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1000 DEAD, just imagine that for second.

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posted on Feb, 4 2007 @ 09:14 AM
Go to and have a look at the front page.

Humour me, have a look and then think about the reality.

IRAQ: 1,000 die in week of carnage

1000 people, were slaughtered in a 7 day period.......
In the last decade, can you recall a time when Saddam murdered a 1000 people in 1 week?

Out of those 1000 people, lets say a 'average' family existed.
1 mother, 1 father, and 1 sibling.
So for every 1 person killed, 3 peoples lives have been devestated.
1000 dead, 3000 devestated.
How many wounded, or maimed? how many lives have been destroyed and limited to a wheel chair, or 24/7 care this week?

You think ANY one of them, believes its all WORTH... not having Saddam in Power?
Do you honestly believe these Iraqi's are sitting in the funeral home, thinking
'' I know they found NO WMD's, I know the evidence has been shown to be lies, but i am still greatful they murdered my president, they removed my stable water/power/sewage, they forced militia's onto the streets... becuase the life we have now, is better than it was under saddam ''
Why are people still believing we have brought IRaqi's a better quality of life?

No wonder they are begging for our blood.
Our lies, have done nothing to us, we have not paid a single thing for the lies, and mistakes we have made. Our leaders have not even been confronted for the lies they told......
Yet we keep on telling them, what we have done is all for their safety and security.

WEll how does it look when its revealed Dick Cheney has made $80,000,000 dollars of this war?

Was he motivated by the Iraqi's plight, or by his cash coffers?

But you know what, that isnt the part that bothers me.

What bothers me, is under the headline ' 1000 iraqis DEAD ' there's another story
'' Bush tells democrats he welcomes iraq debate ''


Where are his morals, his deceny.

This man should be spending every waking minute of his life figuring out how to save the iraqi's from a fate he enforced, that is FAR WORSE Than saddam could of EVER inflicted.

Bush is the focal piece, the man front and centre that the world percieves to mean '' AMERICA ''

America needs to save itself from this mess, and remove this man from power.

You need to show the world, he does not represent you anymore.

What are you doing America?
Why are you following this man? Wheres the country that stood for life, liberty and justice gone?

[edit on 4-2-2007 by Agit8dChop]

mod edit, fix edition.cnn link

[edit on 4-2-2007 by DontTreadOnMe]

posted on Feb, 4 2007 @ 09:39 AM
1,000 in one week... There are some statistics regarding civilian war casualties in Iraq, although hard to completely confirm, they are rather shocking. When the intent was to make the world more secure from terrorism, and the liberation of the Iraqi people from an evil dictatorship, leading to freedom and democracy, it seems the opposite has happened, and in fact, Iraq... Indeed it seems Iraqis are in a more dangerous, perilous place than prior to this US-led war...

Wikipedia Article

Estimates range from approximately 60,000 civilian deaths (Iraq Body Count project) to 655,000 total excess deaths due to the war (second Lancet survey of mortality).

The Iraq Body Count (IBC) project's figure of 54,432 to 60,098 civilian deaths reported in English-language media (including Arabic media translated into English) up to 24 January 2007 includes civilian deaths due to coalition and insurgent military action, sectarian violence and increased criminal violence. The IBC says the figure likely underestimates because: "It is likely that many if not most civilian casualties will go unreported by the media." [1]

The Lancet study's figure of 655,000 is based on surveys and sampling methods and estimates total excess deaths (civilian and non-civilian) up to July 2006, and includes those due to increased lawlessness, degraded infrastructure, poorer healthcare, etc. [2]

While these are only numbers, and estimates, it is rather shocking, and sobering when you really think about it.

posted on Feb, 4 2007 @ 11:16 AM
Blah blah blah. Yeah yeah yeah. All tremendous points, Agit8 (who is quickly becoming one of my favorite ATS members), but unfortunately, they are all falling on largely deaf ears.

Who cares? Americans are largely happy to remain behind their white picket fences, content with barely making a living, and damned be anything that would intrude on their little dreamlands. To find interested customers, Agit8, you would need to approach the Intergalactic Council, and maybe there you will find someone willing to listen, allbeit from another galaxy.

