posted on Feb, 4 2007 @ 07:06 AM
you raise a valid point. most people in disaster situations don't spend much time in combat. the quantity and quality of the guns, knives, and such
you have stockpiled is not of a great help if you don't face a horde of opponents, and i have yet to see a combat zone anywhere in the world where
any 10 year old kid did not have an ak or something equivalents getting guns is not a real problem. knowledge on the other hand something you can't
but at the store and use out of the box. when i retired i moved to a rural area so we could have a buffer from the greatest threat , cities and city
people. we have a garden and barn , wood burning stove and a wood lot. i have been given free of charge emergency training and equipment ( clothes,
radios, gps, first responder medical training, survival and land navigation training and much much more ) by being a volunteer firefighter and a medic
for the local sheriff's search and rescue team. i also read and try to practice low tech skills : wood working, blacksmithing, ect... there are a
great many sources for this like backwoods home magazine, the old mother earth news and such and there are tons of books on how to do just about
anything( something everybody should try is if something is broke fix it yourself). i really blows my mind when i see how many people don't even know
how to use simple hand tools, I'm not talking rocket science here just screwdrivers and hand saws hammers and nails pliers and bailing wire, hell man
who do you think you are going to call if something breaks in the situations we all talk about here. guns and gear are great and i have my share and
possably a bit more but skills of day to day living are what is going to save your skin not just marksmanship.