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Great UFO debate on Fox News' Heartland between David Sereda and Bill Nye the Science Guy

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posted on Feb, 3 2007 @ 08:05 PM
The Match Up,...

David Sereda,


Bill Nye, the Science Guy

Although I dont have a link to the video yet, it was great, they showed 4 or 5 different UFO's from the last month and both guests commented on them. To summarize, Sereda said the UFO's were more proof on the already compelling case made by retired NASA' pilot's/atronauts siting Joseph A. Walker(1st person to travel Mach 3,4, and 5) and Gordon Cooper. Bill Nye pointed to the fact that yes they were unidentified flying objects but that doesn't prove they are from outerspace. Nye went on to say that often times UFO's are covert planes and he cited 2 examples I only heard the second which was haveblue.

Did anyone else see this interview on Fox News, let me know.

[edit on 3-2-2007 by Low Orbit]

posted on Feb, 3 2007 @ 08:14 PM
I love Bill Nye

But like Seth Shostak says - - it is not about what I personally believe - - its about Science.

Science is about proof.

Science: A field of study seeking to understand natural phenomena through repeated observations and experiments.

Science: conclusions, while never final, must be based on evidence.

Seth has even admitted Seti has received signals - - problem is they did not repeat.

posted on Feb, 3 2007 @ 08:29 PM
Did Nye suggest immediate massive investigation into government secrecy on UFOs or is he content to let it continue to wallow in science's pathological disbelief that this subject can even be probable?

posted on Feb, 3 2007 @ 08:35 PM

Originally posted by Frith
Did Nye suggest immediate massive investigation into government secrecy on UFOs or is he content to let it continue to wallow in science's pathological disbelief that this subject can even be probable?

Nye, was content with the status quo on UFO's right now and said that most are attributed to secret planes or can be faked easily as well.

He also said something to the effect that with all the videos and picture taken weekly in the world, why don't we have 1 solid example, he concludes there isn't enough evidence to lead him to believe that extra terrestrials are visiting our planet.

posted on Feb, 3 2007 @ 08:41 PM
I haven't seen it but I'm pretty sure it will be replayed later tonight and I should be able to capture it.

posted on Feb, 3 2007 @ 08:42 PM
Hi There,

Science is about proof.

Actually, science is not about 'proof' (if by 'proof' you mean 'truth'?), but 'plausible proof', based upon the empirical observation of repeatability. Proof, per se, of 'something' cannot be proved fully, for the proof to be true, it must be proved that it is true infinitum...and that cannot be proved. Thus, science accepts its limitations on what it terms to be true, by calling it a 'fact', which is an accepted premise that fact bears a approximate relation to being true. Just being pedantic.

Best wishes

posted on Feb, 3 2007 @ 08:46 PM
I personally think that there IS solid proof, but the government will not let us see it, or touch it, or examine it, or officially know about it.

Now, I'm not big on conspiracy theories [and I hear you say, "WHY THE HELL DID YOU COME HERE OF ALL PLACES?
], but I have seen so much evidence I'm convinced there is something going on.

I don't know whether UFO's are alien in origin or man made.
I don't know if indeed there are aliens here, why they came, who they are, what they want, etc etc.
I don't know if they are interdimensional or cryptoterrestrial, or time travelers.
I don't know if they are all of the above or more.

But I know that UFO's, whatever they are, ARE real, and there is a mountain of evidence. Now if we could get our hands on the physical stuff that they aren't letting us touch, everyone except for a few people in denial would be convinced.

btw, isn't there a thread like this already?

posted on Feb, 3 2007 @ 08:49 PM
I'll just paste what I said in another 'science vs. UFOs' type thread.

*Deep breath* If someone would gather the greatest minds on earth, say the 100.000 greatest minds, all whom have not had any kind of UFO related experience. If that someone somehow absorbs all their information he'd be the most knowledgeable human on earth, no?

That human could not disprove one thing about UFOs. Even if he made the most brilliant equation known to man, taking to mind every single little detail that those 100.000 great minds know, there would still be an X factor.

We humans Don't know everything, and if science itself isn't a proof of that, then what is? Every debunker in the world bases their belief on the Improbability of it all, those debunkers forget two things.

1. There are infinite probabilities and no one knows which ones are more probable.

2. An assumption is nothing more than a mathematical estimation done 'on the fly' by the user. We humans are not perfect, and even with the perfect human (the 100.000 scientist guy) there are No safe bets.

---Next post---

The thing is, contrary to the whole 'proving god exists' deal with religion, is that there actually Is proof. For some reason though, humanity has dismissed photographic evidence as Real evidence. I guess I can get away with murder now that that's true. All I have to do is wear gloves and smile for the camera, showing me stabbing the victim over and over again and I'm scott free.

As for probability, what's more likely? An all knowing omnipotent god or extra terrestrial life, probably several thousand years ahead of both technologically but also genetically. I'm not saying they're connected, quite the contrary, I'm just saying, if you want to apply your debunker thoughts to One subject all together, apply it to religion.

[edit on 3-2-2007 by Drexon]

posted on Feb, 3 2007 @ 10:09 PM

Originally posted by elysiumfire
Hi There,

Science is about proof.

Actually, science is not about 'proof' (if by 'proof' you mean 'truth'?), but 'plausible proof', based upon the empirical observation of repeatability. Proof, per se, of 'something' cannot be proved fully, for the proof to be true, it must be proved that it is true infinitum...and that cannot be proved. Thus, science accepts its limitations on what it terms to be true, by calling it a 'fact', which is an accepted premise that fact bears a approximate relation to being true. Just being pedantic.

Best wishes

No Prob - - - the "Proof" part was just to get your attention.

