posted on Feb, 8 2007 @ 09:28 PM
i had a wisdom tooth removed recently, leaving a gaping hole in my mouth. the sutures fell out within hours, and the bleeding wouldn't stop. i went
to emergency to have a suture put in and gauze inserted to quell the bleeding. a day or two later, both fell out again. i developed "dry socket" - a
condition where the hole doesn't clot leaving bone and raw tissue exposed. its like having a gaping gash that wont scab, just oozes. very painful.
the dentist put gauze in the hole containing an anaesthetic as well as chemicals that make your skin absorb better - but the gauze had to be replaced
again and again over a period or 2 weeks. this is when i started to feel like utter #e. i experienced mood problems (ie suicidal) and severe fatigue,
but an alarming amount of memory loss. i kept forgeting what i was doing ALL the time. i felt like that guy in the movie "Memento"(he has no ability
to create new memories after an accident so forgets what he is doing every 10 minutes and the only way he can accomplish anything is by writing
notes). I kept forgetting to do something, then would go do it, and as soon as i entered another room to do it, i would forget what i was doing. then
i would go back to the original room i was in to see if an object in there would help my memory. i would also try retracing my train of thoughts. most
of the time it didn't work and it would come to me at a later time, usually too late. can you imagine an entire day of this crap? i remember crying
because it really was disempowering; made me feel helpless, like i couldn't take care of myself.
God help those with alzheimer's...
Work was very difficult - i'd be talking to a customer on the phone, then blank out, then when i phazed back i had no idea what the conversation was
about. one time when i blanked out, i uttered babble and someone's name i don't even know. i remember when i "came to" i felt like you do when you
get woken suddenly while in a dream, like there's this fog on your brain that slowly dissipates. that was both embarassing and frightening at the
same time.
i also had splitting headaches that felt kind of like migraines, and the lymph nodes on the saide of my body were painful and swollen, even though
there was no infection.
anyways, i was going downhill fast. i went to see my herbalist, and he figured out that the problem was my fillings, but one in particular which was
right infront of the gaping tooth socket leaked the worst; it was leaking a huge amount because the dickhead dentist didn't mix it properly and it
was too soft. so due to laws of gravity lead trickled into the hole and stayed stuck, and just kept collecting into this pocket. this poisoned the
tissue causing it to not heal and (probably) the sutures to disintegrate, and it went directly into my bloodstream, brain and lymph nodes since they
are all in the immediate vicinity. add to that the fact that the treated gauze contained chemicals that made tissue absorb at a much higher rate, and
voila - alzheimer's at 32 years of age.
i got that filling replaced a white one 4 days ago, and now i can get out of bed as soon as i wake up (instead of after an hour), and memory's
better. headaches are gone, and lymph nodes have shrunk.
what a bloody nightmare - i was quite literally ready to die. i have never experienced anything remotely close to that in my life, and i've been
through alot. it was a very frightening experience to have such lack of control over your life. it felt like my mind was in a dark hole, and life was
this distant light it could never climb to, but could be heard faintly only if i concentrated hard enough. i would rather be in a wheelchair than live
life like that, hands down.
My memory still is poor but at least i can manage my life; i am taking herbs which are helping flush it out. But i need to also take the rest of the
fillings out.
anyway, i just thought i would share this because maybe it will help someone.