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Texas requires cancer vaccine for girls

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posted on Feb, 2 2007 @ 03:51 PM
Texas requires cancer vaccine for girls

AUSTIN, Texas - Bypassing the Legislature, Republican Gov. Rick Perry signed an order Friday making Texas the first state to require that schoolgirls get vaccinated against the sexually transmitted virus that causes cervical cancer.

Does anyone else here think that a Governor shouldn't have sole authority to make vaccinations manditory by signing an executive order? I guess he's just following the footsteps of another former Texas Governor known for signing presidential executive signing statements.

posted on Feb, 2 2007 @ 03:53 PM

Perry also received $6,000 from Merck's political action committee during his re-election campaign.

The New Jersey-based drug company could generate billions in sales if Gardasil — at $360 for the three-shot regimen — were made mandatory across the country.

Figures. Are there any polititians that aren't in the back pocket of big corporations anymore?

posted on Feb, 3 2007 @ 10:04 AM
why in the world would he bybass the legislature on this
totally there something else going??..i mean other than the obviuos ties to the drug company

if i was a texan..i would be outraged at this..

Beginning in September 2008, girls entering the sixth grade meaning, generally, girls ages 11 and 12 will have to get Gardasil, Merck & Co.'s new vaccine against strains of the human papillomavirus, or HPV.

Perry has several ties to Merck and Women in Government. One of the drug company's three lobbyists in Texas is Mike Toomey, Perry's former chief of staff. His current chief of staff's mother-in-law, Texas Republican state Rep. Dianne White Delisi, is a state director for Women in Government.

tell me again who runs the school, i must have missed to chapter on who big business controls the govt..

A top official from Merck's vaccine division sits on Women in Government's business council, and many of the bills around the country have been introduced by members of Women in Government.


posted on Feb, 3 2007 @ 11:56 AM
Interesting that this leaves out the homeschool kids.

I personally am against having MY daughter vaccinated in the next 3 years for purely pragmatic reasons.

Most cases of personal injury from vaccines occur when a vaccine is first introduced--- during the first 2 or 3 years. I don't want my child being Merck's guinea pig.

The federal government has a fund to reimburse parents for children who are maimed, killed, rendered sterile, or brain damaged by government mandated vaccination programs.

I wonder if the state has such a program. . . .

Homeschooling is growing by leaps and bounds in TX, (no wonder--we're in the bottom half of states, educationally). With the influx of so many illegal aliens, many classrooms are trending toward "English as Second Langauge," regardless of the material taught. Where I live, the school district wont publish numbers, but probably 10% of all kids are being home-schooled. But back to the topic.

I have no problem with a working cancer vaccine, once it's proven. While I hope my daughter will choose to remain celibate until marriage, I also want her protected regardless, in case of rape, etc.

At her age, I'm more worried about the vaccine damaging her, than I am about HPV, frankly.

Perry is making the right choice, but only if the vaccine is PROVEN. Not like the flu vaccine that sent me to an ER in 1999.

posted on Feb, 3 2007 @ 10:47 PM
Unless homeschoolers in TX do not have to report to the district or at least do not have to report which grade, then it would cover homeschoolers as well.

I live in PA, and heard of this recently. I got angry as you know what. So far I read in the news that 21 states were considering to make it mandatory. It could very well be that Texas did this behind the people's back just to get it started. When one state does it, more are likely to follow.

When I googled the issue, I found out it is not the cure for cancer as advertised by the media. There are at least 4 strains of HPV virus that can cause cervical cancer. This supposedly takes care of only 2 of the 4 strains. This is only a preventable action. If you already have the virus, the vaccine will not work. It will only work in women under 24 years of age. Sounds fishy if you ask me.

Also the tests were run on adult women in their child bearing years already able to have sexual relations. There have been no tests done on young girls. There have been no long term tests. They don't know what will happen ten or twenty years down the road. Nice, huh? We could very well have several generations of steril girls, or women baring deformed babies later on.

Even if you wait two to three years, the potential side affects as far as child birth goes will not be known until years later.