Then I added the real descriptives below that.

posted on Feb, 4 2007 @ 12:02 AM

Originally posted by Low Orbit
Nye went on to say that often times UFO's are covert planes and he cited 2 examples I only heard the second which was haveblue.

The first example he used was the F-117.
When he said something about how it typically takes the military 20 years
to release information about secret planes, I'd ask him: Ok how come going back to the 1950's, UFOs have had greater performance capability than even today's top planes ?

I thought the debate sucked. The videos were cool but I recognized one as that UFO film from China that looks pretty damn fake to me.

posted on Feb, 4 2007 @ 12:19 AM

Originally posted by Schaden

Originally posted by Low Orbit
Nye went on to say that often times UFO's are covert planes and he cited 2 examples I only heard the second which was haveblue.

The first example he used was the F-117.
When he said something about how it typically takes the military 20 years
to release information about secret planes, I'd ask him: Ok how come going back to the 1950's, UFOs have had greater performance capability than even today's top planes ?

I thought the debate sucked. The videos were cool but I recognized one as that UFO film from China that looks pretty damn fake to me.

Exactly, I hate when people use that argument. These things were seen flying around in the 40's, and to suggest we had that type of technology back then is ludacris, and everyone knows it.

posted on Feb, 4 2007 @ 12:49 AM

Originally posted by Drexon
As for probability, what's more likely? An all knowing omnipotent god or extra terrestrial life, probably several thousand years ahead of both technologically but also genetically. I'm not saying they're connected, quite the contrary, I'm just saying, if you want to apply your debunker thoughts to One subject all together, apply it to religion.

But, in a universe of infinite possibilities, why limit your mind to either God or Extraterrestrials? Why does it have to be either/or? In a universe of infinite possibility, you can have both. Or neither. Or a billion-billion variations on any theme. All are equally valid. Why not consider an extraterrestrial that is so advanced, it answers every criteria of God that we can conceive? Or why not consider that there is no life anywhere else in the universe except Earth, and that what we call "extraterrestrials" are actually another older and more intelligent species that evolved on this planet first?

All of these are possibilities. Any bizarro nightmare universe is a possibility. Our logical scrutiny of Nature in no way reveals anything except, perhaps, the way the human brain functions. Think about that for a second — all of the grand conjecture and lofty thought and Scientific method and philosophy and art and religion and so forth only resides within the slippery brains of a stinking, farting, hairy species of creature that is still struggling for survival on Earth. Our so-called "logic" probably exists nowhere else in the universe, and we can barely communicate our highest thoughts to each other, much less to an extraterrestrial being.

Our Science hasn't actually brought us any closer to understanding even a fraction of a fraction of a tiny speck on a fly's butt of the sprawling mysteries in this universe. Our Scientific community (minority) wakes up in a new world everyday, happily discarding yesterday's laughable "facts" and lynching the dreamers who dare threaten the Scientific establishment with — gasp — NEW IDEAS.

The horror. The horror.

— Doc Velocity

[edit on 2/4/2007 by Doc Velocity]

posted on Feb, 4 2007 @ 01:10 AM
Doc' ,

THAT was an awesome post !!

I just had to jump in to say that.

At least tell me that wasn't 'off the cuff'.

Nicely done, regardless.

posted on Feb, 4 2007 @ 01:15 AM
That's pretty much my personal philosophy.

— Doc Velocity

posted on Feb, 4 2007 @ 01:25 AM
In fact it's strangely refreshing
to read a description of one of my frequent 'inner dialogues', and to get an answer to , "I wonder if other people think like this."

Nicely worded, my friend.

posted on Feb, 4 2007 @ 01:25 AM
I too think that was a nice post Doc, but I don't think the person you quoted was trying to say you could only have one or the other, just that you should apply the same strict skepticism people apply to the UFO and alien phenomenon to religion as well.

Too often in this world religion is seen as a given truth that is so great that it needs no evidence or proof, because trying to use logic or reasoning somehow questions the absoluteness of God, but that is a problem when there are so many religions that say they are correct and others are wrong, simply because they think they are and an old book says they are [will Harry Potter be seen as a holy text someday?], and that to disagree is a grave offense to God.

Bit of a sticky wicket!

posted on Feb, 4 2007 @ 01:33 AM
Sounds to me like we're all basically, on the same page , here.

The possibilities are sooo infinite, how can you ever hope to pick,
one over the other, with no proof?

posted on Feb, 4 2007 @ 02:11 AM
I am just glad its getting mainstream media attention more and more. Any publicity is good publicity so the saying goes. David did good with the time he had and I had a feeling that they were gonna edit his video to their liking not ours. That said...Good Job David.

As far as proof goes...this has been mentioned before...until a UFO lands in front of a camera crew and is televised world wide, or A govt, not specifically ours, ANY Govt decides to out the Alien info...skeptics will rule out any video, pic, or anything else related to UFO's being of Alien origin. Sorry, don't mean to sound cynical, just realistic. Scientists live in their own little world, maybe I should say that they resent any anamolies that don't fit their ideas and theories and UFO/Aliens threaten their ideology.

We, on the other hand, have the great responsibility to keep pushing foward, keep the knowledge base growing and expanding, don't let the skeptics win. Everybody on this board contributes in their own little or big way and that is the important thing. Don't give up. The UFO community has gained hugely in the last few years with the ability of common people to record evidence of UFO's and post it on the web for thousands to see. We are almost there. We will not stop.

posted on Feb, 4 2007 @ 05:35 AM
Nye is full of it. He's had too much of the limelight and it has turned him into an arschloch.

posted on Feb, 4 2007 @ 06:08 AM
Here is a clip to the full Lake Erie UFO video that was featured on tonights Fox News, they cut out all the best parts as you will see, I wonder why?

Make sure to check it out in Full Screen

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