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Somone Please Tell Me.... Flight 77

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posted on Feb, 7 2007 @ 04:27 PM
Cool... Both questions I'm less familiar with.. dangit, this crap keeps coming.
Ultima: I'm not familiar with that but have heard it around. If they really haven't released info, that's yet another odditiy, but could have different explanations.
Nick: I've seen the animation in Pandora's Black Box if that's what you mean. It is odd, but I don't know what to make of it. FDR stops at 9:37:45, supposed impact time but with the plane still in the air, half-mile or so away and 500 feet in the air. What does this mean?
1) Plane shot down there is why the FDR stops. No one has reported a 757 being shot down right by the Pentagon, no large debris field etc.
2) Overflight - 757 flies over Pentagon or otherwise diverts, FDR simply shuts off here or is truncated just as the "missile" hits, and then landed and downloaded.
3) The NTSB or someone truncated the video and scooted time-stamp back to foster consp. th.
4) There was no Flight 77, just this faked FDR, which they faked wrong.

And if this plane did not hit the Pentagon or clip the light poles, we're left with not only the old Q "where's the passengers" (where's JimmyHoffa?) but also what could pop the light poles and cause a 757-size damage pattern on the ground floor. I got it! 77 flew over, and then a missile shaped like a 757, filled with passengers and crew and five "terrorsists" en route to deport hearing in Cali is launched into the building, clipping light poles and plowing into the building. Now just skip the irrelevant overflying plane and you got my theory.

posted on Feb, 7 2007 @ 04:37 PM

Originally posted by Caustic Logic
Cool... Both questions I'm less familiar with.. dangit, this crap keeps coming.
Ultima: I'm not familiar with that but have heard it around. If they really haven't released info, that's yet another odditiy, but could have different explanations.

By law, the FBI becomes the lead investigative agency when airline crashes are the result of a criminal act, and the NTSB provides support when requested. However, the families were advised by FBI officials that the FBI is investigating only the terrorists. Why, then, have we heard nothing from the NTSB?

According to Mary Schiavo, former Inspector General of the Department of Transportation, "In every single aviation disaster, whether there was criminal activity or not, in every single one in the course of aviation history it has been followed -- not only where necessary a national criminal investigation -- but also a National Transportation Safety [Board] investigation into what went wrong in the aviation system so that it never happens again." NTSB experts would examine flight and data recorders, and ATC radar tracking data, as well as evaluate the transcripts of air controller-pilot conversations and study air traffic control service on September 11th. They would have also collected airframe wreckage at the scenes and interviewed eye witnesses. Finally, the NTSB would have assessed survival factors, based on documentation of impact forces, emergency planning and crash-fire-rescue efforts, all of which would have contributed to a better understanding of what happened that morning.

[edit on 7-2-2007 by ULTIMA1]

posted on Feb, 8 2007 @ 01:44 AM
and I meant to say "i'll look into it..." so thanks for the info. and sorry if I seem combative. It's just that on this issue, well, I guess I am.

posted on Feb, 9 2007 @ 06:03 PM

Originally posted by Caustic Logic
and I meant to say "i'll look into it..." so thanks for the info. and sorry if I seem combative. It's just that on this issue, well, I guess I am.

If you need any help with research let me know.

posted on Feb, 10 2007 @ 11:48 AM

Originally posted by Caustic Logic
And if this plane did not hit the Pentagon or clip the light poles, we're left with not only the old Q "where's the passengers"

If this were a government operation, then the passengers either were killed off somewhere else, or could have been false identities. This is exactly what was planned in Project Northwoods, so apparently the U.S. government has already considered this type of operation.

Also, the NTSB video of th Flight 77 flight path shows that Flight 77 could not have hit the light poles. If the video is correct, then this is incontrovertible evidence, not just "interesting." It would be the equivalent of somebody seeing Timothy McVeigh in Ohio during the OKC bombings, or spotting Lee Harvey Oswald in New Orleans the day Kennedy was shot. I.e.,. this would prove the official story to be a conspiracy by the government to murder U.S. citizens, and to cover-up the plot.

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