The other thing I'm concerned about is that the FDA passes too many drugs too quickly. Look at Vioxx, and what it did. How many other drugs have the FDA passed that made people worse off than when they started to take the drug in the first place.

As for hardly any side affects on this vaccine, I bet they haven't tested a large enough population to find out what they are as of yet.

I am scared that PA will follow suit and make it mandatory. I already wrote to HSLDA (home school legal defense association). One letter to a legislature isn't going to do anything. I figure I could at least give them a heads up that it could very well be an issue.

I wrote to them basing my arguement on parential rights, the fact that it was not tested for the age group the states mandiate it for, and the fact that there have been no long term tests done. I know they did a huge article on the fact parential rights were being taken away. The other arguement that can be used and has been raised is the religious one of morality and this causing confusion in children on sexual issues.

If you start having problems with this as a homeschooler, I suggest contacting them even if you are not a member. They sometimes will repreent non-members if an issue will affect the homeschool community as a whole.

One last thought: If the media would only tell the people the truth that it is not a cure all for cervical cancer and has not been tested long term, then the majority of the population would seriously be questioning the mandate. As of right now, they are being sheeple and believing the media lies.

posted on Feb, 3 2007 @ 11:02 PM
Texas is a "right to homeschoool" state. You don't have to report it to anyone. You're supposed to keep an affidavit handy, in case the school district asks. But once they've investigated, they have to leave you alone, or you can sue for harrassment. The standard is that you keep a record of your child's academic progress. You don't have to PROVE to anyone's satisfaction the degree of progress; merely that you are making a good faith effort.

Many kids that are homeschooled are special needs kids, whose moms thought they were not getting adequate attention from the school. For this reason, you don't have to "prove" progress---it was argued in a court case that not every public school child can be shown to make satisfactory progress, and CPS doesn't take THOSE kids away. . .

What does an immunization record look like? Mine is a card, with shots and dates written in ballpoint. No serial numbers or anything. Just the name of a clinic. Anybody could have produced the thing . . . . It might be a genuine card, that someone added to, later. The sort of thing that could turn out to be a "clerical error" if anyone investigated. I'm just saying, you know? There is no standard form. I'm just pointing that fact out.

posted on Feb, 4 2007 @ 04:41 PM
You are lucky. I live in PA, which is one of the worst states to homeschool in. Not only do I have to have an evulator say I'm doing enough to homeschool, but also it has to cross the superindentands desk. I have to have all shot records up to date. NY is worse though, having to submit quarterly. If they require this in PA, then either I will fight it, or move to another state. Hopefully a more homeschool friendly state.

posted on Feb, 6 2007 @ 05:02 PM
This is interesting. I'll have to look into it more...

No Law To Mandate Dangerous, Untested HPV Vaccine

There is no law in America, aside from those applying to medical workers, that says you or your child has to take any vaccine whatsoever, no matter what any executive order, requirement, mandate or policy dictates, there is no situation where you can go to prison for refusing a government vaccine under the U.S. constitution and the law of the land.

posted on Feb, 6 2007 @ 05:07 PM
This is purely criminal... The tests proved that this HPV ISN'T dangerous, they kill less people than lightning strikes every year. Also, the average age to catch this HPV is 45 years old...and if you are druged or a prostitute, you only have that if you have a weak health and they want to give the shot at 9, yeah right. They already gave this shot to millions of people and there's very bad reaction... people are sick.

AND THERE'S NO LAW to get a shot.

posted on Feb, 10 2007 @ 07:31 AM
I asked my wife about this; she works in healthcare.

She said the vaccine is functionally near worthless; that there are multiple strains of HPV, an this only is targetting one or two of them.

She also said (before I saw the link to prison planet) that the governor cannot force you to get a shot for your kid, and that it's illegal in TX to deny them entry into school b/c of lack of vaccinations; because the un-immunized child of say, polio, poses absolutely no risk to immunized kids, and so there is no medical reason. They can demand you sign a waiver, but nothing else.

I figure she knows what she's talking about; she used to immunize school kids for side money when we were first dating.