For at this point no phrasing of words in any form is strong enough to attract the attention of the subservient masses. None. You can tell them about the death tolls, scream about outrageous government spending, threaten the elderly with paying for Bush's wars with Medicaid and Medicare, sacrifice the blood of American youth for "freedom abroad," warn them of detention camps already contructed by the NWO, warn them of Israel's demand on American blood to pay for their protection, put surveillance cameras and National ID cards on them, and the list goes on and on and on and on.


A little loss of faith here on my part you say, eh? Lol. Nope. A little realism injected into attempted admonition.

Until the fruits of governmental corruption, war profiteering, and meddling in foreign affairs ultimately descend upon this nation in the form of big flashes of light and huge death tolls numbering into the multi millions on American soil, you really have no extended audience my friend. And of course by then it will be too late.

You heard the latest? The administration's request for a $245 billion war budget for this year? They aren't listening, Agit8. They don't care. All they see is more money, and the hell with human lives. To hell with THEIR lives is what I say. And someone, sometime soon, needs to take them. Brutally and without reserve.

You put Bush and Cheney on war crimes trials in front of an Afghan and Iraqi court, and we will see who will hang. Saddam postumously deserves their company on the gallows. If he hung for around 150 people's deaths, then it would seem Bush and Cheney ought to suffer much worse a fate for the deaths of well over 3000 times that. And Blair, Rumsfeld and the whole cabal can join them as far as I'm concerned.

posted on Feb, 4 2007 @ 12:34 PM

Originally posted by TrueAmerican
Until the fruits of governmental corruption, war profiteering, and meddling in foreign affairs ultimately descend upon this nation in the form of big flashes of light and huge death tolls numbering into the multi millions on American soil, you really have no extended audience my friend. And of course by then it will be too late.

When you look into it, war profiteering has been occurring ever since our country was founded. Even during the Revolutionary war there were Americans who became filthy rich (albeit not on the same level as today) by overcharging our government 3-4-5X what they normally would have went for, including making dummy corporations by inisiders to the war and directing business towards the corporations. I think its just been a grand illusion that things have been on the up and up during our 200+ years of existance and I guess it was for good reason.

I don't believe in all this NWO/Lizard etc stuff but there are definitly people out there who have probably been raised/reared on ideals that are intended to use their power to keep things in occasional chaos for the intention of keeping their treasure trove fully stocked.

posted on Feb, 4 2007 @ 12:44 PM
When was the last time Saddam killed a thousand people.

Did you honestly just ask that? Did you just start following politics or something? Ask a Kurd that.. that's all I have to say to that.

1,000 die. Like I have said before.. perhaps if Saddam did not rule as a tyrant his suppressed people wouldn't be out seeking revenge right now.

Oh, but you no doubt put the blame on America.
your out right anti-Americanism is so apparently worn on your sleeve it's almost funny.

Civil wars are healthy.. let em go at it .. then they will form two separate nations and be on their merry way. Why does this war upset you so much? Not the loss of life.. but because America did it.

posted on Feb, 4 2007 @ 12:54 PM

Originally posted by Rockpuck
Why does this war upset you so much? Not the loss of life.. but because America did it.

That's absolute crap. READ his post Rockpuck. It is much more evident that it is YOU who do not care about the loss of life. His whole POST was about the loss of life just about, and not the anti-american you want to make him out to be.

In the world of the living, there really are those that care and have sympathy towards the human loss of life. The problem is that very few of them seem to exist in government. Maybe you ought to run for congress, rocky.

posted on Feb, 4 2007 @ 01:12 PM
I couldn't agree more, Agit8dChop does not wear "his hatred for America on his sleeve". I think he has a right to speak his mind and just because he is pointing out things that make him mad, and rightfully so, does not make him hate Americans. I am mad that the executive branch has stepped over checks and balances again and again and America seems to care less as long as things go on here as normal (for the most part). Anytime people die it it not a light hearted matter no matter who they are. And yes he I think saddam was an awful man... but while he was fighting Iran, that America wanted to put another puppet in power to protect it's interests I.E. the sha, he could do no wrong and we turned the other cheek. Now that it's convenient to try him for those things it put's a bad light upon America. I am American, Agit8dChop do you hate me?? I strongly doubt it.

[edit on 4-2-2007 by shizzle5150]

posted on Feb, 4 2007 @ 01:14 PM
We have become very detach from the sufferings and results of war . . . due to the very well manipulated government propaganda and the media.

Even I, that do no support the war and consider myself very out spoken have a hard time tying to find a possible excuse to this carnage.

