posted on Feb, 2 2007 @ 08:07 PM
Dark Energy = negative energy = Quintessence according to M. Tom Bearden. He also explains that capacitors and resistors have special properties to
interact with the Dark Energy. Sometimes converting, sometimes amplifying.
I'm not sure if Dimension is quite right to use in this case, we should probably be saying, Vibration level or Frequencies. M. Bearden explains that
particles can be polarised in many ways. We are used to 2 polarities, negative and positive.
Some of the particles can take other Polarity or attributes. I'm thinking about photons, gravitons and the like. Those attributes can then be handled
by different laws of physics.
But at the very base of all this, is pure energy manifested in various forms.
Our star people friends probably have a full understanding of the quantum laws and that would explain why some of the objects in our air space seems
to appear and vanish. It's in fact nothing magical. Once particles vibration level are passed a certain point, our eyes can't catch the high level
frequencies they have reached.
Another reason for been able to start their spacecraft with a 26volt battery
It doesn't take much to trigger the flow of dark energy into circuitry.
Check out A load of excellent books including this one
[edit on 2-2-2007 by tock]