishing net!


posted on Feb, 5 2007 @ 11:11 AM

Originally posted by Ghost01

Also, I don't know of any evidence that General LeMay was ever at Area 51. He wouldn't have had the "Need to Know".

Incorrect. Curtis LeMay was an 'insider'. As a matter of fact he is the one that Senator Barry Goldwater went to for answers on UFO's. LeMay was abrupt with Goldwater and told him there was nothing to UFO's and to never ask him again. I confirmed this story with Sen. Goldwater when I had the chance to meet him when I was personal pilot to Barron Hilton and I had to fly Goldwater from Vegas back to Phoenix.

Curtis LeMay was probably a regular at at Groom Lake both before and after his retirement. In those days security wasn't as strict as it is today at Groom

But the fact of the matter is that we will never know very many of those who visited and/or worked at Groom Lake and speculation as to who was there and when is only that...pure uminformed speculation as is the statement "He wouldn't have had a 'need to know'."

posted on Feb, 5 2007 @ 12:18 PM
And where exactly did he get the equipment to build a fusion rocket? -.-

And the military goes "Oh sweet, lets show you everything"... Yeah right..

posted on Feb, 5 2007 @ 12:21 PM
David Adair was actually funded at 17 under the National Science Foundation. He was well aware of LeMay's military service as his mother took care of LeMay's parents. LeMay took David under his wing during his early days of rocket development.

In fact David had quite a bit of contact with Stephen Hawking and they shared some of their formulas with each other. David was literally an aerospace prodigy. He worked with Von Braun and hung out at Neil Armstrong’s house.

At 17, he won "The Most Outstanding in the Field of Engineering Sciences" award from the US Air Force and at 19, he designed and fabricated a state-of-the-art mechanical system for changing jet turbine engines for the US Navy that set world-record turnaround times.

IMO Adair's claims about his time at Groom Lake are more believable than most. I think he is quite genuine and would give him more credibility than several others that I will refrain from naming.

posted on Feb, 5 2007 @ 12:34 PM

Originally posted by jbondo
IMO Adair's claims about his time at Groom Lake are more believable than most. I think he is quite genuine and would give him more credibility than several others that I will refrain from naming.

Thanks jbondo, good information, good post. The Adair story just keeps coming back like a bad penny. It is as outrageous as the Lazar story. I probably wouldn't have believed the Lazar story if I hadn't been there from day 1.

The guy that bought my movie studio from me a few years ago said he knew Adair and he thought he was on the level.

Thanks again for the post.

posted on Feb, 5 2007 @ 12:48 PM
So based on your experience do you believe his story John?

posted on Feb, 5 2007 @ 01:00 PM
This sounds like a sci-fi addon to the movie October Sky.

From IMDB:

Based on fact, this is the story of a teenager named Homer Hickam, growing up in a coal town in West Virginia where a boy's usual destiny was to "end up in the mines." But Homer had his eye on the sky and a love for flying rockets... to the dismay of his mine-foreman father, and the consternation of the townsfolk generally. A misfit for sure, he and three of his equally outcast buddies begin making rockets, which they fly from a patch of barren land eight miles out of town... so as to no longer terrorize the community with their oft-times errant rockets. However, the people become intrigued and soon start coming out in droves to watch the 'Rocketboys' send off their homemade missiles, and with the enthusiastic support of Miss Riley, their teacher, plus a signed picture from Wernher von Braun in response to a question Homer had written him, they finally are entered in the National Science Awards competition. But none of this was all that easy, especially for Homer, as problems much more dire than flying rockets seemed to push the young man toward maturity, as well as to his eventual destiny... as an instructor of our shuttle mission astronauts

von Braun, science fairs, etc.

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