To me is nothing more than genocide behind the umbrella of liberation and war on terror.

I have said over and over that the war on terror is a hoax . . . and nothing more than an excuse for death, invasions and destruction of other nations for their resources specialy the in he middle east.

posted on Feb, 4 2007 @ 01:44 PM
Try and imagine a 1000 people. Do you know a 1000 people?

With so much death, and all the news broadcasts leading with the number of people dead in this or that war, who amongst notices.

In the UK, we have lived with terrorist acts for the last 30 years, and I know I never understood the number of people killed until a teacher asked us to write down the names of 100 people we knew.

posted on Feb, 4 2007 @ 02:38 PM
Americans are numbed out, dont care, or do care and are under-reported. So far over 60% of the USA objects outright to the war, some 30% still approve, so 60% do care, 30% dont, 10% claim they dont know if you follow those numbers. Yes as I said, who gets reported the most? The 30%. Also, even though your statement was metiprohical TA, I cannot recall the last time I saw a white picket fence middle class home while driving around the area I live in. I know where I can find 3 though in a town of over 10,000 people, and in a town north of me over 20,000 people in size there is about 40 homes or so, and most were built during the cold war. The bulk the US population is poor, below poverty, or homeless. There is 1% that hold ALL the money and ALL the power followed by some 20% that is the middle class, then as I said: the rest of us. 3-4 jobs, some have 5-8 jobs, still cant cut it, go drown themselves in alcohol on the weekend like most in my area, or drug themselves up to their eyeballs to escape reality. Then there are the ones who drown their sorrows in the TV programs and after all of what I just said you wonder why we have problems.
It is a fact: like sucks, a lot, did it always suck? No. This "oh everyone hates their jobs but you gotta do what you gotta do" is just a control method, a method to get people to just accept the world as a dark and dingey dungeon and live with it instead of changing it.

As for the Iraqis, the US military has done in 4 years what Saddam could NEVER have done in eight. Take the civilian death tolls from Vietnam, Korea, WW1, WW2, Columbia, Panama, Chile, and EVERYWHERE the US military has been and add it up, you will get staggering numbers that puts Adolf Hitler to shame. Dont forget foreign policy either, US military NOT being involved but just US foreign policy, 500,000 Iraqi children in 10 years in Iraq AFTER the Gulf War, THATS CHILDREN NOT THE ADULTS! How many still die from Agent Orange in Vietnam? DU in Yugolsalvia? Add it all up if you can find those numbers, because some wars never stop, they keep going because of the poisons left behind. Adolf Hitler would drool if he could see the US right now, he would drool because he would wonder how come he wound up in Germany and not the USA starting in 1967 or 2001. As someone else said: Third world dictators all dream about being dictator in the USA because the public is so numbed out they no longer care or if they do, they do nothing to stop it.

1000 Iraqis in one week, get used to it, even if this war "ends" get used to seeing their death tolls skyrocket because of depleted uranium.

Edit: wrong word.

[edit on 4-2-2007 by Vekar]

posted on Feb, 4 2007 @ 04:41 PM

Originally posted by marg6043
We have become very detach from the sufferings and results of war . . . due to the very well manipulated government propaganda and the media.

Even I, that do no support the war and consider myself very out spoken have a hard time tying to find a possible excuse to this carnage.

To me is nothing more than genocide behind the umbrella of liberation and war on terror.

I have said over and over that the war on terror is a hoax . . . and nothing more than an excuse for death, invasions and destruction of other nations for their resources specialy the in he middle east.

I expect people to die in war. Even when the war first started, hearing stories of soldiers dieing was sad, but not unexpected so I do not make any noise about it.

I am actually glad the Shia are fighting the Suni. It has long been needed, the tyranny has been lifted over Iraq and now the ones once suppressed will be able to claim what is theres, and take revenge on their one time rapist/torturers/seceret prisions.. the atrocities go on and on.

Marge, genocide would be Americans killing Iraqis.

I will give 100 bucks to the man who can present turthful evidence that American soldiers are the ones killing the civilians in suicide bombing and such. Best of luck with that.

OH. And you also forgot the mention.. that in that 1,000 deaths it includes
1. Insurgents killed
2. Iraqi security forces killed
3. American soldiers killed
4. Private contractors killed
5. Iraqi Police killed.
6. Civilians.