Purely as an aside, several of my female friends from college, 4 of them, had to have surgery for cerivcal cancer. Is that related? All of them took birth control for a decade or more, smoked the whole time, and were sexually active.

I felt it was connected to the birth control, since women I know who use natural contraception were shocked by all these old aquaintances getting cervical cancer.

all the best.

posted on Feb, 14 2007 @ 07:58 AM

Originally posted by dr_strangecraft

Last year 240000 americans were killed by FDA approved prescripton drugs and 1.2 million hospitalized...

did the major news media mention this... they GET paid to advertise theses drugs...

all we HEARabout now..

is terror ..terror...terrooorrrr...TERROOORRRR!


terror that...

terrorist have only managed to kill about 5000 americans over 6 years...

yet 240000 killed by the FDA.

thats a nuke going of every year in a town....




AND MADE $25 MILLION PROFIT AFTER orchestrating a panic campaign... ...did you see it...every news bulletin ...bird flu is coming to get you...



of course we don't need to worry
about some jap kids as we are the superior american race free from oppression and have democracy....and justice for all....

[edit on 14-2-2007 by esecallum]

posted on Feb, 14 2007 @ 08:11 AM
Sorry to disappiont you but yes a student can be barred from attending school in Tx.
the following link is to a pdf file that outlines the required minimum immunizations that the state requires for all students. It also lists the only exception Minimum Immunizations for Texas Education System
I am very glad that I do not have a daughter for I would never have her be forced to get this shot without a great deal more testing has been done. Even the medical societies are against this move by Perry.
I am wondering just how much he has invested in Merk?

posted on Feb, 14 2007 @ 08:24 AM

Originally posted by kenshiro2012
Sorry to disappiont you but yes a student can be barred from attending school in Tx.
the following link is to a pdf file that outlines the required minimum immunizations that the state requires for all students. It also lists the only exception Minimum Immunizations for Texas Education System

Gee, I clicked on your source and found this, in about 30 seconds. . . .

(lifted from Kenshiro's link, about halfway down the page)

The law allows (a) physicians to write a statement stating that the vaccine(s) required would be medically harmful or injurious to the health and well-being of the child, and (b) parents/guardians to choose an exemption from immunization requirements for reasons of conscience, including a religious belief. The law does not allow parents/guardians to elect an exemption simply because of inconvenience (a record is
lost or incomplete and it is too much trouble to go to a physician or clinic to correct the problem).

. . .Instructions for the affidavit to be signed by parents/guardians choosing the exemption for reasons of conscience, including a religious belief can be found at Schools should maintain an up-to-date list of students with exemptions, so they can be excluded from attending school if an outbreak occurs.

There you go. You tell them it's "reasons of conscience" that prevent your child being immunized. That's all it takes.

(edit for cut & paste)

[edit on 14-2-2007 by dr_strangecraft]

posted on Feb, 14 2007 @ 09:20 AM
and I of course pointed out that there was exceptions

It also lists the only exception

posted on Feb, 14 2007 @ 02:54 PM
Well, the exception makes vaccination not be compulsory.

Basically, You're child must be immunized, unless you inform Texas that your conscience tells you it's a bad idea.

In which case, the state has set up a program so that anyone who chooses to, can opt out. And they will call you if an epidemic breaks out for which you have refused the vaccine!

So, no, your kid cannot be barred from school, unless you also refuse to fill out the paperwork. In other words, you as a parent could ignore the governor's order, as long as you explain that what you're doing is a matter of principle, and not just laziness. The governor is forcing lazy people to go ahead and get their kid vaccinated.

Frankly, any parent who is to lazy to resist this "order" from the governor is also too lazy, or uninformed, to do much else for the kid. Like, say, enough sex education to know the disease risks involved in sex. Maybe for the kids of those parents, an HPV vaccine might be a wothwhile risk.

Look, I find Perry's action unnacceptable; his campaign manager from the last election now works for Merck. So even if no money has changed hands yet, it still stinks.

Do I feel trapped by this bit of gubernatorial hubris? No. I feel more trapped by the 75 cents in tax on gasoline.

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