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MAYBE the US isn't that bad after all (in comparison)

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posted on Feb, 3 2007 @ 07:04 PM
when reading a thread here of how other countries require militiary service for there country i had an intersting thought

you see most in the US hate this idea becaue we believe the war is unjust and the gov't isn't there for the reasons they state, but honestly ALL GOV'Ts are corrupt, (this doesn't make them good people) but honestly when human beings get into positions of power and greed they become corrupted if not sooner than later, ( it's human nature) which again must be held accountable but don't think that there is a perfect system either

people seem to have a misunderstanding or conflict in there beliefs i.e they were raised thinking the united states is such a beautiful perfect country and then they read conflicting evidence it is not and that yes gov't lie, gov't have black ops, gov't even manipulate the people and may even be willing to put some of there citizens in direct harm to forward a greed filled agenda, and some people take this info and decide that we must be worse than another nation because we have corruptions, and that this and that is unjust, well that is just unreasonable thinking, many other nations are far more corrupt than us, and the whole world is like that so you kinda gotta pick your poison, the world's leaders are corrupt and some are not even that loyal to there OWN countries, instead more so to there elite clubs or cabals, furthering agenda's that strengthen the leaders own respective powers first, and that of there nations second ( if at all)

in closing i would just like to say yes the world is f'd up and it seems to be getting worse by the day ( not into religion word for word) but i believe we are on the cusp of something great and that we as individuals are much more powerful than we HAVE BEEN TAUGHT TO BELIEVE and that this is pretty much something no body in power would want to encourage you to think about, infact surpressing this would be quite an advantage if you think about it, any way i digress and hope that before those complain that the united states are the big bad bullys it unjustly gives the average joe living here a bad name, the SAME way when someone points the finger at IRAQ or IRAN the people (the ordinary joes) get a bad name when in fact the gov't and people of power are often the one's who are the problem, but the powerful leaders may be puppets to the illuminati who orechestrate and formulate there conflicts in advance, not sure what else to say except that forgiveness to all is the answer , and those who you find it tougher to forgive those that have decided to sacrifice your feelings for there desires or greed were probably so far down there own personal ditches at those times that they were to drunk with power or scared to turn around and that they are human and should be forgiven ( but heavily medicated permanently or incarcerated)

it is what it is

[edit on 3-2-2007 by cpdaman]

posted on Feb, 3 2007 @ 07:12 PM
People criticise the US because we are on top at the moment. Look at russia, they just killed a couple of their old spies right on british soil, yet you dont get quite the same outcry that you would if it had been the US doing that.

You have to understand that alot of people outside the US are bombarded with alot of "blame america" and "let's hate america" type stuff because 1. they are actually ignorant about the USA 2. They want to go with the current fad 3. they dislike when americans take pride in their country and get off when americans speak badly about it 4. they think because we dont see things the way they do, we are "ignorant", the list goes on. They also tend to think that american broadcasts sugar coat american problems, well maybe they do, but most with a brain get the jist of the situation without having to resort to dramatics.

posted on Feb, 3 2007 @ 07:28 PM
well in order to being fair to "Both sides" some people seem to have the "that could never be happening in my country mentality" that blindly believe that the curroptions that run through many corportations and all major branches of legislature that are powerful can't be real or also that big phara seriously wants to have many healthy disease free american's walking around. where as in reality they have no problemo labeling what can be treatable conditions or possible "phases" as DISEASES and then creating subsets of diseases or broad criteria to widen there " target audience" so to make more drugs and legitamize it behind some authitatian word of a "DR" who also usually has financial gain or loyalty to said organization or corporation. before any flames let me make this clear the life saving abilities or our trauma units are second to none and we are great are surgery's and have access to some of the best ER doctors and physicians in the world and some of the most caring nurses and general doctors in the word it is just that the greed has also infiltrated the field of medicine THANKS IN part espeically to those that run the big pharma BOARD OF DIR. and those with intrests who do studies to approve this and surpress the healing ability of that

you know many people unjustly blame america for everything and compaign about our policy's on this and that when they have the safety of typing this from the comfort of there own computer and not in some third world county or dictatorship (where the quality of life is minimal) but u must admit others have the " it couldn't be happening in my country" sort of blind patriotism in there veins

i think that MOST humans really aren't that smart these days (while we have the capacity's to be ) or wether its apathy or both we are often to lazy or comfortable) and that the way our minds work by association and how it is easier for us to compatamentalize things into black and white ( again society conditions us to get used to instant gratification or the easiest i.e most convienient way to do things over critical thinking because conveinience seems to be rewarded or MARKETED through our lives)

[edit on 3-2-2007 by cpdaman]

[edit on 3-2-2007 by cpdaman]

[edit on 3-2-2007 by cpdaman]

posted on Feb, 3 2007 @ 07:51 PM
personnally i have a major problem with statements like "pick/choose your poison" *no offense to the OP for saying it*

but thats what the NWO is all about. even if you dont believe in the NWO, its common manipulation tactics. "the 2nd circle of hell is better that the 7th"

we should not have to settle for anything, america didnt start as a compromise.

america is the worse(in terms of corruption) country on this planet. the criminals(nonjailed kind) here have so many rights here its insane.

honestly ALL GOV'Ts are corrupt

which is way you should never settle for one.

People criticise the US because we are on top at the moment.

wrong - people criticize america becuase we have laws that clearly paint, "do as i say not as i do"

You have to understand that alot of people outside the US are bombarded with alot of "blame america" and "let's hate america" type stuff because 1. they are actually ignorant about the USA 2. They want to go with the current fad 3. they dislike when americans take pride in their country and get off when americans speak badly about it 4. they think because we dont see things the way they do, we are "ignorant", the list goes on. They also tend to think that american broadcasts sugar coat american problems, well maybe they do, but most with a brain get the jist of the situation without having to resort to dramatics.

this is far off the mark....

1 there is nothing intelligent about america to discover(farmers, rednecks, and the culturally twisted)

2 i cant/wont get into that

3 i dislike when i hear patriotic dribble comnig from ppl mouths..go figure

4 most AMERICANS are stupid ignorant fools.

5 i never heard that allegation, but our news teams are a joke.

the govt here is bad news. and to be honest its the people outside of this country that get to see it for what it is, as you mentioned are crack pot news teams fluff the hell out of everything.

but the people here are a different story. their kind, generous, and in some cases nice to be around(in small doses). but they are still fools.

their is only one country that has had more control over its people than the US and that was NAZIism. and america got jealous, now they want that kind of power.

[edit on 3/2/07 by Glyph_D]

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