Of course.... it is better propaganda to combine every thing and play on emotion "1,000 people died!" and people mainly think of little old ladies and small children holding teddy bears.

posted on Feb, 4 2007 @ 05:50 PM
NOT ONE WORD, about those who kill for a disagreement about religious succession.

NOT ONE WORD, about fanatics who kill for their religious beliefs.

NOT ONE WORD, for Iran or Syria - the main external agitators.

NOT ONE WORD, for the self styled militias with their own aims for power.

NOT ONE WORD, in defence of the fledgling Iraqi democracy whom the people voted for.

NOPE, instead all we get here is more Bush derangment syndrome, which accomplishs absolutely nothing.

posted on Feb, 4 2007 @ 06:19 PM

Originally posted by Phoenix

NOPE, instead all we get here is more Bush derangment syndrome, which accomplishs absolutely nothing.

Sorry to burst the bubble but . . . Remember who the liberator is . . . Democracy is not something that can be given, it has to be wanted.

posted on Feb, 4 2007 @ 06:39 PM
So Marg your making a blanket statement that no one not one soul in Iraq wishes for democracy? What were all those purple fingers?

posted on Feb, 4 2007 @ 06:46 PM

Originally posted by Phoenix
So Marg your making a blanket statement that no one not one soul in Iraq wishes for democracy?

This is an issue becoming so tiresome sometimes, Iraqis wants democracy so much that as you can see they are fighting for it.

Sad that so many have to die while at it, right?

Nothing else to add to this anymore, after all 1000 deaths in one week it really shows how democracy is working alright.

posted on Feb, 4 2007 @ 06:47 PM
Thought it is sad and horrible that 1,000 people died in a 7 day span.

Sadam actually gassed and killed several cities at the same time once. I've seen the video and if I can find it, i'll post it. There were far, far more dead in a few hours because of this.

So quit acting like this is something new.

posted on Feb, 4 2007 @ 06:52 PM

Originally posted by Royal76
Thought it is sad and horrible that 1,000 people died in a 7 day span.

Sadam actually gassed and killed several cities at the same time once. I've seen the video and if I can find it, i'll post it. There were far, far more dead in a few hours because of this.

So quit acting like this is something new.

Heres some info on that gas attack,

The Halabja poison gas attack was an incident on 15 March–19 March 1988 during the Iran-Iraq War when chemical weapons were used by the Iraqi government forces to kill a number of people in the Iraqi Kurdish town of Halabja (population 80,000), as part of the Al-Anfal Campaign. Estimates of casualties range from several hundred to 5,000 people. Halabja is located about 150 miles northeast of Baghdad and 8-10 miles from the Iranian border.


posted on Feb, 4 2007 @ 08:21 PM
I see now the mentality behind the deaths, . .

As long as is not Saddam killing them Is ok for one thousand, 10 thousand and 100 thousand to die. . .

Because is not Saddam killing them.

Deny ignorance people the lame excuse is getting old. . .

posted on Feb, 4 2007 @ 08:43 PM

Originally posted by marg6043
As long as is not Saddam killing them Is ok for one thousand, 10 thousand and 100 thousand to die. . .

Because is not Saddam killing them.

Yeah, exactly marg, good point. You could have comfortably added 500,000 to that list, ma dear.

posted on Feb, 4 2007 @ 08:51 PM

Originally posted by Rockpuck
When was the last time Saddam killed a thousand people.

Did you honestly just ask that? Did you just start following politics or something? Ask a Kurd that.. that's all I have to say to that.

I love how people read, then quote things differently to what was asked.

I asked, In the last decade, 1997 - 2007 when was the last time Saddam murdered a 1000 people in one week.

Civil wars are healthy..

You are unfortunately correct.

Civil war, for it to be healthy has to come from within, it has to come naturally from people who are willing to die for a cause they beleive is JUST.

In this case, The Americans BROUGHT Them into civil war, and Iran/Syria have stoked them.
This is not a civil war of natural upbringing...
Had saddam of been in power, there'd be no civil war, like what we are seeing TODAY.
And if there WAS A Civil war under saddam, it would of been a HEALTHY one because the people themselves would be ridding saddam from power.. and now the AMERICANS.

But I still fail to see how 1000 people dying.. is HEALTHY.
Especially when they were regular women, men and childeren, some shopping in a market.. some driving to school.. some working...

[edit on 4-2-2007 by Agit8dChop]

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